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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I have used legend tournament rods yeah they kick butt but the price is way up there if its no option then sure I would have all of them. I have a 9' telescopic XH tackle industries rod it has been great for me using Abu big game 7000 reel, Abu Revo toro winch 60 and a tranx. I use it for big blades 10's and 12's as well as bulldogs and other big rubber baits its a great rod for the price. I have landed lots of musky with that rod and its still going strong. I do want to get some St.croix rods as they are lighter but the price is a killer
  2. Wayne that is the best present any father would love. I was Welled up earlier when I saw the pics as you can not buy a present like that. All the best to you and the family.
  3. Yep I will also trade you terry I have a extra hero 2 lol. I had to do a couple updates also to get it to work but once it did it has worked awesome all season. I did not even know there was a 3+ I thought you miss printed for the 2.
  4. 1) White, Silver or Black Edition? Which do you have, how do you find the resolution when filming and taking pictures? Are you happy with what you have or do you wish you had the next model up? I have the silver and black bought the black as it came with the remote but then bought the silver for video I dont see a difference so if you dont need the remote go silver the mega pixles you loose are not much to worry about on the silver compaired to black. 2) Go Pro Hero 3 vs. Hero 3+? Are the newer cameras that much better? I have found the older models have much better sales. i.e. $150 off vs $50 off. I have a hero 2 that my son uses I would only recommend the hero 3 silver or black for your question 3 as the looping feature is awesome. 3) Does anyone use the looping mode where the video file is erased after a set amount of time? seems very useful for filming fly fishing where you want to capture the rise/take. Does it work well and which model is best? I have it and use it at all times for the black and silver. I set it at 5min loop this way it records 5 min the starts the 6th min and erases the first min and so on. You can record 5min,20min,60min 120min or MAX card they all shoot 1 min sections so when you go to edit your video you are only uploading 1 min at a time instead of 30min0 1 hour to just get a couple min of footage best feature if you ask me for the Hero 3. I guess Im a fan of the silver and will be getting one more or two more next year I think as it depends if my wife wants to havfe them on her when we are musky fishing.
  5. Call angling outfitters in Woodstock they usually have used chips that is what I did and it only cost $50 instead of $200
  6. Not here I have not worked either in 17-20 years. In my teen years I would work Christmas if needed so others with little kids could have it off. I have not and will not miss a Christmas with my kids New Years well it does not matter near as much it's just another day. We always do stuff as a family but I would rather miss it then Christmas
  7. It's hard I like so many were way hung Rudolph right now well taking OFC/ washroom break
  8. Dang it was well above freezing here in SW area no ice all rain lots of it. My sump pump is still going every 3/4-1 hour pumping out 4" at a time in the hole. That's alot of rain here. All our snow is gone and the Thames river is running high and breaking up. Hope everyone is safe out in the South and eastern parts of Ontario.
  9. We are lucky here its all rain and lots of it as my sump pump has been going on every 1/2 hour since 2am or so. Its not good for the early ice we have as I can imagine its going to get blown out from the creeks and rivers but its better then having the trees falling covered in ice. Stay safe to everyone east of Chatham that is getting freezing rain
  10. Merry Christmas Welcome aboard
  11. Thanks Pete
  12. In the SW corner it looks ok for us lots of rain but the temps are staying up. I hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend and stays safe.
  13. Ron if we told people about the days that actually happened they would not believe it that's for sure. We sure do have fun times out there We will compare notes off line about where you were I hope next season we can get out for another great day on the water. Thanks Mike I do have a lot more pics on my facebook page from this summer if you need a fix just search handlebarz page on there Yes Will we have to get out during the warmer months we just need to get that mother nature to corporate with us Pete I love that pic of you and the other head shot one from that day it was a blast. The river is frozen over with guys getting eyes already lets hope for a good ice season LOL yes we connected a lot of dots this summer for the days we got out.
  14. I understand why they do it so that ones who will not walk with a spud and make it THUD during early ice will be safe a d stay away. I have always had great luck with the police in our area.
  15. Lew I still remember that musky like it was yesterday it was caught using a TEP special trolling it along side of my kicker motor I was watching the bait then looked forward to see the rod tip start to bend I looked back and she was thrashing that bucktail the fish was on. LOL yes that is what my son said also. I had to wear it for two reasons it was windy as heck that day and I just had a tooth pulled the night before so I did not want to get dry socket. Thanks John and yesssss I will be your net man for a monster as long as you sweep LOTW again in 2014 Art if you are passing by LSC on your way to or from lak airLMK and I will try and get a day off work to get out fishing with you plus im alot closer from home for you. Thanks Phil I hope all went well as could be for you and your budy back in October when you were to come up. Thanks Matt Terry Brian and Blade Brian I did have a well rounded game years back then I got the musky bug and now I'm messed to never be the same LOL
  16. Well it was a great year for myself and people on my boat here are a few of the fish caught this year. I boated 8 over 50" this year myself with a 54" New PB that came on a double header with Ron and a great 52" for him that was a blast and will not be forgotten any time soon. My wife caught a new PB casting musky 49.25" her biggest is a 50" trolling. Lots of big fish in the boat with many 46"-49" I only managed to get out 24 days this year well that is the amount of logs I have for fishing I might have missed a couple days. I did miss all the great fall fishing with only hitting the water 4 times since the end of September. I cant wait for June 7th 2014 All our fish were caught casting there might be one or two caught trolling but we only trolled a few hours all season long. Like I was saying I did not get my fall fishing in so my trolling time was way down.
  17. Congrats team 5 Sorry team 2 for not using my sign on bigger cats or musky.
  18. Looks like a awesome year Pete congrats. I love that little tiger Im still hunting for one of them. I think I lost one this year but I did not get a great look so my hunt will start up June 7th again
  19. Very nice I sure do like that toon it always warms up the day and sets a great mood
  20. I do not see me making it as that is then end if holidays I will not be far from home. Have a awesome time
  21. Well I'm sure the next cuts will be the post office and they will all or most move into shopper drug stores. The postal workers earn around $25/hr the shoppers postal workers $11-$15 depending on the stores that is a huge savings.
  22. Tom mabe is killer on pranks. Like Phil said his phone pranks are awesome watch them all they are worth thw time
  23. Thanks Brian that must be a blast reading what went on and what they were thinking at the time of writing things down. I like that site i posted as there are alot of the old guys talking I guess they figure its now or never t otell there story or it leaves with them.
  24. Thanks all he was a tough guy and always busy even last summer at 91 years young was up on the roof painting the windows even though his kids would give him crap he just did his thing. I wish he would have talked about more stories like what happened when he was a POW I have heard some from dad but they will be shared face to face to graphic to post here. I can just imagine what went through all our vets minds daily to help them selves keep living with there memories most of us would not be able to handle them.
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