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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Get a hold of Brandon he has done this he even has published his own book of pics he has come a long way and is doing great that is all I know about this stuff
  2. You will be surprised what they will do. My first 50" hit a TEP bucktail right beside my kicker motor in 7' of water. The bait was no more the 2' beside the prop and a few inches under the water. These are awesome fish to target as they will keep you guessing. Your a hero one day and a zero the next.
  3. I will run a down rod with 1-2" out then my leader but also as far back as 100' it all depends what the fish want and how many rods are out. If I'm running 6 rods I will have 4 out on the boards two on each side. Then I will have two down rods one 15-25' the other usually starts at 5' then goes shorter or longer from there. What usually happens with a down rod is they get the fish that are looking for baitfish that have been hit by the boat/prop or just stunned by the boat passing over. These musky are usually hungry and very active that is why a very short line will get eaten. The other part is 15-25' your looking for the fish that are not as aggressive but still looking for a easy meal that was shocked by the boat passing over they will hang out in the back if the prop wash. It's a rush to have them fish eat.
  4. Good video I did not mind the toons but I'm not as OLD as some around here I cant wait to get back on the soft water for slime come on June 7th The Down rod can be deadly with just a inch or two of line out from the tip of your rod and its a rush when the bait is 1' under the water and they slam it, some times before the drag goes off they are air born that gets the blood running
  5. the title is misleading the 1000 post was great I also like the 1001 1002 they are all great. thanks for taking the time to post all the pics and take us down memory lane
  6. I stopped selling on eBay shortly after they bought PayPal as there fees went up right away. At that time postal fees went up and out dollar went from $1.56-1usd to $1.10 so it was easy to stop selling. I loved it when our dollar was so low I was making a killing on everything.
  7. I was thinking the same thing nothing like saying come visit by raising the prices. But then again I don't go there and think there could be good reason for it. I know that down my way some parks are over run by very large families that will go first thing in the morning gather up almost all tables and just sit there all day then leave their junk around just to do it again the next day. To bad there is not much that can be done for that maybe our area should also make paid parking to keep them away.
  8. That is awesome to here glad it worked out for you. I was always that way and some times it hurts as I don't like to lend my lazer auger some people don't know who to use a auger so I would help but have to drill there holes myself. Now with the jiffy its a breeze.
  9. I'm with you TJ FF never went out of style here
  10. Thanks for taking care of us last year Joey and good luck this year Chris
  11. sounds like a great start and Walmart in the USA does not mess around with there food go to the hot food deli it is killer get the General bonless wings they are awesome. plus they have all the food you want to make in your room. Have a safe trip
  12. Walmart usually has them as well as musky hunter actually musky hunter is cheaper there then if you have a subscription
  13. LOL glad to see we think alike. Brian I like that song a lot but ever since Jade was born I told the wife I was going to buy a gun so I can clean it when she brings boys over then 6 years later I heard that song I knew it was meant to be LOL So I posted the link to facebook last night I guess jade was not impressed as she was pouting so much over it I felt bad so I untagged her but left the video up
  14. Welcome aboard your not at 62 replies yet but I'm sure the others have not see this thread yet. Lol
  15. So my little girl tells us she has a boyfriend she is almost 14 where has time gone??? Anyway I guess today was as good as any day to share with her and the world my favourite song I heard it back in 2006? And when I did I knew it would come in handy down the road. I know all you dads will love it or do love it. Some have already lived the fear I am just approaching others have new little girls and get to build the fear. Either way Why must they grow up?
  16. Ron I can't wait for this year maybe we will be nice and let Keith and Danna get them lol. NOT John I hope they have some in the show that would be great. I can't wait for this summer. Thanks everyone Ron and I have been enjoying that day since it happened. Like Ron said it was almost a triple header all over 50" all on Handlebarz that would have been just sick. I think we are lucky it did not happen as danna would have kicked us all into your boat.
  17. Your right look at the three new guys I guess they are not steel headers lol. I guess we have a bunch of single guys here fishing is right. As Joey said most are harmless. If your at the sportsman show on musky Sunday stop by the musky Canada area you can chat with my wife she is a fishing freak also. Not alot of girls posting anymore my wife was as were a bunch of others but they seem to marry off and leave with members from the board lol.
  18. Thanks guys I know I have shares Ron and my pics before from that day but this was way cool to have it show up on musky hunter. Next I can't wait to see John fishing on the show.
  19. Hey all I just want to share a clip from this weeks Musky Hunter TV show. Ronnie and I made the trophy tails section. Thanks for sharing this awesome moment together Ronnie. Hope you all enjoy and yes I did get Jim Sarics permission to use the clip.
  20. Welcome aboard there are lots of members that fish out that way I bet you ran into a bunch fishing them waters
  21. Gotta love playing with them fishies my wife hates when I do that at the black of the boat if we are anchored. The best part I found was that all the pickerel here in our river are not on bottom in the winter. Years ago when I first started to use my unit on the ice I was rewarded right away by it showing me fish 6-8' off the bottom in 16 FOW I brought up my line and bam right away I had a 28" Thanks for posting Brian I have not been out ice fishing in years so its nice to watch someone else have fun
  22. Welcome aboard Dave glad to have another musky nut in the crew
  23. Wayne I had to break out the redneck snowplow here as we got hit last week with Toronto crippling amounts of snow YES 6-8" lol. So I had to shift the truck into 4x4 and drive her back and forth to get a nice hard pack down no shovels here
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