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Everything posted by mason05

  1. Nice tune. Kinda has a little Kyuss feel to it. Corn Nug
  2. Thanks Nemo. I think we'll be ok but you never know what mother nature has in her back pocket. Here's a pic of a days catch last year to wet your appetite. Cheers, Corn Nug
  3. Great report MoB! Too bad you missed the nice browner. Corn Nug
  4. pickeral and trout?
  5. Very nice first post. Those pics are incredible. Welcome to OFC! Corn Nug
  6. I sure hope the ice is out sooner than later. I'll be on Carl Wilson the first weekend of May in search of trout. Can't wait to get in there and enjoy what the park has to offer this year. Corn Nug
  7. I was at the game last night and was on the edge of my seat for the first 2 periods thinking this one was in the bag. I spent the bulk of the 3rd period crying in my beer. Lets hope the lads can step it up tonight and lay the hurt down on Buffalo. Corn Nug
  8. Well that proves it. Dude has answered the question in good form. Here's another well documented moment... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe1kwXD69BI Corn Nug
  9. Wow Dude! Impressive. Does your old lady know you've got that much tackle?
  10. Sherriff has got a great story about buying a boat from the yanks and bringing it over the border. He tried to pull a Sharon Stone during the interrogation but the border guards weren't too receptive. Corn Nug
  11. Cheers Gerritt. The info was great. If I trade I will be looking for some cash + the bike which I antisipated. Just wasn't sure what those bikes were going for. My boats listed for $4900 Corn Nug
  12. Sorry, 2004 and apparently in good shape. Haven't seen it in person yet though. Corn Nug
  13. Garcia, Hoon, Allman, to name a few. I feel your pain brother. Corn Nug
  14. I'm selling my boat and was interested in a swap for a quad, atv or bike. I've been offered the above mentioned dirt bike in exchange for my boat. I was hoping someone could give me an idea of the $ value as well as any other info on this bike before I enter negotiations. Thanks guys. Corn Nug
  15. "Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over last 5 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name, so that the proceeds of this account valued can be paid to you and then you and I can share the money." I think Alfred needs to brush up on his English before hitting send.....That's the longest sentence ever! Wow just read DougG's reply. I take it back, Alfred is a linguistics master. It is Ms. Sandra Franken who holds the trophy for the ultimate bastar dization of the English Language. P.S. Delete that crap now! Corn Nug
  16. I'm no expert but I think it has something to do with the angle of the fishing line and how it appears to change its direction when submerged in the water??? Perhaps it's also a reference to the angle one holds a fishing rod while fishing??? Great question! Hopefully someone has the correct answer around here cause I've often wondered that myslef. Corn Nug
  17. About 20cm here. Alot of no shows today at work. Had a blast doing doughnuts this morning in our unusually empty office parking lot. The director wasn't too impressed with my antics....what gives? Corn Nug
  18. Excellent report Gerritt! Nice looking pickerel you lads got into there. Corn Nug
  19. Here's a pike I caught on a perch xrap just before the ice hit this year. Small largemouth from late fall off a mini xrap
  20. Nice little auger you got there. Love the portability factor. Is that OJ's glove?!?! Corn Nug
  21. Great report. Nice looking pickerel you fellas got there. Congrats on the successful outing. We also had no action on the set lines. Jig, jig,jig..... Corn Nug
  22. Got up early Friday morning and hit the road with Sherriff and some of his hooligan pals. After a long drive we finally arrived at the bay. Got moved in to our hut and set up by 3pm Friday and immediately got lines down hoping for pickerel and pike. Well Friday turned out to be tough with no fish landed. Saturday morning everyone was up early and back at it. The morning was slow but then around noon we started getting hits. A few perch and several herring within minutes. After the perch and herring schools moved through the bite turned off again. About 20 minutes later Sherriff finally hooks into one of the 2 species we were in searh of. Nice chubby female. Maybe 3-4 lbs and got the boys buzzin' hoping more were around. Finally, what would be a trip without a drunken jam session complete with dirty lyrics! We were having a blast and carrying on until the wee hours of the night. Well our time was up Sunday morning so we packed up and hit the road. I had a blast this weekend and can't wait to get out again. I'm sure Sherriff will post a more detailed report as he took quite a few photos. Cheers, Corn Nug
  23. Nice haul man. Glad to hear you had a great day out there. Corn Nug
  24. Ahhhhhhh! Mud Puppy! Those suckers are nasty little creatures. Great report Twister. That's a nice chubby pickerel in the last pic. Corn Nug
  25. Not bad for your first outing man. Better to catch something little than nothing. Good to hear the ice is safe. Corn Nug
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