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Everything posted by workwear

  1. is there really a bad time to whacky rig??
  2. thanks iron...appreciate the advice...
  3. not looking for warranty work...dont mind paying......just looking for someone to fix this thing!! dad always warned for buyin anything used
  4. just bought a used 997....all WAS fine till last weekend....unit doesnt power up.....checked connections with a volt meter have power right up to the unit.... does anyone know of a repair shop close to the GTA....or do i have to mail it up to north bay?? thanks in advance
  5. nice bucket!!!!
  6. thank guys for all the info........i drained all the fluid and added new oil...cycled it a dozen times....problem solved.....for now anyways.....if she starts acting up then its prolly a seal....again thanks to all those that responded btw priced out a new tilt and trim for my motor.....ouch!!!....1800.00 new
  7. thanks guys....ill try that first.....spoke to my mechanic...didnt like what he had to say.....
  8. i guess its off to the mechanics...???or is it a n easy fix??
  9. hey guys......was out on balsam yesterday.....while flippin in shallow water....i raise my motor.....10 min later i turn round and its dropped back to the down position......tilt wouldnt hold its position.............motor worked fine with the tilt....just wouldnt stay locked.... can anyone give any insight on this??........im thinking low fluid levels thanks
  10. x2....was really impressed with this unit...and a great price point!!
  11. on my lund terry they are separate....2 bilge pumps.... one manual one auto ...great feature when dockin the boat over nite on the water... im thinking it could be a time for a new pump
  12. just changed the bilge pump on my lund...35 dollars for the cartridge....but boy was it a pita.... dont you have two bilge pumps on your lund??...one manual the other auto?..
  13. becareful of the smallies up there.....they may beak your rod
  14. that mallard pic looks fantastic!!!....
  15. call them first....they mite have to order it......but i know they can get it...
  16. lol...ironmaker...youve brought back an experience i wish to forget....lol.....rented a power sander for a cedar deck....well had to change a few boards.....lol.....on the other hand...ive tried to sand ipe wood with 24 grit paper and after 8 hrs of sanding i had enuf....yes becareful with that power sander as for london and penofin....ask your local paint dealer...try someone who carries a few labels...like para and benny moore....im sure they can bring it in for you....if not...my dealer is at avenue rd and the 401...mite be worth the trip... you could give them a call ....they mite direct you to someone in london...call colour wave 416-783-3911 speak to tony or paul or blair..... tellem i sent ya ....peter from pristine painting best as i can do.....
  17. where bouts are ya located....my dealer sells penofin...glad to hook you up
  18. any idea when they will have maps for more Canadian lakes??
  19. hey bill are you sure youll be able to link the ipilot to your maps??.....was just at bass pro and the guy was saying that only US based maps will be compatible at this time..... gotta love toys!!!
  20. being in the trade......whatever you use, there is a very strong possibility it will lift!!!...oldironmaker has the best advice.....use a deep penetrating oil...cabots timber oil is good..i generally use penofin......its also recomended for ipe wood... good luck
  21. awwwsome looking bonefish!!!.....congrads!!!
  22. awwwwsome cliff.....i guess the key is to look for them birds dive bombing into a lake....lol....
  23. that bad huh wayne.....stay within the markers guys....hitting them rocks can get real expensive....real fast!!! last fall we had a hard time launching....hope we can get'er in all right this year
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