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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Kessel was playing for the US, not to mention the coach and GM.
  2. I kicked Chuck Norris' ass in a dream once...Chuck Norris came the next day and kicked my ass...
  3. We've fished Big Cedar a bunch of times, I love that lake. Never landed a musky there, but have raised a few and a couple of followers. Lotsa nice sized smallies and my PB largemouth came from Big Cedar. Fished Coon Lake once and was not that impressed. Very little structure and kinda boring. I think we only managed a few dink bass in a whole day.
  4. Have you ever seen how much $$$ the leafs make? The teacher's pension fund isn't silly enough to sell.
  5. ...they would be a day too late...the game was yesterday...
  6. Cool story...I just don't understand why they lied to the cat's owner...
  7. I sent an email since their office was closed when I called. I got a response back today that new Swedish made blades are on there way in the mail. "Jerrold, Thank you for including all of that information in your email. We have been having some cutting issues with the Chinese blades so we will send you a new set of blades in the mail. The replacement blades will be Swedish blades. We apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely, StrikeMaster Corp. 17217 - 198th Ave Big Lake, MN 55309 Phone (763) 263-8999 Fax (763) 263-8986 Hours: M - F 8am - 5pm CDT Website: www.strikemaster.com" Thanks for the original post.
  8. My mistake, I just went to the Strikemaster site and my auger is the Mora model (which has a swede-bore blade). The lazer does appear to be a fin-bore. Regardless, I'm still going to call about my broken blade.
  9. The strikemaster lazer is a "swede-bore" auger. Different blades than a "fin-bore". The Normark Swede-bore blades bolted right on my Strikemaster auger.
  10. I bought a similar 6" hand auger at BPS just before Christmas. After the first couple of uses, I noticed that one of the blades had broken, snapped off right at one of the mounting holes. I figgered I must have wacked the blade against something so I bought a new set of Normark blades at Canadian Tire and noticed that the original blades were made in China, the replacements were made in Sweden of what I'm sure is a far superior material. Now I'm not sure if I did anything to the original blades or if they were just faulty. Replacement blades cost me $25, more than half the original price of the auger. Do you have the phone number handy? I'll give them a call, maybe they'll send me some blades as well, I still have the originals.
  11. The Symetre is a good reel. Mine has always worked smoother than my more expensive Stradic.
  12. My GF had to work, so my buddy and I spent the day perching on Chemong. Seems alot of other people had the same idea, there were tons of people fishing and otherwise playing on the ice. We had a good day, lots of good-sized perch, a couple of monster perch and a few OOS bass. We had an even better day on Saturday with a crappie thrown in to the mix. Both days we had a massive muskie (must have been 45"+) swim past our holes a few times.
  13. What makes you so sure?
  14. My guess is that on the farm the triple S rule applies...shoot, shovel and shut up.
  15. At least you found some, Jay. How was the ice in that area? From what I've seen on Buckhorn & Chemong, the perch can be very finicky. Sometimes the slightest twitch of your jig will scatter them. If you see fish around your bait, try slowly lifting and get the fish to chase. Our best luck has come on a lively minnow on a small hook. Even then you can watch numerous fish mouth at the bait, but very few that will commit. Late afternoon into evening seems to bring on a more aggressive bite.
  16. Try to the east off the point directly across near the Sportsmans Cabins. There is a deep hole on the river side of that point, surprisingly close to shore. My buddy used to have a trailer at Pigeon Lake Trailer Park in that area and I've fished it quite a bit. I have no idea of ice in the area, there might be flow where the river joins the lake, be careful.
  17. I assume you have internet access (being on the site and all)... 2010 regs zone 20 I would always want to read the regs for myself rather than rely on discussion board opinion and chatter (not that this particular site would steer you wrong). ...and the Canadian Tire stores are chock full of hardcopy summaries right now.
  18. We finally managed a Kawartha crappie through the ice yesterday. We didn't get a pic but it was a decent size. Only problem was it was all by itself. We had to add some perch and a few big bluegill for a meal. My buddy also lost a massive perch at the hole, one of the biggest I've ever seen on the Kawarthas. We've put a lot of time on Chemong and a few days on Buckhorn as well. Nice to finally get a crappie, now the question is can we repeat next weekend. All fish were caught in about 7' of water.
  19. Cliff, I think it all comes down to numbers. Two or three software generations ago, we might have had a few hundred members and less than a hundred that posted regularly, a little bit more comfy you might say. Today the numbers must be at least tenfold. But hey, that's progress.
  20. I haven't seen anyone fishng the south end of Pigeon until today. I crossed the river at Emily around lunch time and there were a few people drilling some holes just north of the bridge. Whether they caught anything, or how the ice is, I don't know. They had just walked out.
  21. I don't think anyone is talking about casting with their left hand (except for natural lefties), rather having a right-hand retrieve reel and casting with their right and having to switch hands to turn the handle. I cast with my right arm and wind the handle with my left, regardless if I'm using a spinning or a baitcaster. My right being my dominant hand, I'd rather fight a fish with the rod in my right hand.
  22. That'a really cool to see...so many fishies. ...still playing this card I see. How many years has it been?
  23. I never understood why people would want to switch hands from spinning to baitcast. I use left-hand baitcasters as well.
  24. Nice to see those big slabs. We've been turning Chemong (and a bit of Buckhorn) into swiss cheese and have yet to hook a crappie. Maybe a trip to Scugog is in order...
  25. I was wondering what the ice conditions were like near Beaverton and around the north end of Georgina Island. We are hoping for a trip next weekend to the perch grounds around there and were wondering if we would be able to drive my truck out there. Last year there was plenty of traffic in the area and with this recent cold snap how has the ice built up?
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