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Everything posted by workwear

  1. you sure thats not a largemouth?....very very nice!!
  2. thanks randy......info greatly appreciated
  3. i guess you guys are right....im stayin at manitou lake lodge...just north of nippising ..south of lady evelyn...web site is http://manitoulakelodge.ca/ ...was told its 4 hrs drive from toronto... looking round the web i see its a multi specie's lake...from trout to walleye's...to giant pike and muskie's...now im not sure where bouts on the lake we are...
  4. hey guys...plannin on goin up to manitou lake next week.....i was wondering what type of bait....lures work up there..hot colours...this sort of info.....plan on targeting walleye's.... better to jig for them or troll for them.....any info would be greatly appreciated...
  5. well done.....no wonder a buddy of mine calls it the pike farm.....lol.....has a cottage on the east side of cooks...
  6. thanks for that !!!!......how true...
  7. walleyes.......and i was on a reserve....
  8. there is a problem with over fishing ...and that is for sure.....BUT.. and i hate to bring it up... last fall fall i went fishing with a friend of mine...i brought a few rods and a small tackle bag ..thinking of landing a few walters.....well as soon as he saw my bag and rods he laughed!!! i was wondering why....he started to explain to me ...they dont fish that way up there.... well long story short...huge nets were used...harvested over 200 walters....i was in shock!!! and it was all legal!!! ill never do that again!!
  9. awwwsome report!!!...thanks for sharing!!!
  10. any mechanic shop will do it.....my mechanic installed mine for free....4 bolts and taaa-daaaa
  11. i think the wsib organization is a complete scam!!! why cant i have personal insurance that covers me 24/7..365 days a year....instead of wsib, which only covers within working times im all for health and safety boards....but wsib??...just another excuse to give work to government pencil pushers!! i am forced to have this goverment insurance...its a complete crock!!!
  12. ever been on the other end paying for wsib??.....ive been on both ends receiving and paying....and trust me...paying for premiums and benefits when workers arnte up to par....HURTS!!! years back i was followed when i took a claim out from my last employer....but i was never caught doin anything that i claimed i couldnt do....so it was all on the up and up....i did approach the investagator tho...it was hilarious when i went over and said hello to him...he wasnt a very good investigator....he stammered and stuttered a bit and basically told me that he wasnt following me...but i knew better... but anyways....employers are very nervous bout these things....and its no wonder that they take these measures...accidents can and are costly!!
  13. maybe he should get a quote from falcon kitchens......
  14. wow you did all that and havent ordered your kitchen yet??......custom kitchen will take bout 4-6 weeks easy you may get a faster turn round at the big box stores tho....good luck
  15. great little motor bill...have had it on my boat for 5 yrs....great kicker!!! is it a tiller or did you get the side controls for it...i think im goin to get the controls for mine this year...havin it workin as a tiller is a pain...
  16. that smile says it all.......nice fish!!!
  17. very nice day out!!!
  18. hey doc...while your passion for this topic is admirable....take your fight to the right ppl...ITS NOT THE OWNERS FAULT!!
  19. nice fish porn!!! and i agree the ipilot is a great toy!!!1 have it on my riptide...
  20. time to buy a few politicians and start playing the game!!! i see it all the time with developers and Councilors.... its an unfortunate system....but thats how it works...wrong or right
  21. my opinion on this...is that the so called billionaire has done nothing wrong as to keep trespassers off of his land...who am i to tell him what to do with his money...im sure he pays taxes and hasn't murdered anyone to get his riches...if he can influences the so called powers at be...why should we begrudge him...he has the power and is able to do whatever he can within the laws.. regardless if the so called water is public is irrelevant here...he owns the property around the lake... you have to trespass to get to the water....and thats illegal the person to blame here is the goverment...they sold him the land the government should be held accountable...not the billionaire now having said that the government is to blame, we have to understand why would the government sell out to the rich...and here lies the problem we face in the world today..in my opnion the government is up for sale to the highest bidder....happens all the time if we have a beef with this...damn the government not the billionaire
  22. awwwwsome pics....thanks for sharing!!
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