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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Oh sure I finally ready the rest of the replies and miss out by a day well at least I can still win your boat just remember to pick the winning name form the Subway In Tottenham. Very cool of ya Dave as always class act.
  2. My next motor will be a 4 stroke for these couple reasons 1 no smoke from it this is for my family as they seem to get sick from the two stroke at times. 2 no extra oil to make sure is topped up and with the Mariner I have now it leaks oil out the top if its to full as the cap they have for this year sucks it is a flat seal style and does not seal and was only made for a couple years. 3 it seems that I will save a lot of $$$ with the 4 stroke I was fishing with a friend a few years back we went 8-9 hours day 1 4 hours day 2 and he went 4 hours later that day and did not burn much at all compaired to what i would have used. (fule savings is not my main reason family comfort is #1 as I have listed)
  3. The internet way to many people on her trolling and not helping others out finding spots just taking them from the net and over fishing them. Posting pics with way to many details.
  4. Excellent report Ryan it sure does bring back memories of my little girl before she was growing up thanks for sharing
  5. if you get to the USA check out Lowes they are $44 over there I saw them on sale last year and am waiting for them to go on again for $20 range. My only problem is that I did not know they were on sale and did not buy any I thought it was there reg price.
  6. This is something the wife and I have been talking about as we want to move from SW Ontario and head north some where between Alliston over to Peterbrough maybe east of there and anywhere north up to Northbay over to the French river area I know that there is alot of great different fishing in any of the areas it all depends on work for where we will be moving.
  7. Dang is there no one here who knows where to find some musky fishing Audio books or does some one want to come for a ride each night and read to me LOL
  8. I have been looking around to try and find some Books on CD to listen to when driving for work I would like to get some Musky books on CD if anyone knows where to find them it would be great. Cheers Mike
  9. dang great reporting Joey that would have been a crazy ride for him for sure glad it turned out for the better.
  10. Great report Joey nice to see you guys back at it now I just need to get out that way one weekend.
  11. Great work everyone I know there had to be two reasons for Ron to get off it one food two tell a story. And Napoleon dynamite nice to see everyone getting out this year
  12. Very nice to see congrats on a good job out there.
  13. Dang Tj that sure looks good now how many hours of turning the bird did that take and when we should show up?
  14. Well its that time of year again when the low life's come out to play I just came back in from my boat to find that my Charger was stolen. I guess we have been lucky over the years that the asses of the world have missed us but it started already I just thought I would post this for a reminder to all to have there stuff under lock and key. Go figure I just put a new lock on the gate (it is hidden so that it does not give the idea to people I some good stuff here but to keep my dog from getting out of the yard) I hope they make good use of it as its a booster pack that is dead and just the charger works so it will look good on them when they are dead on the road.
  15. Happy B-day Ryan hope you guys got out for some fishing today the weather here is blowing like a mother hope it was better down your way. Cheers Mike
  16. Dang that sure is a great Pike congrats to the big guy for getting it I to love the release shot. Your Daughter looks so proud and she should be them figure skating comps can be hell on a kids head depending on the judges great to here they both ended the season on a high note. Now where the heck are you located?
  17. Dang we have not had ice across the lakes here for a month now or better
  18. A buddy was out earlier this week and did ok for the first two trips of the year but he was on the MI side of the river I wanted to get out this weekend but it looks like we might do some perch jerkin instead they were getting them at both ends of the river but did better at the Erie end of the DR. Good luck this weekend if ya get out Bob
  19. I have no problem reading this post from my Mac at home I just need to figure out how to fit it into my coat pocket and make hands free calls from the road.
  20. Hey Pete Happy B-Day hope yer out on the river catching some chrome from the boat if not hope you have a great day. Cheers Mike
  21. Very nice Matt they sure are great looking fish and it must be nice t o fish all year long. I think next year a trip south is in order I had talked about it with Bubba even if its just a weekend thing.
  22. I still love good Ol Canadian local bands Bobnoxious Another that I was made aware of last year is Top Dead Center they sure have some kick AZZ summer Canadian PARTY toonz have a listen to this one on a train and tell me if it does not make you want to be out camping. And Dan From the band is one die hard Musky nut you have t ogive these guys a listen. Dan is the blind guitar player.
  23. Dang Cliff that sure does suck and I know its guys like yourself and the wifes uncle that do things old school that kept things going as they would take anything and make it work better then McGiver. I hope the idea works and no one screws you over and Dragons den might be the right place but they like to see sale numbers first Brett might take a chance with you and if you go on there do like the one guy and dont let anyone but them see the idea
  24. LSC and the Thames River are also way down here and from what I hear Erie is also
  25. I want to make a couple trips to the Big O also this spring I was out for a few hours last spring and can see how much fun it will be. Heck I bought the stuff doe eyes and bows on Erie two seasons ago but still have not made it out for them yet.
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