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Everything posted by workwear

  1. well he did all sorts of tests....but no i didnt see any evidence ..thanks brian ill phone em in the morn.....what a kick in the cajones!!!
  2. hello everyone....soooooo enbridge just left my house and told me my furnace is toast.....just what i needed right before xmas!!! was wondering if anyone knows what make or brands i should be looking at or if there are any tech's here that could sell me one.....house is aproximately 2500sq any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  3. i thought the best fish was ...the one that taste like chicken..........
  4. class act!!!
  5. extremely tragic!!!
  6. i believe the baitfish get 'pushed'with the wind and the predatory fish follow

  7. what a beast!!!
  8. funny how some kids wait an wait an wait....my daughter is in the same situation...i dont get it!!..i remember when i turned 16 i got my 365 that same day and fully licensed by months end....todays kids dont give a rats ass i guess... i told her to get it cleared up...if she doesnt im buying her a metro pass for xmas!!
  9. ever think of goin south and doin a lodge on the mayan riviera...3500 for a week chasing the super slam and plus all the amenities one could think of.... ascension bay is supposed to phenomenal.....cuda ,bonefish,permit,tarpon...plus a few more species to be had...
  10. we booked at the borcelo... can we say bonefishing!!
  11. nice truck!! great pics.... will be down doin some snorkeling in mexico in jan hope to hit a few reefs like that
  12. too bad its for a bait caster......great price tho
  13. Myself and my dad...I have been waiting for this picture for a long time. the best part of the story!!!...well done
  14. smooth and silky.....no scales
  15. nice truck!!!
  16. im pretty sure youll have a great time....i unfortunately didnt make it out there...buddies dog was diagnosed with cancer and had to have surgery....the lodge operator was first class tho...returned our deposit...class act!!!
  17. might wanna check your battery connection for the stalling....had a similar prob on my motor while at wot...it was a loose connection at the battery
  18. nissan has sent every cvt owner an extension on their tranny warranty...i believe its 200k.. i personally love the way my altima shifts and accelerates ....at first i thought there was something wrong with the tranny.... couldn't feel the shift....hmmm...the more i pushed the accelerator the more it just climbed in speed....no shifting!!! well after some educating....i now love my cvt...
  19. ive always been intrigued by this fly in type of adventure....and now reading mike's epic report has put this need in high gear....thanks mike!! but ive always wondered ...what would one need to spend on a decent to good outfitter... i guess you do get what you pay for..... just curious...
  20. incredible!!!!.......when can i get an invite...lol... just amazing!!!
  21. thanks guys....and its booked!!! hopefully ill have a nice walleye report when i get back!!!
  22. hey guys ...planning a fall trip up north....found this intresting lake...olive on the lake...anyone ever heard of it want to really go to dogs lake but its 12 hrs away... just wanna fish for a few eyes and some fall smallies.. thanks
  23. been to lac ste marie a few times.....south end of the system is a struggle....but the north end is a blast...pm me if your goin...ill share a secret or two....
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