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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. What a fantastic report! Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Jim
  2. I love what you've done in the kitchen. Jim
  3. What about Dr. Dumba$$? Congratulations to you and your son!! Jim
  4. Congrats brother!!! Nice post. Jim
  5. Where are you working Pure? (aren't you still in school?) Jim
  6. It is the response of someone who is envious of someone that is heading up north (as in, "if you are concerned about black flies stay home with the rest of us"). Jim
  7. I am not sure how to properly post links Hirk, but hopefully this will get you started. Jim http://www.cottages-for-rent.com/near-north.html http://www.cottageconnections.ca/ http://www.cottagelink.com/cottlink/ontario/on4/lon4.shtml http://www.cottagesincanada.com/forrent.asp?lang=e http://www.northerncomfort.com/cottages.htm
  8. That guy in Turkey Point wanted $20.00 last summer. I showed him, I spent $15.00 to drive to Port Rowan where it was only $10.00 to launch! I know it seems like a hose job Stoty, but it is kind of the cost of doing business (kind of like paying for minnows and worms) and they do have to make hay while the sun shines. Besides you can't drive around in your fancy smancy outfit then balk at a launch fee, it's bad form old man. Jim
  9. You're a good man Cliff.
  10. Congratulations on the trailer and welcome aboard. Jim
  11. Same here, toast. The dealer swapped it out in a heartbeat. Jim
  12. And in the spirit of my new found passion, I thought I'd share some photos with all of you. Here is my house... Here is my wife and son.... Here is the boat..... and finally here is the car... You guys are right, this is great!! Jim
  13. Hirk, I have a couple of great rental websites that have produced wonderful cottages for us. I am assuming you know about on-line sites and are looking for a personal cottage form a member of this board. If I am wrong, I will forward you the rental sites. Jim
  14. You married a girl with a family cottage? Well done. Jim
  15. While were at it Mods, can you add a "waaa, I don't have a sense of humour" emoticon? Thanks, Jim
  16. Wa! My reel doesn't work like it should, why, why???? Oh yeah, we covered that Mods, this brilliant post has made me realize that we have no crying like a little baby emoticon. Can that be fixed? Thanks! Jim
  17. Nice work Stoty. I'm heading up to Rice in a couple of weeks. Jim
  18. I am going on a fishing/golfing trip at the end of the month. I was wondering if I am responsible for those in my boat regarding fishing licences? I don't mean morally, I mean if one of the clowns in my boat doesn't have a licence am I on the hook for it? Jim
  19. Do yourself a favour Digs, show us the walleye, save the bass. Jim
  20. Pauly is right Bill. I am assuming that you are talking about the "D" shaped piece? Take the picture and what parts you have to a buddy in most mechanical trades (machinist, millwright, welder) and they will be able to whip you one up toot-suite. I'd love to help but it doesn't make sense geographically. If push comes to shove you could get one made at any local machine shop (meaning by someone you don't know). Keep in mind though that the guy has to pay bills and it may cost a bit. How much is the replacement bracket? Jim
  21. Yes, because everybody knows that Steelheading is not real fishing. Jim
  22. How is taking a picture of an out of season fish any more harm to it than taking the picture when it is in season? Because a Gobi is clever enough to say "hey, he's taking a picture, get in there and pig out!!" We whine about the treatment of fish on what seems to be becoming a more frequent basis, and when you think about it, it is generally based on a picture. Don't roll them in grass, don't hang them vertically, don't squeeze them too tight; How about don't put a metal hook in their mouth in the first place? Or, how about don't have a site on the Internet that is basically there for the purpose of bragging via photographs? I think that the idea that one can selectively fish is basically flawed. If a bass would attack anything thrown their way while on the nest, isn't the problem that we are on the water in the first place? A can of worms indeed. All that being said, posting a picture of an OOS fish is a bit like bragging about the hole in one you got, after you put your first shot in the pond (actually a hole-in-three). It doesn't count so keep it to yourself. Jim
  23. I had the same question Wayne and will bow to your expertise on the answer, but am still dubious. You might also want to go with back up rods to test those holders the first time (I worry about vibrations and winds sending them soaring). I am envious of the ingenuity and the ability, as well as the opportunity, to create things such as this. You are like the kid in the candy store, that can also make new candy. And your hangar looks like the ultimate man cave. Good on ya! Jim
  24. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for taking the time to post them. How's the baby? Jim
  25. Nice job and thanks for sharing. I have never been to the BOQ but hope to make it soon. Jim
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