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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Glad you posted this mike as I was going to start the same thing as I need a new pair of gloves that are waterproof as the spray off the big musky size reels is alot and the cold days are here. I do like gloves with the rubber dots the last three pairs I used have them and its a must for me when casting big baits with colder hands I need the extra grip to not loose a rod
  2. Lol looks like I was slow on my typing skills above
  3. No at 2 because by 3 he will have had his third cup of coffee. My wife hates this time of year as it throws me right off as I don't like the first two weeks getting used to the time change. I am normally up at 4am for work and now it will feel like 3abd that sucks. She does not understand as she gets up after its already day light and I have half my work day done. I think it would be great to leave the time along year round.
  4. Last year I bought all new smoke alarms they have 10 year batteries in them.
  5. It's been about 23 years for my stash or big goatee it's not coming off but we always make our donations. Lookin totally different there Randy.
  6. Very good news Wayne even though I don't post in this thread much Jen and your family are always in our thoughts.
  7. Thanks again guys and Peter your mammoths are on the way. Oh yeah slowpoke I have to rebuild a mammoth for you I stole one for peters order again lol oh yeah the baits are now in the house again we have to get out soon.
  8. Yep OFC at its finest there Kudos Brian. I still remember one of or the first fire hall Christmas party my wife asked me your going where??? To meet who? Do you even know any of them? Ok Have you met any of them in person? What a night that was heading about 3 hours drive for some chicken wings and fishing talk then driving home. My wife must have been nuts back then to not think I was cheating on her LOL. True OFC fashion I did have many offers to stay at other members houses and these were all people I knew from the message board only. Great family we have here Cheers Mike
  9. awesome shoot me a email we can talk about dates to try for. [email protected]
  10. Thanks Rizzo and Joey Ron I know that's not going to happen as the two contractors that come down are always out fishing so no work is getting done. I will have to keep the swelling down LOL. If it ever gets to a huge level which would be just insane I will never forget who has helped me along the way. I see it to often as this place has gained me a lot of my closest friends as we all share the same passion. Like any families this one can be dysfunctional we all have our squabbles but in the end were here for the same reason to share our passion for our sport. BTW are you done with them silver shorter fish to come down soon Danna was wondering where her Sweetheart has been.
  11. LOL had to steal it and share it on Facebook as I think that is how my wife and I met well not speed dating but that could have been in the conversation. Then the next test will she pick me up if im late and sure enough she did so she is a keeper.
  12. Awesome wiser did you want to shoot for this fall? The big ones are getting fat but the bite is a bit tougher but the rewards are killer
  13. Thanks everyone I am so grateful for the growth of Handlebarz musky lures. It all started here with me just building lures for myself and passing them off to friends to use. then with slowpoke edging me to sell them in stores I have it a shot. Outlaw has been a huge influence on me and my family and I base my business on a lot of his teachings I just do what feels right and help out and give back as often as I can. Ronnie thanks for posting this here I was extra excited when Gord sent me a email asking for pictures to use in the article. I gave him a few and let him decide what to use. John Cowan you are just a machine with the double 10's and have dialled in LOTW the last issue of musky hunter was awesome to see with you winning the Canadian school of esox again with 8 of your 11 musky coming on Handlebarz. I have the best support and family here on the OFC board you all are great. There are some cool thing coming next year I can't wait to share them with you all when I am able to. Cheers to you all
  14. Very sorry to read this my thoughts are with all of your family.
  15. This time of year it's all about the bait fish find them you will find the musky. Time on the water helps alot as the windows that they are eating are very short this time of year so sticking out the day in hopes of hitting one or maybe two good windows is key also.
  16. I was going to buy a black Vex But a friend told me to try my Lawerence 522c it worked great. Like Mike said you have your GPS marks from summer And sonar as the right sidebar which is the live screen of what is under you. It's also nice to see what past underneath you if you have been looking away talking or checking tip ups. The only downfall is if you're fishing with guys using the vex and they have the sensitivity all the way up it will interfere you will have to adjust your screen. All the years I was icefishing before using sonar I never realized the Pickrell would swim 6 foot off the bottom the year I startd to use my fishfinder I spotted them and started to catch them it helped the number on the ice go way up. But you need to have a good sonar not a cheaper one.
  17. Very nice report thanks for sharing with us
  18. Very nice day out one of these days I will make the trip Down there
  19. Your totally awesome John and if your not away on business we might actually get out.
  20. Gotta love the north for the great fall colors
  21. Me to will I'm sure it will happen just like last year we had put off the trip a few times then doubled on 52" plus 48,49 and smaller ones lets shoot for that again. Lew that smilie face was you in the front of the boat for sure. Even bigger when the other guy broke his line
  22. Dang you have had a killer year. Oh wait I have to see them picks each time your over just tempting me to give up musky fishing for some of the colourful fishies. Congrats to you and the chatter box there Ronnie you guys put in alot of time for them fish congrats
  23. Nice going Rich they have great colors
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