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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Welcome back to the Deep South
  2. Welcome aboard
  3. Well last Monday Canada lost another vet of WWII my uncle Leo Cleary passed away he was 92. As a kid every trip to Nova Scotia I was lucky to spend time with him fishing different creeks or my favourite spot he called the bog it had lots of trout in it but was a chore to walk through. I still remember the old bridge I caught my first ever fish from it was made of old railroad ties and had the tar smell but lots of fish. I learned how to cast a fly rod in his driveway and remember getting tangled with the cloths line he had lots of Patients for me with it. I never knew much of the war stuff until a few years ago from dad telling me as uncle Leo did not talk about it. I did not see or talk to him much in the last 15 years or so but have a life time of memories from my child hood that I owe to him. RIP uncle Leo. If you care to please click the link and listen to a short 4:30 of his WWII journey to give us the freedom we have today. From being a POW to getting shot after the war was over he gave his all for us all. http://www.thememoryproject.com/stories/1684:charles-leo-cleary/
  4. I like the last pic as well and have some of them. That to me is one of the best parts of fishing alone getting lots of pictures on the timer mine is set to take 10 pictures after the 30 second timer goes off which is more then enough time to get the fish out and ready to capture the memory.
  5. Looks like he was going to keep it also that would be handy to keep kids busy
  6. Chris we have a big cold front coming but I hope that guys be very safe thinking about going out deep as first ice is always iffy.
  7. It's always nice to get some good news before Christmas. Glad to hear that things are in your favor.
  8. Looks like a great season congrats thanks for sharing
  9. Yes they have been shown to the Ottawa chapter and when the winter issue of the release journal comes out the rest of us can see.
  10. My child hood memories of Christmas include parties each night at a different neighbours house so there would be 12 nights of kids up late and parents having great times and lots of booze. Christmas morning dad would lay on the floor passing out presents. The day would be spent with family and neighbours. Now it's kinda the same way but we don't party each night away. We watch the same cartoons all December with new movies mixed in last night it was ELF as we set the tree up. Christmas Day I crawl around the tree announcing who the presents are from and watch the paper fly. I truly love just sitting around and enjoying these days with my family. Life is to fast and I enjoy the lazy days.
  11. I have been to many Black Friday sales I would park my transport and head in with the others. Usually I would be in Ohio and never had a problem like the videos I guess like Phil the other buckeye folk know how to safely have a good sale. I am guessing that there are alot of good Canadian Boxing Day sale you tube videos out there.
  12. Is that a polarized lens for the hero 3? Yes we do get screwed up here alot of items. I would love to always buy local or Canadian but far to often it just pays to shop around. $69- $151 that is a crazy price difference
  13. I bought the ugly stik with the blue thread wrapping they are alot more sensitive then the orange thread ones. I really like them they work awesome and are just as strong. I bought the okuma 15 avenger reels they have also been great. I got the reels from eBay $20 shipped and the rods were $35-$40
  14. Good job it's been 20 years give or take for me
  15. Heck I plan on casting and trolling musky this weekend. I know Mother Nature has other plans but I hope the launches are open. Squid and Lew have been here when we had to play icebreaker to get out fishing.
  16. Wow first CBC looses the theam song not all of HNIC I guess they want grapes off the air. I grew up watching it and my daughter did to as well as my son a little bit that we have watched since the strike. Like me giving up Heinz ketchup I can live with out hockey if Ron and Don are gone.
  17. Don't tell the skunk avatar is gone
  18. From what I understand the release of this I do was not supposed to happen until the Mci release journal was out and at that time the picture would have been out also. I hope all the negative stuff not here but on other sites does not keep the pictures from getting released. The guy that caught it is a dedicated musky fisherman. Josh it was not a jig and minnow this time. Just a good guy that has finally caught his fish of a lifetime.
  19. Matt we are watching the girth of the musky on LSC grow each year also. And the numbers of fish in the 35-45" range are huge here. Many of us thank the VHS virus for doing what Mother Nature has always done take out the weak and let the strong grow.
  20. Now that's the way to make a entrance forget about just a couple starters the whole team comes out as ONE
  21. Did not look at Detroit I did Windsor London and Toronto. I am a cfl fan and a riders fan but not for that price heck that's a week camping with boat rental
  22. My brother has a restaurant out in SK and just got tickets Friday night he asked if I wanted to go. I sure do but flights were $800-$2000 to get out and back on Monday do you think they were jacked up for a reason lol. Well I will be watching from my living room a comfy 65 with the fireplace going as he freezes live. Go 13th man
  23. Dang I thought we had snow coming but it must have been fluff from dandelions as when I came back out side there was nothing on the ground just the way it should be
  24. I know the guy who caught it also and he is not one for trying to get hype at all. He is just a good guy that has put in his time and has paid his dues. I must say when I was talking to him some time after he caught the beast it had to be hard to not talk about it as I know I could not keep my mouth shut about it if it was in my net. His story will be released in the MCI RJ and I cant wait to read it. I also hope it does help to bring some good light to MCI and maybe pick up some members as we do have a great bunch of members here. I know there will be another big fish story in there as well it should make for some good winter reading. For now Kudos to him
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