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Everything posted by Moosebunk

  1. 10 years ago I fished char for the first time too. Since then, been back four more times and now basically plan each summer for it. They are a fish that both ruins your life and makes ya incredibly happy. lol. Thanks Bill. Plenty practice. The next one will be even better, that's always the goal anyways.
  2. Gonna kiss it's brother? Or sister? This is the 21st century! Haha!! Good stuff Simon. Great drone work too. Like, professionally done. Kids had a great time.
  3. Ha! That was you. Got that notification earlier, and then this one now. There's more than one Doug that's posted at the site, but not more than the one-of-a-kind Doug you are. Thanks bearded buddy!
  4. It's an OK fish but maybe it's Angela's biggest and she's just really happy 'bout it. Kidding!! Kidding!!!
  5. Might just be the same fella Chuck..? Brody hasn't been at it long but the CBC Nunavut Facebook page has surely posted a good number of his arctic photos. Would guess that happy kids, huskies and any other animals he can photograph as his favorites but, he certainly did an amazing job on the fish and rainbow shots in this post. Thanks to those few who read and enjoyed.
  6. During July while contracted to work in Coral Harbour, Nunavut, I was treated to six days out on the tundra fishing arctic char. With rather tempered expectations but high hopes, an unforgettable experience would quite exceed anything I could have imagined ahead of time. This is a heavy picture loaded story inspired from places atop Hudson Bay few will ever visit, written for the spirit of fishing adventure. Read on if you like... http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/a-nunavut-nomad-iv-hudson-bays-coral-char/ Thanks for reading, Bunk.
  7. You and Leah stay safe... and get the heck outta there if need be man. Can't be good for either of ya sucking that in for long either.
  8. No... you're right. Sometimes it's just a prized fish trip... or even getting the targeted fish, trip. Can't say for me it's ever a boating trip tho. hehe! You do make it sound interesting, Chris does too. The fishing appears (always seems to appear) to be a bit of challenge on that lake, making it much like Temagami in that way too. And I like that lake! So no reason it wouldn't be the same with Kipawa. Sounds as if there might be the odd big eye and maybe even laker still kicking around as well. Do like the hunt for big fish, even better when it's secluded on a nice lake. Bren could be into this for a short excursion... if only the time to do it. Always braid, with a floro leader. Generally for most inland lakes, 15lb braid with a 10-12lb floro leader.
  9. Never had any interest in this fishery... partly because walleye are walleye everywhere and laker fishing can be better elsewhere. However, the report surely catches the interest being that it looks like a quieter Temagami. If it's mostly small fish and they're putting in a tonne of small fish every year, it'll take a long while I'd think to have a quality trophy fish fishery. One thing Chris for bigger fish, you should be jigging. Your odds will be better. Move faster, watch the graph, drop on arcs. If the water temps are high, they should be low and more packed.
  10. People suck! See a guy waaay out on the lake in a toon they gotta figure "hey, that guy is not paddling and kicking all the way out there on just some whim, he's gotta be dialed in." That and, because you are famous on the internet too, both are good reason to park on top of you.
  11. They're great for having in the boat for sure. Do like them with a pair of neoprene socks on trips. Crocs and neoprene socks are instant, dry rubber boots. They pack super light or can be kept tucked in the boat. Big downpours they become part of the rain suit. Portaging through muck and mire they're handy too.
  12. Some ain't bad. Bren tells me seeing her concert was the best she has ever seen. That's coming from a girl who goes to concerts about once a month. Of all the things in these reports, it got me grinning that you pointed this out. lol Just the other day was thinking the same thing. For a short time I was watching some kids here in town swimming. The ice is still clinging onto the sea shoreline, the mosquitoes have arrived big time, the evening temperature was about 12C. The Inuit children play in that icy water all day long it seems. Parents having to drag them out to go home. They're as happy as any happy kids anywhere could be. Further out on the tundra, hunters, campers, anglers or just folks out riding on their ATV's enjoy life, even here, in what southerners often describe as the impoverished and remote corners of Canada, our peace, our land and our riches go sooooo far beyond that of many places in this world. Top end 37-38mph. Haven't gone to WOT much at all. That speed with that motor in a tiller, takes a little getting used to. Subtle steering. Backing it off to 31-33mph is about the "cruise control" I like. Thanks for taking the time to read fellas. Good fishing.
  13. "Take it... to the limit." How befitting a tune to be playing in that toon. You've certainly pimped it out since I last saw it. Lots of vigor on the torpedo release. lol. Great lakers! Surprised they didn't burn that Symetre right out.
  14. I remember you telling me this Doug. Shot then slug. Some others have said though, "slug, then slug, then slug, and run and reload, then slug, then slug, then slug!!!" Got the comments later last night. Thanks for reading man! Too bad about the LLEMHR. Find it hard to let go of those kinds of things myself. What we have experienced in our past is always our lives at our younger age. Coming together with others from those times pulls us back a step, a bit closer to youthfulness. If even just temporarily, it's usually a good place to be in.
  15. Ohhhhh, I'm sure the time will come when the switch is made here too. In the meantime, for the fishing I do, there's no doubt the tiller is best suited. Thanks Gordy! Have written my own and read so many others epic reports that it 's kinda tired man, you know? Every fishing trip, every season, every year, whatever, is made up of the good, the bad and the ugly. Telling an honest story usually means sharing it all, and I like to keep that fun too. When reading it again down the road, that's how I like it best remembered. Real!!! With all the frills and follies. Thanks for reading.
  16. Whole lotta yaking and a good bit of fishing. :) Never tried that before.
  17. Very nice Joey. The kind of morning that you'll never forget for sure.
  18. This recent news story is from the same place Doug. I'll be safe. Took the course and may have access to protection this time. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/polar-bear-dog-lucky-1.4698920 Thanks for reading old friend. Been awhile yes, but no, it's my buddy Pat who moved out there. He actually bought Lake Of The Woods Lodge. Believe it's the first and oldest lodge established on the lake. How did your spring season go? You and the pals get the cabin again for your week of fishing?
  19. Hi Gang! The past month or so "bought & brought" some new inspiration to write a few stories for the site. Much of the time through late fall into spring was spent in Nunavut working, what little ice fishing season was had didn't result into much for catching but, there was enough good time spent with friends on many of the days. Hadn't written much at all. Some regulars here I keep in better touch with on Facebook but knowing there's a few whom I don't, these few recent reports should catch ya up. This week I leave for work in Nunavut again, to Coral Harbour at the top of Hudson Bay where I've been a number of times before. Have never in fact been there in the summer though or, done any fishing. Hoping for char of course, fresh and strong silver char actually, as it may be a bit early or difficult to access or even find the red fish. This community is not one with char nearby and, it's not one you just go walking too far off in search of them either. Told I will be living in a bug jacket if outside and there's more polar bears here to keep an eye out for than anywhere else I've been. Anyways... these three links.... Well, one is to Nipigon where I recently spent a week with Bren and friends, the second is a write-up about the new boat, "The Bomber" having gone on to new digs up north, and the third write up is just a short personal diddy about fishing gar the past ten years. Read on if you like... and enjoy try to enjoy the summer heat a little out there fishing. NIPIGON FISH & COUPLES RETREAT. http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/nipigon-fish-couples-retreat/ MY LUND EXPERIENCE. http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/my-lund-experience/ OTTAWA RIVER GAR RISES & SETS. http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/ottawa-river-gar-rises-sets/ Bunk.
  20. Imagine you miss your Pops a little, but she's cuter, probably snores less and is much cozier at nights. ;) Maybe we crossed paths on the highway, dunno? My buddy and I took our wives for the first time. Bren only put me off for 10 years for this trip. A few reasons we couldn't pike fish much and didn't have the success you two did. All over other parts of the lake I wondered how the fishing and traffic would be where you were? Knew you had postponed but made the trip and figured on where you'd be. Pike fishing there is second to none in our Province and rivals many of the big trophy pike fisheries. 47 is a great one Bill. Much better in her arms. The 50's are waiting though...
  21. A pleasure to scroll through. Enjoy Jiggy Jiggy bud!
  22. I too, do fear the day we're too old and tired to play like we do. Pack it all in now, Enjoy your park reports Matt.
  23. OMNR gave me a parking ticket! Buggers!!! lol. At least they're doing something I guess.
  24. Been a freaking dogs age since fishing cats. Dunville is the place to be... although, the Madawaska coughed up a giant here in the valley a couple years back. Had to chuckle while you were giving your "secret spot" away.
  25. Thinking this will be a good thing for ya Simon. Fresh air, fish, some company and cash, nothing wrong with that.
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