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Everything posted by anders

  1. the confisicated fish and game for that matter in Wawa are given to seniors that cant get out much, or the native elders or the legion that will have fish fries.
  2. Jay, there are a lot of bears up here again this year...not uncommon to go fishing anywhere in the area and run into bears...i have seen 3 different sets of sows with cubs up here. At night in town it can get a little nerving. The deal at home is if i want to go fishing fine...but i have to take the dog for a walk when i get home...not a problem, only thing is its dark. WHen we walk...you can hear dogs in the distance just barking to wake the neighbourhood! Then the dog is always growling and acting weird...yeah...there are lots....town police already bagged a few of them this year
  3. Dont the MNR just let the road go after the loggin companies leave? I always thought that. Like you said...remove the water crossings and forget about it usually. That seems to be what happens up here on the TIC road area. Lots of old logging roads getting grown in and quite rough.
  4. its on wawa-news.com today... I read that as well and was shocked....there were a few good ones on the site today
  5. I like bear meat....sausages made with 50% pork are the best sausages and burgers i have ever had. I will never shoot a mama that has cubs will wait a while to make sure no stragglers come with her!...mmmm...this thread has got me hungry! The good thing about the spring bear hunt being cancelled, if there is a positive to it, is that the fall bear hunt, there is a 100% success rate! And if i ever had a bear in the yard and they have come close...its only a matter of time before this will happen...call bear line...tell them there is a bear in the yard.....call police....tell them there is a dead bear in my yard!
  6. LOL...that still doesnt stop us...lol
  7. Not as much as one would think, or be led to believe
  8. Thats the question though Bill....whats the difference? The weight on there little bodies is the same as a big fish...proportion wise!
  9. thanks for the replies guys! I would have to agree...if your not keeping it, the less time out of the water the better, but your right GCD (cringe)...hook removel is essential for survival.
  10. The entire road closure by the government is out of control! An example of this was 2 yrs ago, we were north of Dubreuilville hunting between Oba Lake and Esnagi Lake...both managed by outfitters and the govt. As we were driving down the road that between the two lakes we headed right and towards Oba...on the sign that was on this side road (barely an atv road), there was a sign that said no access by motorized vehicles and it listed the lakes...and on the lakes....was Esnagi....the road was headed in the opposite direction, and on the other side of the major logging road?????????? IF the governement can explain that....im all ears! This all has to do with money, and unless you want to pay the government for "our rights" we aint going to see a change in a long time! Thanks Donna Cansfield!!
  11. Welcome to the fight that the people of the North have been fighting for a while. You can be allowed in there...just read the signs! Lots of them will actually say not motorized vehicle access allowed, or for a lack of better words... use of vehichular (sp) traffic is prohibitted to access such and such lakes. Its a way to "protect the resources" in the area. If you do make it to the lakes....be ware of the people that paid to be there...not all but some will rip you a new one for accessing the lake, as well as the lodge owners will too.
  12. I have been noticing this for a while, this might get blown up, but i am interested in the reasoning behind this. I know of the reasons why we arent supposed to hold fish vertical, so we dont have to beat up that topic today. My question is this; what is the difference between holding a 4lb bass by the lip vertically, or a 4lb walleye vertically, salmon, pike, muskie etc? No one will bash the bass guys about those holds, but they do about the other species of fish, I dont get it.
  13. Call it! See if someone picks up?
  14. That set up can be lethal for eyes. A good start is setting your sinker anywere from 18-24 inches from your jighead. If you have a graph, watch it and see if they are suspended. If they are you may have to go to a slip float or a different bait.
  15. What a great video...if that ever happend to me i dont think i would be able to pull the trigger on another moose. The beer....what beer....all is saw was un pepsi...
  16. Congrats on the solid fish!!! SHe's a beaut!!
  17. Well Done and well worth the time and effort! Congrats!!! Whats the mark on the fish on the second pic? Is the tourney over now?
  18. under the photo it says , try highlighting the code, right click and copy, then paste it in the area you want us to see it.
  19. This is the funniest thing i have read in a long time. I am laughing out loud here in the office...this is great...Great series of comments from GCD, Dan, and Head Hunter....wow....what a way to go out for lunch...thanks for the laughs this morning
  20. Great Job! You look like you were ready for the links in the second pic.haha
  21. anders

    Kiss Sucks

    In the article, they said they announeced the dates for the FIRST leg of the tour...not the COMPLETE tour. We have to read the entire article before being hasty From SooToday.com
  22. That was an excellent report. I wish he would of landed that fish! Great read to start the day...thanks for taking the time!
  23. Thats sick...i was asked to make the trip down to see them this past weekend, but already had plans. They were my first....absolutly love them!!
  24. Uh-oh...this may get ugly fast. First off...Welcome to the board, and nice Fish...congrats on them. Secondly, guys here will jump on you very quickly on "picture etiquette", such as stringer through the gills if you are taking them for a photo opp and then release them and also having them lying on the ground...Just a heads up.
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