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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. thats cool just watch that candy intake or you will be rolling on the floor of the boat just like most kids will be today sugar high then hard crash. It was nice when the kids were that small like ya said just sit around and let everyone come to you this year it was a sprint with about 10 kids all together what a mob and it was fun.
  2. in the fall I have to drive my boat off the trailer and have to let it warm up about 2 min before I can do this as there is no dock some guys get pissed but there is not much else that can be done I leave the other stuff like setting anything up for on the water or before I put it in the water. As for the DR it can be a ZOO when the guys are fishing eyes out there. I have been spring fishing and guys set up where you can flip a fly into there boat on a musky rod it is very bad out there I try to stay away when this happens and I am usually in a friends boat so I dont have the choice where we fish.
  3. I am also a bare foot fisherman and love the carpet its not slippery when I am fishing in the rain or fall on them frosty mornings like tomorrow will be. A buddy has a crestliner with vinyl and I can not stand it I will always get carpet JMO
  4. Well I am shocked I get to be the first to say it MUSKY BAIT!!! for the better of teh hound the first time he poops in the boat he had better hope its after Dec15th or before June 2nd next year. Very cute Joey and the dog looks good also (sorry Roy I had to)
  5. I have a 1994 version of it and love it
  6. Bruiser loves to get out fishing he just loves the boat he has not tried to jump out yet. he also knows when we are not catching fish as you can tell from these pics he will stand and watch the rods as if he is waiting for the clicker to go off. \ I think alot has to do with how you train your dog if you put in alot of time then there should not be a problem Bruiser knows what to do when your fighting a fish just tell him to go to the front of the boat and he will stay there until you have it in the bag. As for hotels there are alot of them that allow it most charge $10-$15 more for them and usually have a size restrictions we would just make sure to enter through the back door and have him out of sight not easy to do with a 100lbs lab.
  7. John it was great having you guys down it was my pleasure having you guys out fishign and over for the night I just hope next time we don't end up with 3'ers out on LSC besides Brownie had enough musky for that week. Yeah that drying box(AKA Live well) can get full by the end of the day.
  8. I would think this place would fall like many other boards if it was changed I dont post on may other sites and have stopped looking at many of them due to to many sections. I liked some of the ice fishing sites but they have WAY to many sections I loose interest. My vote (even thought were not voting) is to leave it as it has always been
  9. Well before the count down hits 0 I must say I did not read all of this thread until I read Lews other one. I must say first thanks to Lew for his other thread to direct me to Waynes post so I know who to thank for making seat belts. As a truck driver I have always wanted to know who to thank for making them as they hold things in just right for truckers and I always wanted to thank the one who invented them but heck the guy who has been making them is close enough I love a tight seat belt in the summer Thanks Wayne for the years ot tightness and if you know who invented them pass it along to him or her. ( I think it had to be a guy) Oh yes I wear mine it costs to much to not wear it last time was 4 points I think and $200+ if I remember correctly been 10 years since then.
  10. Congrats Aaron you sure look proud there. So has she had her first fishing trip yet?
  11. You took my answer and you listen to Bob and Tom to much but that's not a bad thing
  12. Wow I am so sorry to here of your loss there are not any words to put together that would make justice for this so I will just send my condolences to you and your family.
  13. Congrats on a great weekend John is one hell of a great guy to bad for the lost lure what color was it or can you say? Was it his special one he had me make here when him and Brownie were over? If you get John to remember his camera please ask him to shoot me some pics also he will laugh. Good luck next round.
  14. I nominate this for best reply of the year but I am tired as hell so what do I know???
  15. This are Sheet with a capital S the creeks are very high and the Thames was at least 2' high yesterday and then last night I heard that they opened the dam in London so that will not help us fishing the lake at all as that water will be pushing more mud out then politicians in Ottawa! Either way we will be on the west end of the lake trying for some big girls hope Lew and Pete are having a safe ride right now and the others a safe one tonight. See ya all in the am.
  16. Dang he was happy Congrats to him and thanks to all involved to make it happen Dave your one of a kind keep at it.
  17. congrats big buck glad to here you popped your 50" cherry.
  18. WTH that just sucks it takes all kinds for sure. I hope they get it back for his sons sake.
  19. I forgot he had to keep the red necks out he had the night shift good job on catching that one before he found his way and and stuck around.
  20. Hope your able to get out fishing today for some of them river fish. Enjoy the day Chris
  21. Miracon don't get discouraged about posting your pictures here, in this thread most were joking about Dave as he would have it no other way. I use P&S camera also and take pics best I can using the self timer some times they turn out and some times they don't kinda like the pics of my daughter and I last week it was so blurry but I posted it. If some one is so truly upset about a picture because of the camera angle or distance that the fish is from there body and they are serious then they need a time out to get fishing as they are to fish deprived. The rest of the OFC family will point out that they are out of line just like in this thread. Keep fishing and posting them up here you will see it takes a while for the family here to accept new people heck some still have not accepted me and I have been here longer then I can remember. Now that your done reading this go get out fishing and bring back lots of pics.
  22. Congrats guys glad to here Mike was able to put a game plan together and make it work under these weather conditions. Very nice clean fish I love them marking on number 2 also.
  23. Knowing Dave from the show and Ryan from here I would say that pic was done in fun it is cool and you can tell from the look in Dave's eyes he just wanted to let the fish go so he could grab the minnow bucket.
  24. Oscar looks like my two cats we had as a kid sorry to here you had to put him to rest at least he has all the birds to chase and couches to scratch
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