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Everything posted by mason05

  1. Hey guys, I own a Toshiba laptop that's about one year old. I have it hooked up to my stereo and the volume is really low even when I crank the stereo receiver. In my mind this should not be. I have it hooked up via the headphone jack from the laptop to rca's in the receiver. There are no outputs on the back for speakers as it has an internal set. Do I need to download a driver to up the output level? Is there a usb to rca cable that would help for my connection? This is driving me mad as I have tons of mp3's that deserve better than what the laptop speakers can do. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance, Corn Nug
  2. Good luck with the hunt for steel hunt CC. Safety first. Corn Nug
  3. Pretty crazy. Not sure what this rainfall event will ring in at but Dover looks like it's getting a 50-100 year storm by the shots on that video.
  4. Grog, I've only one good life to live, times always tickin'.
  5. Gerritt, I'd do what fishinautographs says and if that fails defend yourself in court. Half the time the cozzer that caught you won't even show up for the court date and then you have a good chance of getting off scot free. Corn Nug
  6. Good luck BPSBM. By no means is my suggestion good forever but it might reduce the volume of water that is shedding over your pesky area. Given all the rain/snow in the forecast this might reduce the flow to the leak for the interim. Let me know how it turns out.
  7. I assume he's living in a dense subdivision so his neighbours won't like my suggestion for a possible temporary remedy. Get outside to the area you think is where the leak is stemming from. Rough frame a little slant roof off the edge of the foundation wall out as far as you can and if possible collect the water shed from the mini roof and discharge as far away from the house as possible. A tarp may come in handy if you're short on lumber. Is he on a sump pump? If so direct the discharge as far away from the home as well. With all this rain groundwater levels are rising and his storm drainage system cannot handle it. In newer subdivisions storm quantity control can be a huge pain to deal with and costly. When better weather and cash flow return he should look at excavating and waterproofing the outside of the foundation walls. Like I said your neighbours might not like it so be mindful of where you direct the runoff from YOUR property. Oh yeah check all roof drain leaders to insure they are directed away from the dwelling too. Good luck dude. Corn Nug
  8. Dedication and a little bit of stupidity.
  9. Thanks Kennyman, I'd like to check it out before the ice hits. Cheers, Corn Nug
  10. Glad to hear you got out. Soft water will be gone soon. Were you shore fishing or in a boat?
  11. I'm with Cowan Insurance Brokers (Hamilton Branch). They use The Dominion Group as their insurance provider. I have had nothing but great service from this company so far and the rates quoted to me were better than several other brokers. Good luck dude. Corn Nug
  12. Had a chance to get out this afternoon with Sherriff and one of his buds John. We hit some local holes in search of pike and largemouth bass. The weather was terrible but we made the best of it. I got this little pike slowly bouncing a minnow off bottom. Little scrap, quick photo and back in the drink..... Next we hit a small pond I like to call "The Fishbowl". It's so small it's hard not to land something if you put in the time. I picked up this tiny bass on my new mini xrap. Sherriff was becoming increasingly frustrated with no fish yet.... Last pic: Sherriff illustrating his best frustration look. A face only a mother could love..... Darkness hit so off we went. Not the best day to be out but cathing a few little ones still always beats working. Thanks for coming out Sherriff and John. We'll try again before the freeze. Corn Nug
  13. nice report minnow. I have the exact same jointed rap and too have never used it. I'll try it tomorrow and hope for similar results. Cheers, Corn Nug
  14. Nice job boys. Great report. Hey Sherriff did your bro get a new job as a garbage man? What's with the jacket? Corn Nug
  15. Beauty pickeral ccmt! Today's temps were awesome for this time of year! Glad to see you got out and enjoyed the day. Cheers, Corn Nug
  16. Thanks Spiel, That's just around the corner from my place. I'll check it out for sure. I've heard there is some good size pike in Valens, is it true? Corn Nug
  17. Big thanks to SS who dropped off the free boat this morning. Another fine example of OFC members helping each other out. Once I've had a chance to clean her up she'll be a fine vessel for small quiet waters. Cheers, Corn Nug
  18. You did it! Nice northern too.
  19. Cool site Tech! The info is very detailed. I'll check the site again once my boat is back from the mechanic as I'll have to pull the battery out.
  20. Good job minnow! Congrats to you and especially to grandpa on a his first steel. Great report.
  21. Wait till P3TA reads this thread! Do they care about seaguls? LOL Great story tinbanger
  22. Nice report D! Sure beats working. Congrats on the productive day.
  23. I had a tad of ice here this morning on a couple of ponds. Looks like it's going to warm up a little in the next few days though. I'd give it another 2 months before it's safe to venture out. Be safe on the hardwater this season.
  24. Like I said lads, a little TLC and she'll be perfect for smaller bodies of water that don't allow gas motors. Reports to follow.....it's not the size of the vessel it's how you use it. LOL
  25. Why is a MNR officer posing with the illegally downed buck? Seems odd to me.
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