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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. awesome LM Carl congrats on the new PB
  2. Good Job John sounds like a great season for you this year.Next year we will have you back down here and get you a LSC musky.
  3. Hope you guys have a great day and get what you both want Beans to get out fishing and mom to have a nice quiet day
  4. dang seems like a pattern here LOL just ask his daughter how nice he is he even gives his daughters first place trophy's away for her. Well my daughter had to work for it but all the same. Stand up friend for sure and am very glad to call him a true friend and sportsman.
  5. great report and dont worry about speiing its the pics and story that matter. Congrats to you both on a great first weekend of ,many musky hunting adventures.
  6. Congrats Darren that sure was a cool read and great looking buck
  7. looks like a great day for sure and heck it was better then my fishing day I was stuck at home I would that that any day congrats on the first.
  8. the one the musky hit I would leave it as it is and just add hooks no clear you can save it as a special bait for the days when other things are not working it might just do the trick. looking forward to seeing the baits when your done
  9. Roy your right there they would fill the pails with silver bass and head home but its fun has hell to have 2 16" silver bass on the line. the most they used was 4 hooks here alot were three some were two. It would be neat to catch 4-5 LM on one at a time.
  10. this is something we have been doing since I was a kid. I learned this from the older guys from Detroit that would come here fishing daily the stuff they used was not a nice looking but just made with fishing line but the same idea. I like the ideas that they have down there they can get creative.
  11. Ron your one of a kind not many would do what your doing to just keep spots for kids to fish most are to busy in the own life to make time for others. I know your a very busy guy and dont know how or where you find the time for this stuff. Keep up the good fight
  12. Thanks guys it was cool to find out that he did it I have a print of it already but am looking forward to see the calendar. One cool thing about his calendars is they are made so you can cut them up after the year and frame each print or just put them on display if ya like kinda like pin up girls for musky nuts.
  13. thats just dang awesome congrats on getting him hooked early it sure is nice when they take after the old man and it reminds me of being a youngster fishing Dennie dam with dad I think I was 7-8 the first trip I had to stay on shore and dad would fish from the center of the river I would almost hit guys every once in a while dad would remind me to take shorter casts them days last for ever.
  14. Hey all I just wanted to share a painting that features one of my double 8's in it. Charles Weiss did this painting and called it "sting the bling" which he took from the Handlebarz catch phrase Zing the Bling.The print is available for sale and also its in his 2012 calendar its kinda cool having a painting done and not knowing about it until its done. I just had to share with eveyrone also have a look at his site he does some crazy work and great carvings. http://www.charlesweissart.com/news.html
  15. not sure about hooks for the little fish but anyone looking for good pliers check out walmart they have some very nice ones for $11 I have about 6 pairs just so I dont leave home with out them they are great better then some of the $20-$30 ones I had.
  16. PP Power Pro the rods are half switched over to 100lbs PP now and the rest over the winter.
  17. nice going on the PB cliff just keep chucking them baits and a 50 will find them. Just out of curiosity what time were the fish turned on at? When we were out they turned on fast at 12:30 we had 2 and another bat in the same are also had 2 by 1pm they were done as we stuck it out until 1:30 with out a sniff I sent a couple buddies over there and they got 2 just before and after moon rise.
  18. Thanks all I just love to get out with Jade and it sure did put a smile on my face more of laughter when she did not want a pic then being proud as Rizzo was saying she commented that we need a bigger one, she is on the hunt for her 50" We did some casting yesterday but it did not pan out next season she will start using a bait caster it should make casting a bit more easier for her.
  19. Well it was such a nice looking day I had to take Jade out for some musky hunting we hit the launch around 9:30 I missed one fish casting. There was not much action where we were so we headed east on the lake over to another spot I like and sure enough 15 min in Jade landed her first of the day about 30" heck she even thought it was to small for a pic. I just set the lines and one of them went off I got to see the fish it was a fat mid 40's fish that broke the 50lbs PP it was frayed so I think I have a bad guide on that rod I will look at it later. we were heading back to the launch and made one more turn and she landed this one what a great day with my bast fishing partner.
  20. Beauty fish Bob great to see you guys getting some big girls on the DR
  21. I did not mean she was stressed from the fight as we get a lot of them on LSC like that as you know. I have wondered why it is that there are many that come up like that is there still VHS in them or something else as its not a water temp thing this time of year. most seem to have bleeding tail fins also. I dont notice it in the clear musky from tea stained waters
  22. I will keep voting as CK has made the change and if it was not for each vote we would not have finally had our change. In the long run it made a big difference as it kept Ontario from another majority. Any way T-10-9-8
  23. Awesome report Brandon congrats that 51 sure looks stressed out I would guess that's why she stuck around? Gotta love the DR
  24. Oh hell that is just not right there is a lot of room to pull to the side and get ready then get it into the water.
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