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Musky Plug

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Everything posted by Musky Plug

  1. Yes, I have stuck a few nice smallies there but I have better luck in the river.
  2. Congrats on the new place. Looking for same kinda info, gf's dad bought a place on MacLean. I haven't any luck with the guide searches for that area.
  3. Rock Pines rents the penthouse cottage I'm pretty sure, however not sure about the sleds though..
  4. This made my day! Classic lol!
  5. Good choice in my opinion. Getting is most amount of screen size for your buck, can't go wrong with that.
  6. Went yesterday, launched out of the belle river, was there for 7hrs not even a sniff. All the baitfish was concentrated in the muddy water around the mouth of the river. Heard of 2 fish being fought all day.
  7. Awesome report! Awesome pics! Sounds like an awesome few months all around, well done sir!
  8. Heading to Belle River tomorrow, will let you know how we do.
  9. Hey dude, Sturgeon has some big skis. Caught my PB there. Welcome to the community!
  10. Have a few, for bass a 4" yum dinger T - rigged black with silver tip. (Unfortunately can't find anymore) Jackall DD squirrel has caught me more fish then I can shake a stick at, including my gfs 2 skis in one day. For trolling musky would be a tie between BWB's, Headlocks and Staklers. Casting skis would be bulldawgs.
  11. I was wondering the same thing. I was planning on going to the Belle River as well but on Saturday, the winds on sat as of now are 20km sw Might re-think my game plan.
  12. You should use a quick strike rig. You should be able to get them at your local store, it's specifically made for live/dead bait rigging.
  13. Go with the 60 size. You will be happy you did. I bought the lexa 300 thinking it was enough but returned it after one trip for the 400. The Nacl 60 would be a good buy, if you're buying it second hand, make sure to do a thorough inspection of internals of the reel before purchase.
  14. If you're willing to dish out the money, I would say tranx hands down. Its an awesome reel, and it can do it all but comes with a higher price tag and only in RH retrieve. I have a lexa 400 now and after a few season of throwing baits its starting to go. Might get one more good season out of it. My brother has the Calcutta 400 and loves it, uses it for everything. I've heard good things about the Revo Toro S 61 and the Revo Toro Beast. I think it all depends on how much money you're willing to spend.
  15. Sweet video. The success and heartbreak of musky fishing, got to love it! Great stuff!
  16. X2 on the Berkeley gripper. Worked fine for me too. Also I sometimes use it to hold the fish's head up ( while it's in the basket ) while I unhook it. I've seen other people get hooks in their hands and it isn't pretty.
  17. If you're looking at georgian bay, try looking up Jamie Fitz who runs Weather Oar Knot guide service however he is located in the Baril area of GB. If if you're willing to goto nip you could try Slobland flicks, haven't been out with them but they're vids/pics look promising. If you want to have a day with the possibility of multiple skis then goto LSC. Try Fishlsc charters. I have a day booked in November with him.
  18. Great stuff! Both are great fish, that tiger looks deadly!
  19. Sweet deal! Looks like a good buy for the money!
  20. Summer time there is busy with traffic, but as soon as labour day comes it drops right off. There were hardly any boats out when we were there. Just personal preference, will change eventually. Thanks dude. Lmao. I cried.
  21. Hey guys, Would just like to start by saying thanks to everyone for the welcomes. I'm going to combine both my trip to Pointe au Baril into one post because they were only 3 days each. First trip up there was at the end of August, we were there from Fri-Sun. Stayed at a decent cottage 5 minutes from the station down the main channel. Weather for the trip was ok, rain all day friday, part day saturday. Of course Sunday the day we leave was the best day but turned out to be the big fish day with my buddy catching a 41" ski and me catching a 38" pike. Both were caught within a couple minutes of each other, different locations however, both trolling. My buddy's 41" ski My 38" pike So our second trip was at the end of September again from Fri - Sun. Ended up staying at the same place again. This time weather was about the same, with rain friday, none on saturday and heavy rain on sunday. So we did manage to catch some one pickerel, bass and the gf managed to catch a 40" on the Saturday afternoon. http://s1064.photobucket.com/user/MuskyPlug/media/image1_zpsakwrrmhn.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 http://s1064.photobucket.com/user/MuskyPlug/media/Musky40-2_zps4icaff22.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 http://s1064.photobucket.com/user/MuskyPlug/media/Bass2_zps7usq4p7f.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2 http://s1064.photobucket.com/user/MuskyPlug/media/Bass_zpsuaez788k.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3 We are hoping to head back up at the end of the month for a pickerel/musky trip if work permits, if we do I'll make another thread about that as well. Thanks guys. Side note: Was only able to upload 2 pics onto the site, even though they were smaller than the 250kb, that's why the other pics are on the photo bucket. Have I done something wrong or are you only able to upload up to that amount? Any help would be appreciated. Also did the links for photo bucket work? Thanks. Musky Plug
  22. I agree, it's also pushing the limits of my sanity lol. Don't know how many hours we're spend trolling but the rewards were worth it! Initiation rights? Also thanks for the welcome guys. Hoping to post another thread tonight after work about my last couple trips to pointe au baril.
  23. Great Stuff right there! That place look awesome!
  24. Those are some tanks right there! Great Stuff!
  25. Lol I wasn't aware the checks were so thorough! Thanks GBW. I tired to start another thread, and post some pics of my recent trip but it the pop up said the file size was to big? Am I doing something wrong?
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