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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Well this year my wife and I had a auction again in support of the Fish-A-Thon for a cure as we did in 2012 I had donated a trip out fishing Lake St.Clair casting for musky Cliff and Will from the OFC board won that trip with a great high bid. We are still trying to get that trip in as both dates we tried for so far did not work out but we have another date set for November when these musky will be nice and fat ready to eat. On be half of Handlebarz musky lures we also donated a bunch of baits shirts and other stuff for the prize table I had decided that we needed to add another trip fishing musky with me to the prize table so we did. A awesome guy Chris picked this as one of his big prizes as he had the most donations over $3000 I think it was. He also had the big fish for the day and the GRAND SLAM so he had top 3 choices on the prize table which he deserved he kicked butt on all areas donations and fish. I had very high hopes of great karma for the trip as it just felt great and I was on the big fish for the last couple trips. We head out early well not really by 7am after breaking my skeg on my motor we were off to find some LSC musky things started off great I gave the guys a quick rundown on how to use the baitcasters (Chris new what to do but never with a big musky sized reel) and they were chucking baits like mad.I did not fish for the first half hour or so just helped giving them pointers on the figure 8 and other things to look for and do when casting musky. It was not long before Jeff his friend had a follow that is awesome when you get to watch a person have there first follow from a musky. (right Lew I bet you still remember my first follow I know I do we both had out huge smiles on) Any way Jeff did not get the fish to eat so I gave him a couple more pointers on things to change when doing a figure 8 he had a few more follows with out a hook up. I had pictures of them casting but they are on Jeff's camera not mine cant share them. they let me know its ok for me to start to fish so I do I wanted to be sure they were set up well before I started to cast. well it did not take long before I had a awesome musky following up on my Mammoth double 12 it was awesome as jeff came over and watched the big girl follow the bait in the figure 8 for three turns before she ate after a quick fight Chris netted it like a pro. she measured 51.5" Well the day went on with a bunch more follows for all of us but the fish were slow following which is why I had the mammoth on as its been great for slow fish this year. I had the guys switch up to bulldogs and sledges which both brought follows and the second fish of the day for Chris it was his first musky 38" he was super stoked to get it as was I. I must say thank you to Ryan and Dan for hosting and putting all the hard work and time into the Fish-A-Thon and there wives all there family and friends I will not mention them all here as there are way to many board members here that work there butts off for this great event most of us know who they are from picture takers to cooks to backing boats in and out every part is just as important. I wish I did not miss this years event but I was in Orallia dropping my daughter off at OELC leadership camp so I had to make that choice and she was so proud as was I that she was picked from her school to go represent them there that is a moment I would not get a chance to make again unlike the Fish-A-Thon whcih will be back this July so I hope to see you all there this summer.
  2. Oh dang that's sad as it was a nice place.
  3. Randy does his wife still run tomiko lake lodge? We stayed there years ago it was a nice place. Okimot was very nice and has bait with winterized cabins. Dad and I took our last may 24 trip together up there stayed at moose point lodge they were also nice people. We had all the eyes we could need for a trip and I got dads replica made from a 27.5" full of eggs that went back what a great memory that place holds for me.
  4. First I would upgrade your line to 80 pound to help with breakoff's mainly during backslashes on a cast. Get yourself a good bolt cutters 8 inch Canadian tire sells them on sale around five dollars all the time. Large Jaw spreaders in case you have a deeply hooked Fish a few pair of needle nose long wires again Canadian tire has them on sale three pack all the time. I proper net for landing fish preferably one with a deep rubber coated met with small mesh. As for time of the year on the kawartha Lakes late summer through September does produce numbers of fish finding Rockpile's with weed beds close by is a good start or working deeper holes adjacent to weed beds or shallow water that holds baitfish is a good area. For top water I really like the top raider for prop beats are there are many walk the dog style baits I'm not a fan of them but others do really well I would suggest getting a hold of some double 10 in-line bucktails large spinner baits 9 inch model sledges And bulldogs or 11 inch tubes that should give you a good variety for casting.
  5. totally awesome congrats that is a great looking musky for sure. If you clicked on the image and copied its location as a thimble that could be the problem you need to copy the location of the full sized picture. Thanks for sharing
  6. I am just using the biggest deep cycle batteries from Walmart for my 24v system. Best part is when they die you get pro rated price on new batteries they usually last three seasons then hard to hold a long charge. Just bring them back with or with out receipt and get your discount usually $30-$40 which helps on a $80-$90 battery
  7. I have the minn Kota with auto pilot thanks to slowpoke for making me buy it years ago. I wish they had I pilot then with anchor mode as that has to be killer to use. One thing I like about the auto pilot is you can turn it on the point the motor where you want to go and it will keep you going in that direction. This is totally helpful when fishing with the family as I can help them out and not worry about where the boat is heading. It also has a long cord so I can operate the boat from the back and let others fish up front. Give angling outfitters a call as I got mine there for the same price as the USA you never know he might ha e good uses units.
  8. Check out Pro Tackle for awesome selection of musky stuff from lures to high end rods and reels the only thing they are missing in the musky world is Handlebarz but you know a place for them. http://www.protacklemuskyshop.com/ Stacy has super fast shipping times and prices that are great. Also a muskies Canada discount. Tell him I sent you
  9. I to am another vote for never using ups to Canada from the USA as I have always been bent over by them.
  10. Ronnie you don't need to explain we all know you needed some food as you can not live on all you can eat ribs and you can't take the extra with you. I'm sure that every weekend there are a bunch of OFC members that will be pounding LSC. This weekend is no different. If anyone is heading down and staying in Chatham and you love BBQ then head over to blazin BBQ on st.clair street it's a awesome place. Shoot me a pm if you want to meet up.
  11. The weekend of November 16th is out for me my sons bday weekend. I will be fishing a bit but have to be home for the afternoon party.
  12. IS there any trips planned for you guys yet? How about just guys coming down I know every weekend there have been guys down that I get to meet up with and enjoy dinner or just a visit to get caught up with. The weekend of the 2nd should be good with the New moon out.
  13. Chris there was a thread about it that Squid started anyone is welcome to come down and join us
  14. Very nice time away always enjoy them as it looks like you do. thanks for sharing with us.
  15. Dang ice up already I was out yesterday and the water temps were 63 when we started and 65 when we ended we have a lot of time before ice up LOL. Nice way to almost end the soft water season up there.
  16. That is awesome I have been thinking of getting into this for some extra fun it sure does seem to be a awesome thing to do. I loved fishing for bass trout pike with the fly years ago so musky will be cool
  17. That is great news congrats to her. Now I am asking for a friend is there a OFC discount. Lets say they keep fishing in a area that they are allow to bit others think different and keep teying to kick them out and refuse to leave until they get a ticket could she help them. Lol
  18. Yes Ronnie is right I know a guy down my way he makes killer knives. He is a hunter and fisherman and uses what he makes Ron has one of his knives my wife has two of them. have a look at his site it does not have every thing but you will get the idea http://www.skipscustomknives.com/knives-for-sale.html He also has a cool holder for the fishes tail for cleaning them its a neat thing to use I guess ( I don't clean fish) If you go with him tell him I sent you he will treat you good
  19. This is a great thread and one that does not shock me as there are amazing people here in the OFC family. Congrats Ron for taking care of the young guys that will make his family many memories for the lifetime to come.
  20. very nice looking rock cant wait to see the finished product. your lucky with the ice road to get your supplies in there during the winter.
  21. Oh yeah the rusty monkey is a awesome name I might have to use it. You had brass monkey and yes the beastie boys are awesome.
  22. Totally awesome report it was a great weekend to get out and yea lots of ducks were falling. Congrats to you guys. Please email me the pictures if I can use them [email protected]
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