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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. GO CANADA GO The new years game was wicked I got a late run tomorrow and can sleep in until 6am so it can be a all nighter to bad for the shootout like grapes sais Sudden Death
  2. Last year I bought the Lowrance 522c and a 520c they are both great for the ice. I also know that alot of people use the Lowrance for the ice here is a link to one ready for the ice http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true Cabelas has the X96 on sale but its not color which I have fell in love with over the alst year http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true I know that some of the eye's that I put on the ice were just because of the sonar as I saw the eye's up 6' off bottom raised the jig and bang fish on that was very cool when that would happen.
  3. You might be right but it sure does work well from what I have heard
  4. Hop in the hot tub it seemed to work last year
  5. LOL this is a funny thread as I was just at CTC today and when there I always head over for a laugh at the lack of fishing stuff the Chatham store has and yep there were No augers there just a couple rods and very few lures 1 spool of ice line the Chatham store is such a fricken joke and if you ask about getting better fishing department in they never do it heck they are in the heart of the great lakes and have NOTHING GOOD well not much. I did how ever find in the kids rods a pair or Berkly ice rod/reel combos marked down to $23 so I picked them up for extras when others come out fishing LOL. This was the first time in a very long time that I found something good there and I would think the only reason it was there is because they were beside teh rocket rod's that my son was looking at.
  6. Good luck with the new adventure I can only think its working a fishing camp with no hydro.
  7. Dont be afraid to call him he will make it right he will NEVER screw you over if something is not right he will make it right his place is the best I have heard of in Ontario for what he does. I bought alot of stuff from him and in some cases he will beat the USD price. I bought a used Nav card from him last year and it works 100%
  8. sounds like a road trip is in order in Feb like maybe the weekend of the 19th? I think I might just be in the area should have time each morning to get out fishing before the meetings and then a little after.
  9. I have never ordered from them but if it's coming across the boarder USA-Canada I would make sure that it comes by USPS/Canada post ONLY. SOLO it seems as they were in a great mood I have never seen a UPS charge less then $30 as that is usually there broker fees maybe they did not clear that load or something who knows either way it was a bonus for you.
  10. Dang nice looking ride there Lew it will match the skeeter just nice next season
  11. If your land lord is one who does nothing then send in the story to him with the complaint and pictures by registered mail that way you have the proof that he knows or received the letter from you. As for your neighbour they sound like people who just dont care and can not be bothered to take care for others. I have a neighbour like that her cats would crap on my property alot and I would also catch her dog doing the same in the front yard I had a few talks with her she said there animals and she can not stop them from doing what they do so I started to toss it over the fence in the back yard and across the front lawn so that she could deal with it kinda funny it stopped for a bit (she would clean up the front and not let the cats out all day long). Then it started again so I set live traps on my back porch and every time I caught a cat it went to the SPCA I saved the papers that I had to fill out and off I went there is no charge for drop off of strays here. It kinda sucks to do this stuff but if people will not take care of there property (pets in this case) then you must do what you have to and not live in fear of it happening again. My friend's daughter was bitten on the face when she was 3 or 4 years old, now she is 13 and still has this big scare on her this should have never happened but the owner just let the dog run free and it got scared by the little girl and attacked out of fear dogs fault no kids fault no the owner should have known better.
  12. sorry to here the news Mike I hope all works out for your father we will be thinking of him and your mom.
  13. I think they do this to get the motor warmed up that way when he goes to cut the ice the it starts first pull. I would also think in comp they would be holding the throttle wide open so that its cutting right away there was not enough ice to do this for a quick demo.
  14. I have a 6" lazer and it works great. I had a buddy that had the old blue one years back and he was faster then anyone on it but he knew how to use it and was the only one to use his auger.
  15. well we all know what you are doing with the one good arm at least the rest of us will not have to search the web for time waisting stuff just keep checking your posts. Hope yer feeling better
  16. not sure waht Wal-mart has but I got my jiffy there 4 years ago and it sure does run nice they have better prices the nCTC
  17. I did end up with alot of new lures but the best part was spending time with my family the dang kids had a blast as dad always sais this year was great but wait for next year I know this will be the best one ever my daughter still believes (or she hides it well) my son was so pumped everyone showed up to moms very early and we had a great day. here are a couple pics of some of what I got This was for dad for Christmas but we gave it to him last Sept when it was done from Advance Wildlife Taxidermy I also got some New Woodies the Minnee mee these things are great looking in the water I was down at the river casting them and cant wait for June to get here or maybe some ice out pike action I have just two plow baits and love the action on them so I had to ask for a couple perch baits for all year musky fishing. I did also pick up some Jakes and Beleivers as the price was to good to pass up Kinda a gift from me to me LOL
  18. Just remember that the 1st annual Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival on Feb. 13, 2010. and alot of members might be at that and not able to make it out that day. Depending on the day it would be nice to make it over to Simcoe heck if I can go i would pick up some people along the way from Chatham even if its just for the day it would not be the first long road trip like that.
  19. Merry Christmas boss as usual I am up waiting for the kids to wake up I know this is wrong as I was always waiting for everyone else when I was a kid or I was trying to replace my stocking stuff just the way Santa left it for me so no one would know. Hope everyone has a great Christmas day
  20. I think we are all missing the point here for the older folks WE WERE ALL TEENS ONCE and I know that when I was I did alot of things that I would think about today and it was not out of the way to fish where we wanted ( or set up camp on some ones front lawn that is another story) it was a rolling party for us back then but for the most part we were good about things like this and cleaned up when we left, that was a huge part to us not getting into alot more crap. As for not partying when fishing heck we would not go pike fishing on the ice with out at least 1 case per two guys and there was usually other stuff to join (CC or crown Ok silk tassle)it but most were respectful of the places we were at not everyone is out to be bad maybe just teens trying to have fun like alot of us did. I do know if some one were to point a gun at us that would not have been cool, but to just come over and let us know that we were in a place where we should not be we would have offered beers if that did not work we would leave there are alot of lakes out there. Cheers and I hope things dont get out of control over this. Merry Christmas
  21. LOL I love the pic. Great news to here he is coming home Dan and you are so right about giving the extra hug and taking the extra time with family this great ride cant last for ever. Enjoy the Christmas with the family I know I will.
  22. Hey Ron I am on the way up to your place right now to help with the recovery have the coffie on I will be there at 8:15 just enough time for a quick cup and pick up the slead and your fishing gear that way the temptation will be gone until april this should also put me back home in time for everyone to be here for Christmas at 1pm see ya soon. P.S. hope it heals up just nice and I know your wife well enoughto know you just had to ask for Christmas off she would have allowed it. Merry Christmas generously proportioned
  23. Handlebarz


    Thats awesome to here congrats OFC
  24. Every year we get out the Bobnoxious HOHOHO cd and put the tree up to it the kids love it and it sure does beat the old lame stuff (not that there is anything wrong with it) but we like the new take on some of the old songs. Police nabbed my dad is my favorite but all the songs on HOHOHO are great, the only song on the CD that has some bad language is You Ruined Christmas but its not that bad and the song is funny as hell and I can relate to some of the stuff in that song. This band is from London Ontario not the guy from the UK he has a different take on Christmas. Please share some of your favorite songs if ya have them or a site that we can listen to the songs on we are always looking for new Christmas toons to add to the playlist.
  25. I have the same thing here ours came from Zellers a couple years back worked fine then just quit we have not bought a new one just stopped recording the shows and for some odd reason I get more done after work LOL. I know I was not much help but I did figure out why they had these on sale for around $50 when they were over $200 to start with (a buddy from work picked up two of them one for me one for him they are both not working)
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