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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. WOW them are some great shots I also love the above shots.
  2. great shots as always Brandon you sure have come a long way and it shows how much you love doing these thanks again for sharing with us
  3. now thats the best present of all. congratz
  4. Dang to cold for me today for the bait fishing. Rich it must have been cold you did not have alot of food pics out there whats going on. Nice to see that ya got out there that wind was blowing like a mother hefer here all day and still is. Winter is just starting up and I cant wait to get out and post some reports.
  5. There are no sour grapes towards your site why dont you tell everyone here why I was banned as I know alot of people here would love to here it. I did not use that site much at all other then to talk with a few friends in Sarnia so there is no loss there I can do it here and on other sites. I dont need the attitude I was getting there from a few not after the attacks that were allowed to go on until I defended my self then I was kicked out LOL. Heck that is even after you commented on how much you liked my posts with the detail I gave from family outings. I would love to here the real reason you have for it or do you not know why he (you know who) wanted me gone but just did as one member asked LOL. Hope you had a good turn out from what I read today there was alot of people who backed out I hope it turned out good for ya any hard feeling are coming from the other end not mine I don't have enough time for them.
  6. There was no attack towards you or your board I just wanted to point out that there is un safe ice out there and did not want to here of people find some of the soft ice and then blame you for that. Sorry you feel that way but I just was pointing out that the Local police still tell us to stay off the ice adn remind them to use there spud.
  7. I would not be to to fast walking around out there as I know for a fact that the ice they found is not like that all across that is not to smart to tell people how safe it is when the local police are still warning people about the unsafe ice. I know some who have been fishing for more then a week and they are still finding 2" spots so if you take there advice I can only tell you to walk with your spud and make it THUD.
  8. Why's that fish trying to eat a white rabbit?
  9. very nice thanks for taking the time to put it together its worth the 5 min for sure.
  10. Happy B-Day Dave hope ya have a great one I am sure you will.
  11. Well its in full force here in Chatham at 6am the roof on my carport was clean by 6:20 it was totally covered with snow and its not letting up it will be a long day here I am glad I am off work for teh holidays Be safe to anyone who needs to drive if not STAY HOME
  12. Dang he got away that was a cool vid thanks I sure wish ya had a hook up that would have been cool. that system works good for ya Eh
  13. LOL thats great and my first time reading it I will try and make some tomorrow night what is your address to send some over.
  14. sorry to here of your loss Brian
  15. Doug I'm glad to here all is well and your story brought a chuckle or two to me also but the point was taken and I would think that most others will also get it. Thanks for sharing with us as it may just save someone else. Now to get to the stuff I put off to read this Oh it can wait its only Xmas shopping for the wife LOL.
  16. If I still lived in Sudbury that would be alot more doable but dang that sure is a far drive for a weekend LOL. Hey Buster what do ya say to a good O'l road trip dang would be fun to do it all over again where did them days of Friday night pick a place and just go and not worry about how or when yer getting back.
  17. thanks for the reply I was wondering if they donate them to people who dont have rods and reels? if so that is a good program
  18. That sure does look nice for the winter one of these years I will break down and get one I almost bought the size down from that one who knows I still might.
  19. does anyone have any info on the trades from before? I have some old ones to get rid of.
  20. them pics say it all looks like agreat time was had I got caught up on alot of show watching and heck today I unpakced the boat for the season that was a sad chore but I had to do it. Now all the baits are away waiting for teh winter hook sharpening chore to begin the plans are in the works for june 6th already to bad I could not fish this last weekend it is always a great time in late Dec when no one else is there but the musky nuts. Congratz again on a great outting to ya all
  21. Who has tried the Showdown I am still thinking about it I just dont see my self spending $500 for a flasher I'm not saying they are not worth it but I can buy some extra musky stuff for the $$$ I save. From many I have talked with they seem to like the Showdown but to each there own I am still in the dark ages with my sonar shes a gray scale but works great.
  22. Yeah Thanks a lot Dave this show has me so hooked today I was just watching it again for the fourth time (I did not get to watch the whole thing each time) when I missed what sounds like a great Bills drive (I am not a bills fan but like to watch Farve) But it was worth it as That first one you boat is a beast. I just wish you were able to boat that monster that broke off at the boat.
  23. Dave your show was great as always as a musky nut I again am thinking of them big gators what a blast to see that show you sure do know how to have fun on the water you would fit in with the crowd down here on LSC chasing musky.
  24. Great healthy looking ski Rizzo it pays to think like a musky sometimes
  25. Lew I'm glad ya had a great turn out I have been sitting here since Friday with a few less teeth sore as heck wondering how it went. Next year sounds great LOL. I have my spot picked out for June 6th already as I know you do also.
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