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Everything posted by GBW

  1. I'm a 70's kid and all the fish from my youth kept for a meal were bass as well. In fact my 93 yr old grandmother still asks me to keep her 1 or 2 a year vs walleye and other fish. Me, walleye and or perch for a meal... Same here (lot's of bass) and use the MIN size for a tourny as a starting point (thought is was 13") and a max size of 17" to keep for harvest
  2. Fishing League Worldwide *edit to add* (played often on WFN )
  3. I use a jig and grub and no light to watch the rod. line and rod help with feel too. the only light I have is the boat ones and one in my pocket to help seeing better to unhook a fish and then measure it (slot vs out of slot).
  4. good luck big E! I hope you and T-D hit the bigns for some cash and bragging rights!
  5. gotta get you a "selfie stick" LOL! nice fish there B!
  6. nice outing and fish for sure
  7. HAHAHAHA I just checked out the web site and all units look to be built well and have a good design. If I was in the market I'd consider one. I do have a buddy who has a big green egg unit (2x the big and the small) and swears by those units. The Treager looks like less less effort / work to make a nice smoked / cooked meal then the Egg though.
  8. I'm off work Monday if you want to msg me Chris. Sounds like your kind on luck... LOL!!!
  9. Same I say keep what you have Spanky as it's much better than my 99/00 Johnson Fastsrike 115 and I don't worry one second about mine.
  10. Yes, all the one's I have been in were newer and the one that sank was a fiberglass one.
  11. you got a very rare one then. I've been in a few and they all got wet. One even sank if you recall...
  12. So, how did it go with them?
  13. Would something like this work? http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/kawartha-lakes/16-aluminum/1175194594?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  14. depending on the age of the boat, transom wear / weakness. Tracker = Cracker so take those of your list... Are you looking to fish real skinny water for bass or looking to be able to get close enough to skinny water? what type of hull? As for HP if it's not the max rating make sure it's close.
  15. Congrats and that is great news you are there all the way up to Sept.
  16. very nice guys! Now where is the video of B doing the dance?
  17. Yes it did but FMZ 16 is now open as of midnight (so 06/25/16) and there are a lot of folks on her in that FMZ. It's ALL GOOD
  18. Good luck ALL!!!! https://www.facebook.com/kappit/videos/423006877869711/
  19. Just adding to my last idea... This seller has a few listed too. http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/kawartha-lakes/14-aluminum-harber-reynolds-boat-and-trailer-rated-for-a-25-hp/1176602700?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
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