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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. 735 now. I know OFC can make this happen and if we get them past the 2000 mark I will be sure to let the Blair brothers know my wife hacked into my account here and get them to make her do extra laps around the block to help them pay there $2000.
  2. Thank you so much!! We started just over 500 and are now up to 702!!!! Spread the word :0) You are all super amazing! Mrs. Eh
  3. Well this is the real MrEh I see the wife cant stay away from here LOL thats what I get for not logging out good thing I am such a great husband to her or she would post all my I GOT SKUNKED reports i dont talk about. Any way they are up to 672 now they were at 620 or so last night so it looks like they will slowly make there goal heck this Monday after all and most of the OFC family will be getting caught up on things today. I hope we can get many more members to LIKE there page so they can cough up $2000 for the fight against breast cancer.
  4. Thanks so much everyone! If you see the group and the profile pic is do the Extrordinary with two guys on it then you are in the right spot It is now at 625 Thank you so so much!!! Mrs. Eh
  5. Hello all!! This is Mrs. Eh hacking into hubby's OFC board as he always leaves it open hahahahaha I'm asking for your help! If you are a facebook user PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click on this link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blairs-Boot-Camp-Fitness-Training/109857489072517 and "like" the page! I am a client of Blair's Boot camp here in Chatham and they are donating $1 for each new like of the group up to $2000 to Breast Cancer!!! I know you all are awesome at coming together to help out for charities so I would REALLY appreciate it if you took a quick minute to do this! THank you Thank you Thank you!!! I can't wait to see the numbers go up from this group! Mrs. Eh
  6. Dang bunk you did it again topping your last reports Love the pics and sure do love the memories. I get memories back also but they are never that clear I will have to go to moms and look through old stuff I know she has my reports from back in the day but I bet if I were to add up all the words in them including HI school you surpass me with your closing statement about the finger boards. Looking forward to the next journey you take us on
  7. Lew you need more musky fertilizer it will make your garden grow big time
  8. The first one I went to was Dec 27th not sure the year but it was a few days ago I headed the 2.5 hours from Chatham to the fire hall just for the wings and to say HI to many people I have never met face to face yet my wife thought (knew) I was crazy/nutz to go but she understands now as many of the people I met that night are life long friends now. We have had them in London with good numbers showing up I would travel to more of them but they are usually on week days and I start work way to early to be out all night. They are a great time and great way to meet other members. I like the idea of a swap meet thing set up for members to come out and set up tables to sell there tackle I might be interested in this if it were a weekend thing Kinda like the toy swap meets in a hotel banquet room?
  9. I to have been very fortunate to have been helped out by other members here and also given help when needed its amazing how many times I have been talking to other members (who I would never have met but have become life long friends if it was not for this board) and here there stories that people have done for others but you never here it on here. There are so many helpful people here that dont want to have it known unless its in a conversation its a great feeling to have them as friends. I must say thanks to the many who have been supporting my business which I would have never taken to this level if it were not for a couple members here who kept asking me if I were thinking of selling to stores I took the plunge and have been over whelmed with the OFC support from members buying them to the stores stocking them in there places. I also want to thank the ones who put together the events and fund raisers I know there are so many people who have been touched by this family it sure makes it easier to go to bed and sleep at night knowing that there is a great family here to turn to or help out another when needed. sorry got off track I think as for this Paul guy he is a stand up guy for sure he was one of the first to take a order and sent a nice package down I have heard a lot that he has done here that is all positive and not posted here. Kudos Paul and all the family members here.
  10. I hope to make the June G2G next year even if its just for the weekend.
  11. In fact, they want to meet with myself and Mike to further discuss what can be done to solve our fishing issue in the Cobourg Harbour. WTH I have not even been down to the Harbour before how did I get involved in this Oh well I guess I can make a fishing trip. Great work Ron so is this the place for the next OFC G2G?
  12. Glad to here you guys had a great time again maybe next time Pete will get a better guide to get some fish in the boat for him We had some nice weather down here this weekend and I managed to get out with Slow Poke and another buddy as a good guide I let Terry catch the fish Looking forward to seeing the crew here again
  13. now that report reminds me of my trips from years ago with dad great report and thanks for bringing some memories back for me
  14. but its not from today I here he is skunking squid
  15. Congrats Jer very nice looking Ski just think how much fatter she will be in two months
  16. Cliff I have a friend who has written a bunch of stuff for many different fishing mags I will send you his info he is a great guy.
  17. Very nice looking Ski congrats and a great way to start the fall hunt
  18. Around here some of the police know the wifes cousin really well (yes he is a good guy just friends of the police) they know that Dennis will come out and take care of the road kill he has got many deer that way. My favorite one was when he saw a car hit a deer he pulled over right away but so did a cop she was just young and new to the force. He explained to her what he would do with the deer and he would put it out of its pain before he sliced it up (my words) but she insisted that she shoot it after getting the shakes from her hand she finally killed the thing I guess she just wanted to shoot something and that was a good place to start. I wonder what the others of her police force called her when she filed the report for firing her gun???
  19. Great report looks like it was a great time to get out on the water love the look of that tiger
  20. ORR and Neil what a great fight again
  21. Sorry to here this John do you know if he had told his story on the WWII web site? What was his name?
  22. There ahead right now 3/0 over the sens. I got the early game on right now
  23. Raf your right that is the one I was thinking about I had the HDS on my mind as I would like one some day but by then they will be out of date LOL.
  24. Now there is some nice fertilizer looks like a nice day out there Billy
  25. sounds like it was a nice day out there for you two Lew
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