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Everything posted by bdox

  1. You should be good with a 50 amp breaker if it's only 40lb thrust. https://minnkota.johnsonoutdoors.com/us/support/trolling-motor-installation-guides/trolling-motor-wiring-and-battery-guide
  2. I have mine on the TM (Ultrex) and the hands-free control is great, but like mentioned above, once you hit the anchor button, all bets are off. I have a big tiller boat and have considered getting a pole mount for those times when I'm fishing from the helm. Traxstech makes a nice one that will slot right into the gunwale track, and looks pretty easy to stow/deploy, but it's been out of stock all season. FYI, you do not see the shaft/motor when mounted on the TM, at least not with the perspective mount that comes with the latest model (LVS34)
  3. You could use something like this bare track bracket to attach you RAM mount to. https://a.co/d/4VUFb2X
  4. We’re you out on the grand yesterday? Could have sworn I saw this boat there. Nice looking rig.
  5. I recommend checking the Ontario DooTalk subforum for for updates. Lots of guys asking and lots of locals or guys who've been up for a tour answering. Seems like if you don't want to go too far north, staging from Dwight puts you into the best conditions right now. Hali forest is an option, but they only let 100 sleds a day in, and you have to reserve early.
  6. Someone's been browsing reddit a bit too much
  7. My ice fishing partner and I went from a finder to a Humminbird ICE 55 flasher last year. It was almost immediately noticable we were hooking up with more fish. Anyone who says movable zoom is overrated obviously hasn't saved a day of fishing by using it on light biting suspending walleye on Quinte.
  8. You should take a look at the Bilstein 5100 series shock absorbers. They offer a 2.5" adjustable front shock for your coilover and a rear shock that will give you a couple inches. To lift the front: http://www.bilsteinus.com/products/truck-off-road/5100-series-ride-height-adjustable/ and to bring the back up: http://www.bilsteinus.com/products/truck-off-road/5100-series-lifted-light-trucksuv/ Unless you've got a spring compressor you'll have to get the front shocks taken out and the springs switched between old and new shocks, but the rear you can do yourself with a jack and ratchet.
  9. So, does that mean you won't be taking Mike D. From Lunkerville back there again?
  10. Smoke's Poutinerie http://smokespoutinerie.com/Locations.aspx
  11. You only have to pay for Dr. Depth if you've got a guilty conscience
  12. You've been able to do this for years with an ethernet cable and a laptop, for free.
  13. You can paint it any way you want, it's still spam. You receive a discount on their products with the understanding that you promote them.
  14. I believe this is what you're after, if you haven't already read it...
  15. When a transmission is "searching" for gears, it's because the RPMs are too low for the current gear and road speed, so it downshifts looking for higher RPMs. Putting it into D (also known as OD, the highest gear, lowest RPMs while cruising) doesn't solve that, it causes it.
  16. Unless you're on flat terrain at highway speeds, it's best to keep it out of OD. Not sure if you have a tow/haul button, but if you do and you're exceeding 50% of the GCWR it helps to use it, otherwise the longer shifts are annoying.
  17. If water temps are still in the 60s there will be bass in all different modes of spawn
  18. According to the MNR site http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/2ColumnSubPage/STEL02_165904.html
  19. Actually, T-Bone is correct. Lots of bedrock close to the surface in Oklahoma. Couple that with loose soil and lots of rain, and you get lots of moisture in the ground and the resulting mold problems. Couple those with the fact that in the South their building codes don't require them to dig as deep for foundations/footings to get down below the frost line, where as in the North we only have to dig a couple more feet get deep enough for a basement.
  20. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/04/29/great_lakes_to_get_relief_from_low_water_levels_porter.html
  21. Why should you be able to feed an entire family on one fishing license? Maybe you should take your family fishing with you...
  22. The Quick Strike Rig would be my choice for rigging, but not sure how it would do with barbless hooks... http://outdoorcanada.ca/17016/blogs/on-the-water-online/trophy-pike-quick-strike-rigs-and-so-much-more Good luck in the tournament!
  23. Thanks for the info, greatly appreciated!
  24. Just wondering if anyone knows the status of this road in the winter, whether it's maintained or at the very least, passable with a 4x4 truck?
  25. There's a guy in Iowa or Minnesota that machines them out of aluminium. You can find him on Ice Shanty, but I forget his username.
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