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Everything posted by workwear

  1. theres a few great italian places out there on weston rd...
  2. just went to a new place across from hogan's inn.....its call ed locale...great food nice atmosphere....decent pricing....on keele south of king east side or for a little less bucks try gorgei porgie's in the no frills plaza in oak ridges there isnt alot of good eats in the area but there are a few gems
  3. my bad....on the overpowered comment i used to tow a pro-v 1900 with a montana huge mistake!!!! burnt the tranny out in a few months.... switched to a full size real wheel drive van....no problems the last 5 yrs
  4. very well done..... question if i may..you placed the .marine ply wood , then you glued the vinyl down to it??
  5. the front wheel drive vehicle would make me a little nervous..... when you are launching remember that the tongue weight is pushing down on your back end ...causing your front end to lift...which equals to little or no traction been there and have experienced it btw...a 14 ft'er with a 90?? AND a kicker?? sounds a little over pwered
  6. exactly!!! but i think more importantly in any vocation...is attitude and the willingness to learn people skills , in my opinion,will get you further in life than any diploma ever will
  7. my son turned 18 this year and didn't have the desire to carry on with school....no problem i said here is your choice of trades that i think you mite like...pick one and stick to it.. well he picked to become an electrician mom wasnt to happy with his decision but i was having been in the trades myself for the past 20 yrs or so ....the only thing i told him was it better be a certified trade wasn't easy landing him a job being a first year apprentice but he did at 11.00 an hour!!!! he isnt happy with his wage right now......but like anything else in life....you have to prove yourself he hooked up with a really good organization and is learning alot.....and thats the main thing he had an opportunity to land a maintenance type of electrician at 15 an hour...but i said no!!! learn the trade inside an out first...then get rewarded later
  8. i would be more inclined to go to rocky's than with aikmans didnt have a good experience with aikmans......but when i brought my riptide to rocky's....he knew exactly what he was doing....a straight up guy
  9. called fido the other day and a french lady answers....i thought cool...someone in canada that will talk to me in English i can understand....she didnt want anything to do with the english language....i was polite to ask her a few questions in english....and she kept saying something to the effect of ..'.either you speak to in french or else i wont be able to respond to you' well i lost it on her....i couldnt believe the oddacity of this broad!!!
  10. greatest condolences to you and your family rob
  11. lol...can you tell us how you really feel....?? agreed agreed and then agreed....... but what can we do......really..... ..didn't they have some sort of protest a few yrs back and the general public called them crazy i personally don't see this as much as a provincial problem...but a global problem... and i have a feeling the worst is yet to come people are finally waking up to corrupt Govt's all over the world even in canada
  12. finally someone who truly understands!!!
  13. on my way to chase a few smallies!!!!

  14. i think you would have to buy a new prop to get what your looking for.... why would you wanna run so close to the max....400 rpm's isnt a great deal of performance afterall i would just leave it and be on the safe side!!
  15. great report....and welcome to the board!
  16. fished that lake a few times....try the narrows on the north side for smallies....ive used senkos alot there and caught dinks mostly......my buddy who owns a cottage on that lake uses live minnows and catches monsters all the time.....seen alot of guys trolling for lakers.... good luck...dorset is gorgeous up there
  17. sorry to hear that cliff......if ya need a hand...lemme know!!
  18. why do men pee outside becuz we can!!!!!!
  19. dekas!!!! awwwsome batteries!!!
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