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Everything posted by workwear

  1. cmon wayne you know all sewing machines needs extra oil.......
  2. thanks guys for all your responses......Dax...we have a date... anyone hear of the positive ion charge system from canon..... wondering if it really works
  3. ive been online looking at riggers....so many different models to choose from...i know im goin with electric..but...which name to go with....scotty..big jon..canon any help would be greatly apreciated cheers pete
  4. might wanna look for shore power also....keep them batteries charged...
  5. just look at the bright side bill....soft water is a commin sooooooooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. thanks wayne.....youve seen my boat its a 2003 pro-v...paint is still pretty solid all round...just major boat rash here and there...need new decals...just wanna clean it up....can you recommend a good primer??
  7. dont know yet if its needed to go down to the metal....of course any guidance would be greatly appreciated...i was thinking of giving it a good sand and then applying a good primer..sand...first coat ..sand and then a second coat...
  8. just doin bove the water line ....the black strip...bit of a boat rash...gotta be 50sq feet of surface....how hard can that be
  9. great thread....im THINKING of repainting my lund this year....have priced out a few of the pro shops and they want a small fortune....i know pro's cost money...but it aint that big of a job..(being a painter myself)....so right now im searching the net for some direction....
  10. ya gotta be kidding bb!!! my average elec bill 120..... gas 180.... water 80.....per month
  11. you mean 'SAIL' isnt a goverment entity which hires ppl for life???...wow imagine that..
  12. i second what dan has said....i bought my boat thinking i could tow it a very short distance....well i could....but coming out of the ramp was a real challenge...upgraded to a full size real wheel van...no issues whatso ever now... i used to panick when it would rain....lol
  13. no not at all gerritt....just throwin idea's out there...i wouldnt mind paying a few bucks for admin costs and the like...
  14. you could have a membership ....where by member orders directly from the manufacturer...shipped locally to a central warehouse....there is a furniture shop/store...that operates like that...direct buy i think its called...they dont stock anything and a member can shop thru catalogs....would be very interesting to see if manufacturer's would play along just imagine all them yamamoto baits we could buy at 2.50 a bag....
  15. now THAT i would try!!!!!!!
  16. i think it would be a great idea..BUT do you think some of these big retailers would allow this to happen??.....i know if i was a big box store and i heard of a manufacturer cutting into my merchandising,i would certainly do a few things to curtail the manufacture's method of selling to my public...either threaten to drop the line or source out a new product...imagine if we could get shimano onside by selling a one time bulk load of rods....the mark up on rods are approx 3 times of retail....bps would freak, wouldn't they?? now having said that....it would be interesting to see where the said manufacturer would draw the line,...we as consumers would have to have one helluva big buying power..to make it worthwhile to the manufacturer,to choose this new avenue over the traditional retail stores im all for this and would help in any way i can
  17. if you enjoy surfing or streamimng music or vids on your phone....blackberry is more economical...they compress their data....if your in buisness and need to send private and secure documents...blackberry is by far the better choice....having said that i think both formats have thier place....as for which phone is better...iphone or the s2...they are very much one in the same phones
  18. the new bolds are touch screen......
  19. merry christmas bud.....
  20. what a howl!!!.....thanks for the laughs!!
  21. sorry to hear bout this....i have a wiemeraner and we frequent a local dog park frequently.....and the ONLY breed that im scared of is sheperds......have seen some pretty nasty scraps....not to blame the breed...but some owners cant handle them!!!
  22. heard on the fan that the semi's will be seeded by points from the regular season.....1 playing 4...and 2 playing 3....so its possible that 2 west coast teams could be playing each other...or 2 east coast teams.....could be intresting
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