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Everything posted by Moosebunk

  1. Lol... I like that! I'll guide, certain people for certain things at a certain amount to cover costs. Sometimes those costs could have been a dozen trips, fuel, time off work, etc., Peeps better pay well to cover that.
  2. Some great looking pink cheeky monkeys for the spring. Nice!!!
  3. Think this may have been a 613 Fishing topic that arrived here. Funny but I have a couple made up from 2009 when first getting into gar fishing, but they've never once been used. Did not know it was illegal though, so good looking out Smitty. Nice to have answers.
  4. "bout time you went fishing! Hehehe!
  5. Only thing worse than wind is intense heat. Not good for this red bearded pale skin. But depending on species the fishing can be better in the heat. Do agree, past couple fall seasons have seemed windier than I remember. Don't much care for it, usually hinders muskie and smallmouth fishing and keeps the boat off Quinte if choosing eyes. Same for spring, it ruins gar, slows crappie and makes jigging lakers more difficult. And come winter, who needs it. Still, if it's blowing but doable out there, I'm usually still going.
  6. Kinda slow on craps here. Do think an electric would be worth it for pannies especially, just don't keep enough of them in a year to warrant bothering with one. Actually used to have one too I think...? Them walleyes I can slice and dice quick... but trout and other bigger fish I kinda like to take my time. You get plenty practice on everything Simon.
  7. The portage into Onaman's is rather easy, not sure how old your kiddies are though... Onaman River Resort, had campsites. Couple days on Onaman Lake portaging in, Lake Nipigon on a couple nice weather days, Drive over to Northwind for eyes and lakers. You can trailer to other lakes in the area as well, ie: Babika, Frank, maybe Martin, Willet,Toronto depending how adventurous. Launch into Ombabika Bay if wanting a big tour up to the Jackfish. Just a tonne of options. Numbers of eyes and good size... Onamans.
  8. Camping offshore I like a few things to make life easier. Not all are necessary. I have a Cobra CB handheld radio that gives me the marine forecast. I check it in the morning before venturing out anywhere and it helps me decide which direction is likely best to start out if weather and lake conditions could become an issue. I'll check it several more times during the day. It has saved my arse and got me off the lake a couple times at the right time. I take a urinal from work. A big ole pickle pizz bottle would be fine too. Only cause leaving the warmth of the tent at night sucks. Always have two props and a few tools. I like to throw down a big ole door mat at the bow of the boat. Shaking that out is easier than digging it out of the bottom of the boat later. Campers are always dragging sand and mud in. Wet wipes. Cause bathing in that lake after ice out, ain't gonna be pleasant.
  9. Work in Coral Harbour... that town decided daylight savings time isn't for them so they don't change the clocks. Council decision. More towns here should try it.
  10. Man Bri... I get so bloody winded just pulling the little Clam around with the gear. It is great exercise and with the total perk of catching fish inbetween workouts.
  11. Brutal ice fishing year kinda, sorta. Just too short and now a little scary. You did well to get out as much as you did though Brian.
  12. Beauty stuff as always Carl. Fish, pics and vids.
  13. Happy with the Terrova 80lb. US2 and IPILOT. Cabelas recently had them on sale for about $1500... wait for that to come around again. You won't regret the motor choice.
  14. Read the thread to this point... Not for one second would I trade the last 8 years fishing out of a 16+ foot tiller. Lake Ontario, Lake Nipigon, the Larry and Ottawa, St.Clair and right into skinny little back lakes with crap launches, none of it ever a problem. Chasing spring gar it gets into shallower water than even the bass boats really ever need to go, but then come fall will roll in the big water for skis and eyes. Full control, no probs with three guys and their gear reaching plane and 30mph, handles the big water, a 60HP that sips fuel, and under 2000 pounds boat and trailer which pulls like nothing, you had me believing in the beginning that your starter boat could very well end up being the boat you're happy to finish with too. 15K is a good budget for a used fishing boat.... and like Bill, on a HELOC would be a good way to go. Right now they're about prime plus one give or take. So around 4 to 5% I'd think...?
  15. Started "gamble" investing in weed this December. Wonderfully I was up 40% in two weeks before the New Year and cashed out some before a big downslide but, things have certainly fallen across the board since then, especially in the last week. Reality is though, I don't really know squat. This is all just a feeling and it may work out, may not, but if it crashes down I'm not out on the street at all. My roommate here in Nunavut turned his first $10,000 investment in weed at $0.18 last April into a return of $100,000+ when he cashed it all out in October at $1.93. That peaked my interest in all this and so decidedly I felt it was time to take some risk. We've been talking about weed stocks daily, following and learning what we can. His instincts (and luck) are better than mine and even though some might say that people should have been in on weed last year, we would beg to differ. How anyone can believe that legalization isn't going to create some real long term winners, is crazy. Heck, the short term day trading game is working great for some too. Markets are down right now. Check your balls and buy up some stocks in weed.
  16. Really!?!?! That's some awesome ingenuity.
  17. Nice to hear from ya Doug. Home from Nunavut this week. Hoping the ice is treating ya nice this year.
  18. But, but, but Chris... It is really cold. Dark, not so much actually, not for Arctic standards. Lots of digging and prep to do for this summers trips. Kinda because they're still all up in the air except one. Don't forget to drop me a line though with your tour dates. Seriously will try and meet up if home and able. Trips to the Tree have increased in price Bill, Looking back it was kinda just dumb luck that the first trip was taken, leading to our second one won. It's become a popular spot too, and the only week or two a year that an exclusive 7 day trip is allowed, it's heavily booked in advance. Same with some other char outfitters as well though. Hoping to travel each summer to different communities for work but eventually find a place that is "set-up" and "reliable" enough to return to for just a great char fishing vacation. Preferably at least half the average cost of these outfitters.
  19. Can we get all the stuff at Princess Auto for doing these same mods to our own bikes Terry? That thing is gnarly... but it kinda makes me giggle too.
  20. Daylight is lasting nearly seven hours up here in Nunavut this month, but cold days dipping into the -40's with -50F windchills have been keeping me indoors a little more than I'd like. A bit stir crazy, the work and on-call hours have helped pass some time, as well as eight seasons of Entourage to watch. My room-mate and I have been talking char now and again, as he lives full-time in this place atop of Hudson Bay on South Hampton Island. Last summer he found fish, and plenty of them once he bought an ATV to get him out onto the land. There were July days the rivers were thick with returning silver fish, fresh from the ocean, and well upstream found in some of the smaller, shallow holdover lakes there were some reds to be caught come August. From town is a rough, 70 mile tundra road which stretches a ways along the coast then turns inland. Along it's route are a few rivers and lakes that connect with the sea. The hope is my friend is still working here in July and there's some work to be had for my return, but there's even more hope to explore and find char... In the meantime it all got me thinking back... again! A seed to one day fish for arctic char had been planted sometime in the late teens, early twenties. And it was these first short trips to Nunavut with Brenda which watered that seed. The Tree River is world class, holds world records, and yet I remember it seemed not quite of this world. Today I took some time to piece two pieces of two trips into one "sorta" story about fishing char the first couple times. Some inspiring landscapes and intensely beautiful fish in this look back... http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/a-nunavut-nomad-iii-tree-river-roots/ Bunk.
  21. Thursdays windchill was -52C. Fridays windchill was -54C. School canceled for the kids because some children's faces will suffer frostbite just walking the few minutes to school. Warmed up to about -40C something in the afternoon and while sitting in my office reviewing charts I look out the window and see a girl, mid 20's ish pull up on her skidoo. Two kiddies on with her, she had to stand cause there was no space on the seat. She's got a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, her face totally exposed with just the hood up and I'm thinking, EVER HARDCORE THAT CHICK! Today is breezy out. Gonna warm up to a -40C windchill this afternoon. It's my only day off to get out there but the skies are dreary. Chased caribou last Saturday but the light was bad, the bous were fast and after a couple hours the sweat was starting to freeze. Was invited to seal hunt at some point but exposed and standing still for hours out on the ocean at the floe edge would likely kill with these temperatures. Looks like best option is a day of movies, internet, cooking stuff and snoozing. Same for you Matt and everyone else. The extremes man, they're tough to play with... except for the EVER HARDCORE THAT CHICK!
  22. What a beautiful thing to wake up to and enjoy. Makes me miss those James Bay skies. Mel and the gang at Hearst do it up right. All of their cabins and the outfit as a whole is flawless. Looking forward to seeing them soon. Great pike, enjoyed that timelapse, and writing about others writing on the wall brought back some memories. Takes time, work and care so big thanks for doing this up,
  23. This one is just a few hours down the road from me and I've always wanted to check it out. Even just day trip up that way. Reason being, have seen some really great spring pike and some equally great fall walleye pics and reports come from the area over the years. Don't think it would break the bank and there's some wicked speckled trout lakes you can backroads tour to up in Zec Dumoine. http://www.holdenlakelodge.com/
  24. Nice pike but... how do we even know that's you. lol
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