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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I remember them doing it last year also but not sure when they started to do it. I know it threw me off last weekend when I put on a game and was reminded of this LOL.
  2. Great recap of the year Jaques looks like it has been a great one for your family
  3. I know on Cameron lake I see this also but I know its bait fish and there are musky mixed in as we have caught them with our lures cursing through the school of bait. It happens at night fall I go to these spots and watch them come up off the bottom its like clock work 10-20 min before dark there is nothing then all of a sudden starting in 35FOW they start to appear this will go on until the screen is covered from 18FOW to the bottom at 35FOW. I keep forgetting to bring my under water camera to see what kind of fish are there other then musky
  4. Chris they are the best I have seen heck I never produced anything like that the best I could do was the good O'l Muddler minnow LOL It does not matter the size of bait or lures one makes its how much they enjoy making them I would think once it becomes a burden or something you have to do its time to give up
  5. I have always messed around with different lures for what ever I fished for flies for the trout, Harnesses for eyes, Poppers for bass, so when I got into musky fishing it was just a given that I would start at some point making something. I first started with the store bought spinner bait heads I got them painted by Outlaw he also did the blades for me they were done with Bucktail here are a couple of them from the winter of 2005 into 2006. I then thought I would makes some in lines from bucktail well naturally any musky hunter needs some marabou and feathers so I did them for a bit Well from there flashabou was the next step for me and it was the big craze in the musky world so I started with them and I can tell you it was not easy at first I would have much rather tied bucktail or marabou back then. here are some of my first flashabou tie jobs and ideas. This one has a 6oz weight in front of the flashabou with two very heavy magnum Indiana blades but the weight was to heavy for these blades to pull it to my liking. This was my second ever flashabou tied and fished it looked OK in the water but I need to improve a lot. Not sure where in the learning curve this was but I was getting happier with them The second ever copper walleye I made I was not cutting the flashabou to my lining yet but it worked out great I still had some unpainted spinner bait heads left so I brought them to outlaw for a paint job and I added flashabou to them (I still have some left I will be adding flashabou to and selling later) I relay liked how this one turned out other then the blades they were done with powder paint by me and were not to my liking I then had a idea of using my inline sinker mold to make my own style spinner baits (the first Egg Head) it worked out great but I knew it needed some tweaking and put it off until 2011 I had another version of the inline weights this was much better but I needed bigger blades In 2009 I was very happy with the way my flashabou was so I started to concentrate on it and made a bunch of different sizes here are some of the first ones of the soon to be Handlebarz line double 8's first of the double 10's I was still messing around with blades like this double 8 Indiana but it did not give me the flair that the baits needed well here comes the 2010 musky season and I am getting bugged (in a good way) by a couple friends about me selling my lures to some stores I did not think it would go but I gave it a try in a couple with just the double 8's and sure enough they were selling I was so happy but the stores started to ask for double 10's I had only been making them for my self and a couple friends at that point but knew they were ready for the market so this year I released them here on OFC and was very excited with the response that everyone gave me they have been a great hit and been putting alot of musky in the boats for many musky hunters (I still need pictures from you guys who are using them) here are the finished double 8's and 10's double 8 lemon lime double 10 fire tiger with outlaw painted blades Here is the end of my journey its the night before 2011 opener I have Ron (Djeep) stops over at 10pm to get some used lures I have for sale and notices my first home made spinner bait and asked if I was still making them ???? I get thinking about redoing them (I had been thinking of them for a few years) well I get to work again and am finnaly happy with the Egg Heads to start to sell them if it were not for Ron asking me I dont know If I would have gotten to them this year or not but thanks Ron Thanks for this thread Roy I had wanted to post how my business has evolved but did not know how to start a thread about it. Thanks for all the support from the OFC family it has been alot of fun turning this hobby into what it is today.
  6. If they dont work call Angling Outfitters they have a bunch of 520c units for $300 not sure if its just the power head but they also have many different transducers.
  7. Dang sorry to here of this for her I hope she pulls through. The stores always have turkey so you can have it any time
  8. Very nice looking Roy they should look very sweet with some teeth marks on them.
  9. Good luck Paul. Wayne I thought you got rid of them things Hope everyone gets out and has a blast this weekend Oh yeah I must re check my calendar as my full moon is on Tuesday
  10. I like the legend plows and yes they do work I only have a couple of them but they have there time and place like fishing deep waters where you want your lure deep but not running it back far so you can still control it with the boat. I don't usually use anything bigger then 10" but will if the time and place are right.
  11. Try sticking to your normal program at first as these warm days will get them moving blades cranks and jerk baits will get the job done. I would say yes the mag will work as they do work all years for some guys if its something you normally use giver hell with it. Good luck with this summer Thanksgiving weekend
  12. I will get out I hope and will be suing my summer time presentations blades will be great as the waters would have warmed this week or will do so daily then back down at night so later in the day wen it has warmed up some try the blades and faster baits. I would not slow down yet go out and do your normal thing if its not working then slow down what your doing if that does not work start to switch it up. when were talking about colder water 50's or less I go bigger and slower for sure 10" jakes are one of my favorite 9" woddie thumpers have put many fish in the boat for us this time of the year . I dont like believers but they do work (I have them just have not caught anything on them) you can get the Jakes down deep just play with line lengths in shallower water until they bang the bottom then remember that for when your fishing the deep water you should have no problems getting a Jake down to 17-22'
  13. Well if some one were able to skip work on Friday I could have still made it on the water Thanks Graham for the heads up on CTC but I had ATW just fix it that day its all ready to go now.
  14. LOL Pete Mike I have been luck with this stuff as a few years ago my van broke a tie rod when a buddy was backing the boat in I was in the boat I got out and we popped the tie rod together then launched the boat we worried about CAA later that day after we had fished most of it LOL. If the wife was able to come get me in time for dads doctor appointment I would have gone fishing heck the tow truck driver said he would launch the boat for me that would have been priceless but time was not on my side that day I was just putting in a few hours that morning. Were ready to go now so here is to hopping this weekend is a good one.
  15. Well it was nothing a lost day of fishing and $700+ could not cover. I had a brake rotor break on me I guess there are cooling fins in them??? one broke and collapsed the rotor it did not blow apart I would think I was lucky. I had them replace the rotors and pads also there was a ball joint that was ok but they asked if I wanted it replaced I said YEEEEPPPP. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks Pete you save some fish for me I might just get out early for work and make the water before dark on Friday.
  16. nice Job Mike gotta love it when a plan comes together
  17. Tell her to keep up the fight Wayne we are still thinking of her down our way
  18. Bill it left with CAA and is at the wife cousins shop they will get to it some time today yes Roy it happens like dad always said don't worry about what you have no control over. Lew I was very happy to get it stopped and pulled over and I always leave fat girls for my friends to catch just some of them dont like the LSC spotties not sure why. One other thing about CAA Premier membership does not cover the boat so next year I will rejoin as a Premier RV member this way they will bring my boat home or to the shop for me and the wife will not get a wake up call at 6am LOL. The RV up grade is just $15 more a year that is well worth the price right there as today it cost me $10 in gas for the wife to come out and head back home if we were far away and had no other choice to get the boat towed it would have been way over the cost of $15. For the ones who don't have CAA I suggest you get it as this tow would have been about the same price as my year membership.
  19. Well things looked so amazing today for getting out and hunting some musky on LSC I was cruising along enjoying the view of the stars twinkling in the cloud less sky the wind was light from the west and things could not have been better with the cleaning of the lake and the warming trend that had started yesterday it is a great day. BANG WTH I hit the breaks THERE GONE I get the truck and boat pulled over (good thing it was 6am and I was not in town) there was a clunking from the front of my truck dang my fishing day was over just 2km from the launch this sucks. Well CAA came and took the truck to the shop and the wife came and got me with the boat she would have brought the boat and I to the launch but there were to many things going on today for her to come and get me later so that I can get home to take dad to the doctor at 2pm. Oh well I did get a couple pic from the day. I had to wait for it to get light enough to take some pics and the others came out black the view of the train wig wags going down I did get to watch it as the sun was coming up LOL and there she goes
  20. Great shots Joey I love the first duck upside down it looks like he was in for a landing in the shot above but messed up and flipped over LOL
  21. not me I was not in a sub way that I could enter the contest
  22. Like it was already said there is a good population of pike on the east end of LSC. As for there spawning and musky the pike go up the creeks and spawn after ice out into April and musky don't until later April or early into may but they stay out int the lake in the shallows. This year I have read a few times about the musky spawning twice this would be something to consider also.
  23. WOW that does not look good at all. I was wondering what the STOP THE MEGA Quary signs are that were popping up across HWY 9 and Tottanham road.
  24. Ronnie you and I were thinking along the same lines I was wondering why this guy was hugging a 32" musky??? must be the water where he lives. I have a perch on the wall that is 13" it is not a monster for what we have here on LSC or Erie but on lake X in sudbury area it sure was for where it came from it was in a area in the middle of this lake that was full of reeds I caught 13 pike off it and dad caught 8 then he caught the 13" perch on crank bait we figure that it was a great memory for us and took it home what a great day it was we slammed the eye's saw a porcupine swimming followed a moose swimming and bashed the hell out of the pike that day dad was also bitten of by a HUGE pike to us at that time maybe 40"??? but that one perch means more to me then my first 50" musky.
  25. We are at 744!! We started at 553 and they are going to a max of $2000 soooooooooooo that's only 1809 to go!!! We can do it with all your help! Mrs. Eh
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