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Everything posted by mistyriver1

  1. Those look very cool Kevin.
  2. Great report. Congrats on a successful outing.
  3. Nice report. looks like a good time with your son.
  4. Very nice. Congrats !!
  5. Excellent report Reefrunner. Congrats on the PB !! She's a beaut.
  6. You spinaholics just can't do without your Line Dancer's http://www.linedancerinc.com/
  7. I have two extreme combos. A 7' 6" heavy fast action for pitching and a 6' 6" Medium heavy fast action for casting. Very happy with them. If they're on for the prices mentioned go for it.
  8. Dizzi, if you have fished for muskies on your own and have some experience with them than I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have your son along; however, I think you run the risk of having him get bored pretty fast. Let's face it, it's not like you're gonna go out and get one every time. Both my boys had fishing rods in their hands when they were three years old but I didn't really take them muskie fishing until they were very comfortable using the equipment (baitcasters ) and were OK with getting skunked now and again. I agree with the majority that replied in this thread, stick to the smaller stuff to keep his interest and when he gets a little older give the muskies a shot. Too him a fish is a fish at this point.
  9. I'm routing for Pittsburgh but I bet three rounds ago that Detroit was gonna win the cup. I hate the Dead Things though.
  10. Awesome shot !! Get him at least a blue rod will ya
  11. It seems to me that the ones putting down baitcasters are the ones that probably can't use one To each his own....Geez. My 10 year old has been throwing a bait caster for three years. Get out and practice !!! If you don't want to use one then don't but don't put down something just cause you don't know how to use it properly or have never tried.
  12. Great read Bill. Sounds like you got yourself a fishing partner for the future.
  13. Nice going Anders, looks like a good time with your Dad !!
  14. Great video TPH...thanks. Definitely easier than the way I've been cleaning them.
  15. Great report Marty, looks like you've got some great fishing partners there. ps. Where's the Penguins jerseys ??
  16. Great report guys. Looks like a great time !!
  17. Holy smokes Jamie, has she ever grown since we saw you guys at Bass Pro !!!! Awesome pics man, WTG !! Congrats to Bella. You'll have her throwing the bulldawgs in no time eh
  18. The boys and I caught a bunch of redhorses last weekend some good sized ones too. Our first experience with them. They give a good fight. Here's a few pics of them Joey...
  19. Very nice Joey and Paul. Congrats
  20. Remember this one Mr.Eh
  21. OOOOWWWW !!! Great video Jamie.
  22. Not out of line at all Lew. My boys and I have spent countless hours on the water and I love every minute of it. Fishing was my Dad's and I's bond and now I get to share it with my sons. I never take it for granted.
  23. After you click the link, click on the second picture to see the video. Cool stuff. http://www.compleatgolfer.co.za/new_site/c...page.asp?id=856
  24. Mr. Robin Williams Remember from a few years ago TJ
  25. Pete's a great guy. Fished with him in a Pro-am a few years ago. I still keep in contact with him. I'm sure you'll have a good time.
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