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Everything posted by mason05

  1. Last year in Algonquin we got a few bronzies or "black bass". That one sure is dark though. Beauty HOG Shooter! Corn Nug
  2. TJ, I like the looks of the wood burned bear paddle on the wall in the last pic. Do you know of any members on this board that make custom burns on a paddle? I'd love to get mine done before the next Algonquin mission. Cheers Corn Nug
  3. Rich, One of my buds "Tacklebox" who used to post on this board is in a killer band called the Fat Cats. A few of those greasy buggers are with me in my signature pic. Check em' out here..... http://www.fat-cats.com/ http://www.myspace.com/hamiltonfatcats Corn Nug
  4. Ouch! That's gotta sting!
  5. Well said Pigeon. Weird post Outahere. I'm not sure I'd want you in my boat.....LOL Corn Nug
  6. I like Pigeons pic, zoomed in a little if it were to be painted. Corn Nug
  7. LOL Gerritt. Maybe you should watch less TV if it's causing you to suffer from "the rage!!!". I hear fishing is a good remedy! Corn Nug
  8. That's a beauty pickerel SnagMaster! Congrats to you on the PB. Nice video too!
  9. I'm keeping my fingers crossed Sherriff. I had a blast last year and would really like to get up there again this year if conditions are safe. Corn Nug
  10. A dozen of us are to hit Hyatt's on Callendar early February. Not looking good if the "trends" keep up. Damn global warming.
  11. You can check this guy out. He just closed a home purchase for me recently. First time I used him and no complaints. http://www.clarkcraig.com/ Good luck to your sis in getting back up and running Peter. Corn Nug
  12. Better results? I'd say you did pretty good man. Beauty bow and that laker is sweet lookin, is that your first? Nice job Sherriff. Corn Nug
  13. I have had several of those over the past few months. I forwarded the email to TD as well and have yet to hear from them. I also received one from CIBC using the exact same banner style in the phishing email. Greasy crooks looking for an easy buck. Makes me sick.
  14. Development Engineering Technologist for a nearby municipality. I perform analytical review of proposed residential, commercial and industrial subdivisions, in particular the civil engineering aspects. In my spare time I do home renos. Corn Nug
  15. Hilarious....320.5
  16. Well done Snag. With your current streak I'm sure a 20lber from shore is just around the corner. Thanks for posting.
  17. Jeff, It was my second PB, my first was your mom.....
  18. LOL
  19. Nice Rack Roy! Looks like a nice shop you got there too. Corn Nug
  20. Nice gators Snag! I'll have to get out this weekend for some before the hard water hits. Thanks for posting. Corn Nug
  21. 2 words - Toshiba Laptop
  22. Very nice report Mike. Love the colour on the pike's fins.
  23. A little largie caught a couple of weeks ago on this mini x-rap
  24. Lew I dont have that much $$$$ these days. What size are your 16's you have for sale. I have a Chevy K1500 that could possibly use them. PM me if you've still got them. Corn Nug
  25. Trolling in a canoe at a gentle pace boated tons of pickerel at location 'X' for me. Here's a tip for the lads with a canoe. Grab two welding rods and shape them into a U. Duct tape one U to each side of the canoe on the gunnels towards the front. This will provide an excellent place to rest the rod perpendicular to the boat reasonably secure. The longer the rod the better. Let out 150' of your favourite line with xrap attached and you have one bad as$ trolling vessel. Just wait for the rod to start buzzin'. Very stealth.
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