I like Milburry....i think he brings a good edge to it and really is the only one, other that PJ Stock on air that has played at a high level and can get us the point of view that we need...not what the media wants us to hear. Milburry on the hot stove on Saturday was great i thought...telling us like it is and leave the checking alone, and that the media and fairies of the game should let it go. Milburry and Maclean are a much better duo than Maclean and Cherry...although i like Don, it is time for him to go, i do like his tributes to the soldiers, however, his constant patting of his own back, Jim, your right...enough is enough, show us some of you bad predictions!
We have to take it all with a grain of salt though...those statues (other than Milburry and Maclean) on the hot stove are being paid remember to voice the changes to the general public to get them on board. If you cant watch with a grain of salt, then do what yakpiker does and turn down the volume and watch the game, without the biases.
Just my 2 pennies