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Everything posted by Jer

  1. ...Crestliner, Lowe, Lund, Princecraft... That's a pretty good chunk of the Ontario aluminum boat market right there.
  2. I had the same problem a few years ago when I was shopping for a new boat. I wasn't married to any particular brand at the time and visited many, many dealers. It was very hard to find anyone to even talk to about buying a 'hull only' boat. No one was interested. I finally lucked out at White Water Marine who had a previous year 16' Crestliner in the showroom with no motor, though rigged for a Merc. They gave me a really good deal on the boat, too much for my trade-in, and swapped my Johnson & controls from my old boat over for only another $250. Unfortunately, they were out of business by the end of that summer. I love my Crestliner, but to be honest, all the major brands make a nice boat.
  3. Under the bridge & from the causeway at the narrows itself is probably your best bet for accessible shore fishing.
  4. What would you have them do?
  5. Geez...how fast do you drive? 40 minutes from Vaughn to Peterborough? It takes me almost 40 minutes to get to the Shimano office from here. Regarding rods...I bought a Clarus a while back, compared it side by side to the Compre and preferred the Clarus (at least in the size I was looking for). Mostly use it as a 'popping' rod and found the tip had a little more flex than the comparible Compre. Saved myself $20 or so as well. Same warranty.
  6. That's a nice looking boat, Cliff. The only thing missing seems to be a rear pedestal seat/fishing deck? On a boat over 16' long there seems no reason not to have room for one.
  7. ...the bearings on my trailer wheels ARE oil filled.
  8. Whichever feels more comfy. Round reels tend to hold more line, but not always.
  9. After reading Henry's link, I see my 2000 Johnson is in fact nothing like the VRO on my old 1985 Evinrude.
  10. I have had to remove hooks from myself more than a couple times (plus a couple trips to the ER to let the professionals do it, what that says about me, I don't know). Without a decent set of cutters on-board, those occasions would have cut a fishing session short. If you can show me how to remove a single point of a treble hook buried in your arm (or leg, or neck) without cutting the shank of the hook, I'm all ears. Granted, you have to be careful. Never, and I mean never (I speak from experience) cut the hook before getting the point through your skin elsewhere and getting a good grip on it. TO GCD's point, that hook can and will get lost under the skin (one of the above-mentioned trips to the ER included X-rays and minor surgery).
  11. Roll each individual fillet in a 1/2 piece of bacon and hold with a toothpick. Load in a BBQ basket if you have one and grill until bacon is cooked. We call them "crappie delights". If you don't have a basket, they can be laid out on tinfoil or a thin baking sheet on the grill.
  12. Funny, mine has always been mounted there in my Crestliner.
  13. Don't know about Pigeon, but Buckhorn and Chemong are hanging around the mid 60s.
  14. This Big Island development has been in the works for at least a couple years. My understanding is that the shoreline, for the most part, is to remain undisturbed. The houses all need to be set-back at least 100' (may have even been 200') from the shore. The one house completed at Three Bouys is owned by a friend of my neighbour and they have similiar restrictions in place. He is not allowed a dock on his shoreline and also not allowed any landscaping within a certain distance of the shore. There is a central lagoon/marina on the property and all boats must be kept there. Funny thing is, with only one home built, all kinds of brand-new docking appeared in the lagoon over this past winter. There looks to be enough slips for every property on-site, must be included with your lot. I would imagine the Big Island development would also have some sort of centralized marina for the residents but I could be wrong.
  15. Half a million dollars? You wish! Double that and you might be getting close.
  16. Wasn't on for us. We spent about 4 hours (9am - 1pm) on Chemong throwing various bucktails and large spinnerbaits and never sniffed a musky. A few OOS largies (and piddly ones at that) was all we could muster.
  17. I used to have an '85 Evinrude 40hp that the VRO failed once. I replaced it not knowing any better, cost me about $200 or $300 I think to do it myself. A couple years later it failed again and I bolted on a standard pump and mixed my gas. That being said, I now have 2000 70hp Johnson with I imagine more or less the exact VRO system and it has always performed great.
  18. I've had a similar problem in my '05 Malibu Maxx almost since it was new. The parts list is too long and the money spent is too high (thank god it's a company car) to get into on here, suffice it to say it has been a nightmare. Only the steering rack/gear was ever replaced begrudgingly under warranty, most of the other parts all mentioned above have been replaced and paid for at one time or another. To this day the front end still makes various pops and clunking noises. I've just gotten used to it and drive on. But I doubt the front end of your Montana is anything like my Malibu (except for the obvious GM connection).
  19. muske isn't open yet lotsa crappie, very few walleye you don't HAVE to WEAR lif jackets...just have them with you.
  20. 1. PopR (any colour) 2. white spinnerbait 3. wacky senko 4. drop shot 5. x-rap
  21. There has to be a tongue firmly planted in cheek....doesn't there?
  22. We had a blast here Crotch Lake last year. Loved it so much we're already booked for this year. Here is my report from last year July camping
  23. While out investigating possible fishing trips last year, we took a drive around Crystal Lake to check out any potential ramps. The public launch at the south end was quite rough and the water was really, really low. The only other place was the local marina at the north end of the lake, we drove around and asked how much to launch and park for the day... ...$30...we couldn't believe it, they justified the price by insinuating that the whole area was infested with theives and if we left our truck and trailer parked by the public launch or anywhere else, we were virtually gauranteed to get broken into. Of course, if we paid their "fee", our truck would be "safe". It sounded almost like a protection racket. We never did fish the lake but I took a drive by the public launch again just yesterday and it looks much better with the higher water levels. There was a fancy SUV and trailer parked, didn't see any sign of break-in.
  24. Nice machine. How long does he have to leave the "ORILLIA PERCH FESTIVAL GRAND PRIZE AWARD" lettering on there? Just curious if there's an agreement on that and how they would enforce such a thing. ...sure is a beauty though...
  25. No, you wouldn't be right. The lake is part of the Trent-Severn Waterway, hardly a small, private cottage lake.
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