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Everything posted by discophish

  1. Excellent report! Glad to see some success. I fished Stoney on Saturday but we didn't even come close to what we were expecting, one small pickerel for a mid afternoon bounce. I should have followed the boat that was bringing in some fish! You are right about the Stoney navigation, it's tricky. I was fishing from my buddies boat which has the Lowrance 510 with no map. We wanted to fish the shoals toward Clear Lake with a paper map, but couldn't find them via the marked waterways. The friday storm followed us up to Bancroft and I think one little cloud chummed around to hover over the boat on Saturday. Great to get out anyway.
  2. Kesagami. I have always dreamed of going. You just shot all the pucks in the net, and left the rest for us to score that same goal one day. Thanks for lending hope to get to that better place, and inspiring us to get out and fish! After reading that, I am feeling the need to take the day off work tomorrow and start my weekend early! Thanks again for the fantastic read!
  3. Jigs are probably the most versatile baits to fish for almost any species. Keep an assortment of colours, jig weights, and body types. You can mimic almost anything using a jig with various combinations in your presentations. You can penetrate all depths of water, and they work well when the bite is up or down. To stay comfortable when camping, don't forget a good axe and keep some wood dry. For a wet weekend, it's good to rig a canopy high over the pit for continuous flame. A survival/first aid kit may save your weekend as well. And yes, lots of garbage bags and zip locks. Enjoy!
  4. Excellent news! Congrats to yet another personal best! C-c-c-cold out tonight! Man, I should really tighten up on my time management. In the first hour of my fishing, I'm just starting to untangle myself from the spools of line, rooting through the bags trying to decide my first cast, eating snacks that are supposed to last me the entire day, looking for things I just had a moment ago, catching my breath because too much is going on at one time but really nothing is happening at all, and again looking for that cake that I had a second ago ... did I already eat it? In that time, you managed to arrive, set up, catch your personal best, pack up, and depart. Piece of cake! Now where did that go to? Congrats again!
  5. Awesome pictures! I spent weeks and weeks and more weeks camping solo around that neck of the woods, and I can totally understand your passion for such a beautiful place. BC and its Rockies has inspired me in magical and spiritual ways. And being Canadian makes the trips that much more special to me. Ever think about living there? I would love to move out there, and I really hope I spend the better part of my life in the higher altitudes of BC. Both my parents were born there. Thanks for the great memories that your pictures rekindled.
  6. It doesn't matter what your intentions are, you guys still end up catching fish! Things are just meant to be. Congrats to both of you and your surceases and great efforts to achieve them. I am envious.
  7. Hey Rizzo, I bet that 40 incher is your sheep that jumps over the fence now and for a while before you doze off each night! Hehe. Congrats to your pb catch! She's very fine indeed. There is a reason a fish makes it to 40 inches, and they behave curiously and cautiously just to let you know that you are on their territory. Good job! It sure is exciting to get to new lakes, especially the local ones that you have always wondered about.
  8. Awesome! I have studio profile headphones and this sounds simply amazing. I can only imagine what the original recording sounded like before the compression in high definition! Thanks for the link. The recording reminds me of the Cheech and Chong Mr. Chitlin skit for some odd reason.
  9. Lew, on behalf of Selena (H2Whao!) and I, we send our warmest condolences to you and your family. Your warm heart, love, and compassion can be truly recognized, and we thank you for sharing your brothers life and his ability to positively impact you and your family, as well as this great community. Life is a memory with high regards, and great device to remember who and what we love and cherish. Russell
  10. We are a little north of Parry Sound, and we spent last weekend around the cottage eating black flies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. <shiver>. Fishing was very uncomfortable with the exceptions to fishing in the fast wind and night after 9:30pm or so. I'm still picking the little buggers outta my teeth. Gotta take a break from them next weekend and put the boat in a more southern lake. The mosquito's were not all that bad, it's the damn black flies. Don't let the pesky fellas discourage you from visiting though. Some predictions say that they will lag a little between their cycles, so we can hope for minimal air strikes. Good luck with the fishing!
  11. Hey PigeonTroller - that's the northern Harris Lake you are referring to north of Point Au Baril. I have actually spent all my 32 years up there. You are right about the Magnetawan though, it is heaven on earth. We fished at the cottage last weekend, and would have had more luck jigging in our water bottles. Harris Lake off the 124 is a fine lake according to friends who have rented there. During their week long stay, they didn't catch much. But that could be the relative to many factors ... for all I know they were casting their rubber boots out to lure the fish. Lake Manitouabing is nearby, and that's a BIG fish lake. Good Luck!
  12. Wow John! These are awesome! Did you have to experiment with prototypes to get them relatively tuned, and use the best design to spec the final lure? I love the design and the paint job you have achieved, especially considering that you have limited workshop resources. The upper displayed lures have a cool resemblance to the Jake. I should have picked one up while I was at the Byng last weekend to troll behind the boat. But oh yeah, it was so windy that we were going more backward when we wanted to move forward. When are these fine pieces of artwork for sale? <wink> Excellent job again, I'm impressed! Russell
  13. Green with envy. Great job you two! You have been on fire! May I suggest that you start wearing metal helmets on the river ... to become one of them ... the steelheads. It seems you have been hanging out with them on a regular basis. I wish I had a good relation with the fish. They never want to be in the same picture with me. All I get is nose in the air, flippers crossed, and a head shake ... and they take off. Very rude. No means no I guess. <sigh>
  14. What? Are you serious? You mean there is a plug in the boat to install before backing it into the water? Hrumph. No wonder the boat was gone after we pushed it into the water and walked away. I though we had our backs turned too long, and someone took off with the boat. So it must have sunk! Ahhh, that makes more sense now, especially since nobody else was around except us. We interrogated each other to the point of exhaustion ... pointing fingers, waving our arms, and some biting was actually exhanged. At the end of the day we had nothing to say to Officer Racoon and Officer Chimpmunk. Haven't had a chance to get your ex out yet. She's looking a little blue. I think she needs some water. The ice is starting to receed from the shores around the cottage. Can't wait Moe! What's this about a plug?
  15. Awesome job! I bet your meals are extra tasty these days. Your pallet for the old taste styles gets a little bland after a while .... smoked meats, smoked vegables, smoked pastries, smoked wine, smoked toothpaste, smoked chocolate bars ... well, you get the hint.
  16. Sorry, I had something bad to say about a hitch company from my personal experience, and reconsidered it as a bad taste. So I edited it to this. It's really not fair considering that people may take one opinion too literally. Seems as though I can't delete my own post.
  17. Eat lots of sunflower seeds! ... the dill pickle flavour. When I'm stressed out, I spit seeds. If you are feeling really wreckless, spit them and don't bother cleaning up! Hehe. Try that at another home other than your own. Keep it up! People are following. Cheers to your achievement once again, you are doing a great job for yourself and your family.
  18. H2Whoa! and I were heading south on the 400 from Parry Sound and we both caught the spectacular event in HD wide screen format from the Jeeps windshield while travelling uphill. The meteor entered the atmosphere almost at eye level, and observed it from start to finish. It seemed to travel almost in slow motion, and the tradjectory was interesting to witness as well as it had a distinct arc to its path. What an awesome experience. I have actually seen one larger that the one last night many years ago, which caused an enormous hype. A memorable sighting indeed, especially away from the city lanterns. When we get some pictures ready, we should have a report from our weekend up north ... unfortunately the Jeep doesn't come equiped with camera ready capabilities! Damn Daimler! Only a matter of time
  19. I really enjoyed your report, and you writing style is something to admire. Congratulations on your PB catch! What a fresh fish! I'm still sittig on ice now, but looking forward to hit the tribs soon. PB&J ... not the (J)elly, but (J)olly good time. Keep up the great work!
  20. Awesome job Jon. Talk about dedication and a strong will. That drive up there and back isn't all that short of a measure, that's for sure. Sorry to hear about the skunk. Even though the skunk stinks, the smell doesn't last forever. When the weather is good, fish or no fish, you can't beat the great experience of the outdoors. Like I said before, make the things you look forward to the most worth the sacrifice. Stay strong.
  21. Awesome job! Those are some fine specimens coming from that part of town. There's enough slush on that lake to supply all the 7-11's in the GTA with yellow slurpies. Hopefully we can get into that same school this weekend. Cross our fingers! Hope I don't need my Spongebob water wings and my skin-toned speedos to get me across the lake, going to be a little wet and warm up there. Now where did I put those flippers and Dora bathing cap?
  22. My lungs are pooched everytime I play hockey, I can't hold my breath long enough when I'm upside down in my kayak, and when I huff and I puff and blow the house down, my lungs dislocate down to my stomach until I burp them back up again. This is a direct result from sucking on the devils finger. Perhaps to make things easier is to actually have a more tangible result to your success. Put $10 (cost of a pack) into a jar relative to the amount you smoked per day, and that will keep you motivated. All you have to do is embrace the jar when you crave ... and think of things you can do with that cash. Something worth the sacrifice ... set your goal to something that makes you excited to look forward to and cash in. You see, some people need a more immediate result, rather than a long term affect. Hasn't worked for me yet, but I'm honoring that method almost more than helping out my health. I have 3 months to quit ... then it's cottage season. Too hard to stop then. Keep up the great acheivement! And stay proud.
  23. Taking into consideration that our lake stocks on average 800,000 pickerel fry a year, during the 8-9 year program, I still only take a few back to the cottage kitchen in an entire cottage (open) season. When you pack steaks, you have to eat them! That's not many fish considering the fact that I fish up there almost every weekend throughout spring to fall. Disco Phish
  24. While reading all the responses to this thread, I can concurrently conclude that 50/50 of this threads response sample has a male to female relationship in which they share a mutual passion for the sport of fishing. Some people manage to break free and fish without their girlfriend/wife, boyfriend/husband, many on the other hand, are lured in to one another and bound by non destructive fishing line that never seems to break no matter how sharp the scissors or buck knives are. Which brings me to say .... You mean I actually have a choice whether or not I can fish alone, or with my buddies, without my girlfriend????? I don't understand all of this! When my girlfriend demands to go fishing (pinning me down in a headlock, pulling my eyelids over my eyebrows, fingers in my nostrils ... of course till I say "uncle") she goes fishing. All this time, she's had the nerve to tell me that she is the boss, and these are the rules that ALL relationships must abide by. So, does this mean I can say "no"?????? Ouuuu ... hmm, let's think rationally here. Am I prepared to suffer the consequences ... hmmm. I am starting to shake shiver a little. <brrr> In all seriousness, she's the one getting me on the dock and into the boat at the cottage. But its sometimes fun to hang upside down from the trees when she comes to get me .... even though she hanging me there to dry. Ha! It just worked out that way even before we met each other. No effort, or even having to ask each other if/when we want to head out on the water. It's automatic, because it's all of the time. .... <walking away ... heard from a distance> "Honey ... I just read a post on OFC proving that couples have choices in their relationships" <BONK! > ............................... <Silence>. Disco Phish has been forcefully put to sleep (not my choice)
  25. Awesome! I wish you all the success! Purchasing minnows can have you running around a little up there. You can drive to Glen Orchard, or the Healey Lake Marina (opened all year) ... they used to have minnows, I'm not sure about this year. You may find some good fishing around there too this time of year. I know I have. Let us know how you did! Silverlake should be a fine stay. Parry Sound isn't all that far if you are craving some dirty bird or pizza too A couple of my friends have cottages to the N/E of Minden, but I have yet to get to horseshoe or gull. I have heard lots about that lake. I have been on the Gull river amongst all the kayakers, and the bait shop has pictures of HUGE lakers from those waters. Bought my white water kayak from the store in town, and the store owner claims to have lost fish of substantial sizes. Bah ... all fish stories! ... lost fish ... , well what about the caught ones? hehe We will make that trip soon. As H2Whoa! mentioned, we barely moved around. Theoretically, we should have moved during the lag times in the mid aft. Thanks everyone!
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