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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. i have a premier and had a revo s. hated the revo s. used it for one tourney and swaped it out for a quantum energy when i got home, sold the reel shortly after. the premier isnt too bad of a reel. but a bit pricey. i got a great deal on it so thats the only reason i got it, if it came to full price, id save the extra money and buy an energy instead.
  2. doughty is one of the stroger defensive d men they have on that squad. he has offensive talent as well, but hes a steller d man. no matter where u look, there is another guy that could have filled a position on that team. dion phaneuf should be there. not having the best season either, but when u want a guy that can play in his own end and deliever big hits, hes the guy for the job.
  3. i agree... how do u leave off mike green??!?! and Scott Niedermayer should prolly have been left off, hes having a terrible year. many players deserved to be there over him.
  4. thanks farmer!
  5. if u notice the way he plays, hes actually one of the smarter players on the ice. he calls for the puck when hes open and has a good shooting position. hes an excelant passer. hes only taken 2 penalties. and they were only penalties because its international rules. the boarding call last game was iffy, could have been called or could not of depending on the ref. but, ill give him the 2 for boarding on that as a legit penalty. the 2 plus 10 in the first game... not a penalty. it was called because he made contact with the other guys head. it was a 100% clean hit. so ya cant rag on him for taking stupid penalties. as for hot dogging, they are all guilty of it. plsying weaker teams u will see that more. dont expect those kinda plays against the US team. they will play smarter. taylor hall tries more little moves then anyone on the team, and while he gets by some guys, he loses the puck a lot too. their coach will keep them in check, dont worry about that.
  6. give it some time... they wouldnt get a screw in the tendon as that would be a big mistake on their end, and u would be in a far greater amount of pain as that wouldnt be somethin u would sit around with. eberything is connected. and ur thumb is connected to the wrist and the fore arm, it will take longer for u to get pain free movement in ur thumb then ur fingers. if ur really that worried about it, go see ur doc. but really, it just needs more time to heal.
  7. some great answers! thanks guys. for me, its being outdoors. always somethin i loved, gettiun away from the noise of the city. the competition of tourney fishing. the fact that each time is different, gotta start all over each time u go out, changing conditions, making us change our strategies. seeing my kids faces when they catch a fish, the excitement they get. plus, im a gear junkie. i love the fact that each week somethin new is out to look at.
  8. we're all here cause we love this sport. for some its a hobby, a past time... somethin to kill the days off. others its a passion and for some of us, an obsession that likely requires treatment from some medical professionals. lol. but what draws u to this sport? what do u love about it, that keeps u coming back?
  9. i can attest to that one!! lol we get some blow outs in my ball league. however, as i believe someone stated, its more embarrassing to lose 8-0 to a team half assing it then a team who plays hard. in my ball games, i will go easy on a team if they are trying and just getting beat, but when they quit playing and just start half assing it, i will run up the score and embarrass them.
  10. fishmaster is gonna check today and post it... give him a call and he'll let ya know how it is. 905 701 6874
  11. this tournament is the highlight of my year. i love hockey, i watch the nhl... leafs fan... stop laughing... but i find the hockey in this tourney SO much better. and there is one simple reason for it... these kids are playing for their futures and for the pride of the country. u cant always take one game and say we have to change the rules. latvia may win the next few games they play. u all know the saying, on any given sunday, any team can win. sometimes strange things happen. theres always gonna be a powerhouse. look at the old USSR, they were a force and dominated teams. from 1974, when canada started playing in this tourney till 1984, the USSR won 9 of a possible 11 gold medals. canada didnt win their first gold till 1982. then 1993-1997 canada won 5 straight golds... then, landed 8th place the following year. this tourney is all about pride. pride for the flag on the front, not the name on the back of the jersey
  12. haha, yea i know... i really dont need any... but i want some new ones lol.
  13. i love watching the womens hockey. as hockey is actually a sport. unlike a lot of other olympic events... the U.S. win more medals then anyone else, should they sit out the games and let others have a shot at some? as said, goal differential is the tie breaker, so yes, teams have to run up the score. if canada doesnt, the next team will. we are a hockey powerhouse, we may as well let the world know we're not here to mess around. teams like latvia are gonna get beat up on by some teams, but in the end they will learn. they dont have the players other places have, canada has around 350 000 junior players... latvia has... 1300 or so?? not much to pick from really when u think about it. but, as the sport grows, they will develop more players and eventually become a stronger team. its not like canada didnt earn the goals. they scored a few weak ones, but the rest were due to smart play and good passing. the latvian goalie should have been player of the game for them, because he made some outstanding saves for them. the score could have been 23-0
  14. got a couple BPS gift cards, new custom rod from backwoods rods, and a new camera... fuji Z33 water proof camera
  15. i should be gettin a few gift cards... they will go towards a couple new reels. like one spinning and one casting... but maybe 2 casting, have to check my inventory and see what i need.
  16. Merry Christmas to you too! this is my sons 1st real christmas... he was only a month old last year. so its an exciting time! wish u and ur family all the best my friend!
  17. hahaha, oh man.... that just made my day!
  18. its not worth much... its just a stick like any other my friend. if it was signed, or had been used by someone famous, that would be a different story. its value would be more of a sentimental sort, had it been passed along in the family, or was given by a parent or grandparent. its more of a keepsake now. i have an OLD player stick that i got from my grandpa many years ago, solid 1 piece stick. once i have a place that i can properly decorate, it will have a place on my wall. so, again, sorry to be the one to break it to ya, but as for value, not much at all. a collector someplace might pay a few bucks to add to his collection, but ur better off keeping it, and proudly displaying a classic piece of our game above the fireplace.
  19. thats an easy answer... anyone but vesa toskola could be considered a number one goalie...
  20. scrooged with bill murray! also the old rudolph show and frosty. christmas vacation gets the nod as well! watchin it now!!
  21. way to go bern!! beauty walleye!! i cant wait to get out there!! i will see u guys soon!!
  22. theres not many ppl in ontario that do it... i had the chance to meet one guy and see him in action.. had 2 hawks he used. gorgeous birds. sadly didnt catch anythin that day though
  23. AGREED!!! dont use the vanish!! the stuff is horrible. twists up too much, and has a very weak breaking strength.
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!! HOPE ITS A GREAT ONE!!! From myself, the wifey and kids!! Also hope ya have a great holiday season!!
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