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Everything posted by workwear

  1. ive done well with normal twister tails.....2 in and 3 in......in chartruese....all the best of luck Joe
  2. thanks bud....im on the fence on whether to do mine this year......or maybe next year.... ive been quoted well over 3k to paint a just the stripe on my boat...that to me is insane!!!
  3. hey wayne how well does that stripper work.....just a blast from a pressure washer will do??......or is there still scrubbing and sanding to do
  4. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10152760644435613 a must see for all the senorita's fans
  5. this is our 3 year old wiemeraner....tia .
  6. you did say he was 11 right.....???...wow what a collection so far....lol....and the addiction will start very early!! wtg dad!!
  7. ill be there sunday morn.....if anyone needs a pair of free tickets...pm me and we will meet at the front door...
  8. ya ive had a few laughs with my motor...totally by accident hitting the thrust button while the motor is pointing the wrong way....lol...a few guys have gone over board...
  9. i have a 101 lbs thrust and still get all bound up on occasion....ive tried 2 blade and 3 blade...2 is not that much better...
  10. hello everyone....was wondering if anyone could recomend a good training facility that offers agility training...my little tia...a 3 year old wiemeraner was asking me to find a place for her.... thanks in adavance
  11. nice ride bud....play safe!!!
  12. where are you getting this surgery done....years ago i had shwinomma....thats a growth on my spinal cord....had a wonderful doc perform the surgery....i had my surgery at st mikes all the best of luck!!!
  13. thanks randy...ill buzz them in the mornin....
  14. hey guys...friend of mine is taking over a new warehouse....floor has old epoxy on it...he wants to recoat it...now here lies the question...i need to remove the old and reapply the new does anyone know of anyone that has an industrial grinder...or even a shot blast machine...project is bout 10,000 sq ft what kind of cost would we be looking at ..time frame... project is to start beginning of the year thanks
  15. stones are on now!!!...amazing...keith is still alive!!
  16. your poor pup must be goin crazy right now.....lol...."let me att'er let me att'er!!!"
  17. by far the best fresh water fish ive had.....but be fore warned...its a real heavy fish to eat...
  18. very nice....and welcome to the best fishing board!!!
  19. king city trailer???...might wanna re think that....
  20. have you checked if you can fit it in after you passed the pillar??...i have a 19 ft lund...and i have to angle it in my garage....it wont fit straight in...you might have the same problem...motor and a fold away youll have an extra 2 plus feet...bringing you very close if not more than 20 ft....check your depth first..
  21. my bow mount is close to 60 in i believe...
  22. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/D4iWcFr4fTA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> ive just discovered this guitar genius!!!
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