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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. IM IN!! load up the trucks boys... we're goin huntin!! YEE HAW!!!
  2. i agree! sadly though, we live in canada where all of our laws... criminal, traffic and family, all all just a big freakin joke from top to bottom.
  3. Our March meeting we will be having Henry Winter of KJ Monster baits. He will have a presentation of the soft plastic baits his company makes, as well as rigging techniques and some strategies for catching big buckets! He will also have a talk on bass fishing in his home land of South Africa and you GOTTA see some of the monsters they have there! Tuesday March 9th 2010 Time: 7pm to 9pm. Locaiton: Dimaggios American Italian Eatery 1515 Upper Ottawa Street Hamilton, Ontario
  4. i thought last nites game was great. up tempo play, great goaltending, hard hits, some nice goals and a couple good fights. thats how hockey should be! that was a better game then most of the olympic games. the canada/usa game would get higher praise because of the national rivalry. but as far as the game itself, both were equally entertaining to watch.
  5. it was a good bout between the 2!!
  6. that dude needs a hobby....
  7. had he tried it at home.. he prolly would have been ok!! lol in all seriousness though, the guy died doin somethin he loved to do. this wasnt his first survival trip out in the wilderness. he just tried to beat the odds and the odds beat him.
  8. well, as we all know, tomorrow is ther NHL trade deadline... and since we have so many experts around here, lets weigh in on some of the deals made, or not made! i know i pissed some of you guys off with my comments about crosbys OT goal on sunday... which i apologize for. i stand by MY opinion, whether u agree or not. its all part of the fun, we all see things different ways. the leafs kicked things off today moving alex ponikarovski to pissburg for martin skoula and Luca Caputi. me personally, im not overly thrilled about the trade. i liked poni... having met him he is a great guy and its sad to see him go. i would like to see garnet exelby and jeff finger moved out. exelby is the most likely to go, and will get more back as finger is horrible and grossly over paid. what do u guys think? not just the leafs but around the league.
  9. hahaha, thanks tj... i just shot coca cola out my nose... please make it stop burning!!!
  10. i agree... not a whole lot that really gets me excited. theres a few things that might be good to grab or stock up on. the only reason ill be goin is the 75 bucks worth of gift cards i have and the reel trade in. ill be getting a new reel for about 85 bucks once all is said and done. not bad for a 200 dollar reel! lol
  11. thats odd... foxes are typically VERY skittish around humans, they are also not much for hunting down food, rather scavenge for it. but, ya never know rite!
  12. im neither. i can assure u no one is more happy to see us win the gold over the americans. i live for international hockey. i prefer the junior tourney but anytime there is an international tourney im front and center with my canada jersey, worn proudly, cheering on our team. i am, and have been celebrating all afternoon. all i was doing was pointing out some facts and voicing my opinion about what i seen. apparently there are some people who dont believe we should have an opinion about how we view the games. (not referring to u) im not here to start fights or argue online. as i said, i dont consider myself an expert, but i know the game of hockey. after i said what i did... the rest of my posts were simply defending myself against what others were saying. this will be my last post on the subject... as i am apparently wrong about my observations about the games, and the others were totally rite and clearly know far more then i must about the sport.
  13. well said! and yes, hats off to the american team... they were a powerhouse all tourney long! miller was lights out. not too bad for a team that was ranked as the 6th best team in the tourney.
  14. i was referring to this tourney... not what he did last year. in sports its not what have u done for me... its what have u done for me lately. last year means nuthin now. i never said he wasnt a good player, or great player, or that he didnt deserve to be on this team... he was simply not good in this tourney.
  15. what were u watching?? im sorry, he wasnt that good in this tourney. if u think he was, good on ya. we each are entitled to our own opinions.
  16. ill assume thats directed at me. which is fine. i never claimed to be an expert. but i do know the game of hockey. i never said crosby wasnt a good player, or didnt deserve to be on the team. im simply pointing out that that goal will over shadow the game played by other players, because of who scored that goal. crosby is a great player, but he was not great in this tourney. toews and nash were outstanding in that game.
  17. the only bad part about that... was crosby getting the winning goal... now he'll be ;labelled as a hero and all that crap forever,... even though he was prolly the worst player on the ice all tourney long for canada. and ryan miller... that guy put on a goaltending performance like nuthing i have ever seen before!
  18. u and me both!! im now having a drink... so i can calm back down! lol
  19. at least crosby finally did somethin useful!
  20. WAY TO GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to our american friends, we're sorry... better luck next time!!!!!!
  21. lol lets be honest TJ, thats prolly deserved... haha. 4 on 4 for 20 minutes of sudden death. then a 3 round shootout, if its still tied they can send anyone they want to shoot till its over... they should just play overtime till someone scores though.
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