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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. The flash light was the first one I got. I was driving the wife nuts the strobe is cool.
  2. Dang looks a lot better then the ice fishing in my area congrats on a great time out
  3. One thing about using the live well check it for water I had a bunch of baits rust as I had not realized rain water got in
  4. Well this is cool as crap I just got one of these fancy iPhones and know why you guys love your smart phones so much I should have bought one before as this is slick. So cool I had to talk about it. Now can you guys tell me what are some of the cool aps for fishing or to just waist time lol. I love the fact I can get OFC on here.
  5. Dang Kelvin I hope she can pull through this it has been a rough go for you two I can only hope for the best for her.
  6. Great year you had there Ryan I hope the best for you and the family in 2012. You need to get your dad down here next summer for some LSC musky I will always have a seat open for you guys. Happy New Year
  7. There we go @handlebarzlures I have not done a lot with it but plan to change that in 2012. One thing I would like to do is post reports as the fishing day goes on but I don't have the smarts or smart phone for it I tried to find everyone but there was a couple that I could not find if I had not added you please check for me.
  8. Oh sure I go there and it looks like OFC has blown up Twitter the site has Twitter is over capacity.
  9. for the hard water I like to hit the rivers for Walleye Jade likes to hit the river when there is lots of safe ice so she can slide down the hill but the last few years there has not been enough ice for me to bring her and let her run loose. Some times I will go out with a group of the boys for some perch action but its more about being out with the guys then fishing for me. I guess Pete and the boys sum it up for me just right I like FISH WITH TEETH
  10. Yep all is still new from last year I got it all ready then did not get out once I was a little to busy at home so the ice season was missed. My daughter is bugging already to get out even thought I could have had the lawn mower out on Christmas day. Good luck out there
  11. Dang Mike that is one amazing year congrats on such a great year I cant wait to see how 2012 treats you.
  12. Hey everyone I just wanted to thank you all for the support in 2011 it started off as a great year and ended the same for Handlebarz musky lures from the bottom of my heart I thank everyone for supporting us from the members who encouraged me to take my hobby to the next level to the store owners here who now carry my lures it has been a blast. And for each one of you who purchased lures or recommend them to others I am looking forward to 2012 and hopefully expanding into some new areas where my lures are not in yet. From the family side it has been a rough one this year but things are heading back to the positive side of life I must again thank all the members who shared the journey with myself and my father who was battling caner since 2005 it was a long battle and ended with him going peacefully at home with us he is at rest now and would want us to go forward. I just wanted to thank you all for being a great bunch here. Dad was such a positive role model in my life I just hope I carry that forward for him. Cheers and Happy New Year to each and every one here at my OFC family. Mike Danna Jade Mikey and bruiser.
  13. That was awesome Simon looks like a great Christmas for your family
  14. Dang John that sounds amazing I hope some one can take you up on the trip I cant as we have a weeks vacation the week after I would be getting back. For anyone who has not met John or Brownie I must tell you they are awesome guys I had the pleasure of meeting them this summer and would love to have them both back here next year take the chance if you can afford it and get the time off. LOTW is a amazing fishery and this will be a great time of year to hit it the blackfiles should be all done skitters not as bad and the fish on fire.
  15. Yes Raf I hear they have one on order it will be 5 years to late and they will build it at the mouth of Lake O. For the ones who don't know this is VHS was seen by us here as a very bad thing when it first hit LSC but I must say the musky we lost have come back and they are getting bigger maybe its not the worst thing out there??? Maybe it kills the sick or week fish I have no idea but do know our musky fishing has been getting back to where it was before the die off with lots of snot rockets and shakers (20-36" musky) and all fish seem to be chunkier and healthy. Maybe VHS is like gobies when they first came here everyone thought they were the end of the Great lakes but they cleaned them up and made the fish fatter. Just my ramblings if it does get into there then there could be a bright side to it I hope it does not happen but there is something to look forward to. One last thing ask the guys on the east and west end of Lake O how the musky are coming back they seem to be happy with the ones they are getting.
  16. Dang Richard I had no idea I must have missed a thread before if you let us know or I had forgotten. I hope all the best for you in this battle we will be thinking of you for sure. Please keep us up to date. Mike
  17. Dang 7 years already it does not seem that long ago when I remember you telling us about it thanks for the post Lew it was nice to see the things he has done. he lived a full life and just think many will not leave there city before they die for the young age he sure made you guys proud.
  18. Lew my father was the same way he had a picture of his father on his dresser beside him since I can remember and before it was on the dresser it was on the wall beside him. I have a few things that I am going to do and I know like yourself I will always have him with me.
  19. We shared alot more stuff then just fishing but he sure was proud of his fishing life. Here are a couple from 2007 41 as I remember 47 3/4 just over 48
  20. Thanks again everyone as most know dad was my buddy and it means a lot to see everyone sending there wishes mom loves it and had no clue that so many people would do this. They were both humble about wanting to be in the eye of attention so she is taken by the kind words. Good luck to all who get out fishing this weekend
  21. First Bruce I must commend you on being a scout leader that is a very time consuming lifestyle but it is a big one in many kids lives and will help some make the right choices in there lives later on. The news is very saddening to here of the loss of a youngone may he rest in pece.
  22. thank you everyone dad was sent off on his final trip today and will come home soon and remain with us always. Thanks for all the well wishes and phone calls it means alot to myself and my fmily.
  23. Sorry to my OFC family for not posting this before today but it was just t hard to get it up on here for me dont know why but I think the comments are gonna hurt help and heal at the same time. I think I just could not read them until later today. Well here is what I came up with. Thanks to everyone here for the well wishes for Dad its so hard to post that he had passed away Sunday November 20th in my arms with my mother and Wife at his side this was the most peaceful thing that has ever happened to me. I am so sad to have lost dad but would not trade this journey for anything not even another day on the water. His last breath was a long inhale that he will hold forever and his last sight was my mom I will share the other details one on one another day with each OFCN family member when we are on the water or teh phone or sitting by the fire. All I can say is he was the best friend and biggest supporter of me and my family. He will be missed big time but never forgotten this has made myself stronger as a father I know things I need to do and just hope I can be half as good as he was. RIP dad Our last fish together a little one but he was so happy as he could reel it in. He loved every fish he ever caught here he is looking at this monster of slime before the above pic Rigging up for some walleye earlier that morning I will put something together some other day I just wanted to say thanks to my OFC family members for the emails, calls and time on the water talking about dad over the last 6 years whith his battle with cancer.
  24. dang that is awesome Mike congrats on the PB and amazing day out
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