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Everything posted by shane

  1. I have found that nail polish does not hold up very well. Bouncing across rocks and such will chip the polish off pretty quick. But... it's cheap and lots of colors available these days. And, it dries in minutes. You can keep a selection of colors on the boat with you.
  2. Welcome aboard Outcast.
  3. I bet it would work even better behind my truck. Here, hold my beer for a minute................
  4. If you don't like the in town spots, you could try Fanshawe dam. Either below the dam or above it. Lots of carp.
  5. If I'm using corn, I like to get the cheap dollar-store stuff. Usually two cans for a buck. Great big, tough as leather kernels in a slimey juice (excellent scent trails). I don't usually chum. I just toss it in upstream from where I think the carp might be. They'll sniff it out pretty quick if they're in feeding mode. But my favorite way to fish for carp is wading the shallows. Sneaking along, up againts the bushes and watch for them actively feeding and then toss a crayfish uptstream from them. I've seen carp come charging thirty feet to grab my bait. Then a big splash, and screaming drag, and the fight is on. Man, that's good fishing. I've never been bone fishing on 'the flats' but I can't imagine it being any better fishing the shallows for carp.
  6. Back in my Volkswagon van days, it was the 'snail wave'. Kind of a modified, wiggle your two fingers, peace sign. Man, I miss that van. And those days.
  7. Those mice are cute. Probably be good for catfish.
  8. French fighter jets still have a reverse gear.
  9. When wading for smallies in the Thames, my favorite lure is a 2 to 3 inch floating Rapala in their 'rainbow trout' color. If they don't go for that, then I'll change to the same thing but in a perch color. If they don't like that, then I might try a Mepp's type spinner or some plastic minnow type bait but most of the time I'm using one of those Rapalas. And, if you happen to break one off on a snag, quite often it will pop back up to the surface so you get to go chase it down the river.
  10. Maybe we need a 'bear tax' to keep the bears away.
  11. The next time I get a chance to go somewhere, I'm going back to Manitoulin Island. As beautiful as anywhere in Ontario with a fraction of the people.
  12. I've heard of flyfishers using 'dry flies' that look like kernels of corn. Would probably be fun.
  13. This is the time of year that the pike shed their teeth to grow new ones. They won't bite anything.
  14. Just what this board needs.............another carp fanatic. Welcome hairwig.
  15. I read an article in an old fishing magazine where they called sheephead 'poor man's lobster'. It said to cut the fillets up into cubes and then into a pot of boiling water for a few minutes. Eat with melted garlic butter and you wouldn't know the difference. I dunno....sounds pretty fishy to me.
  16. "so long and thanks for all the fish! " You're welcome.
  17. I would put that in the same category as speeding to the hospital when you have a woman about to give birth in the car. Justifiable something or other. Otherwise, I agree with Highdrifter and Aile. Leave them in the water.
  18. Steelhead fishing is always good for practice and to keep your fish-fighting skills honed for the 'real' fishing. Carp fishing!
  19. That's pretty cool. But I hope you're an early riser. We have cardinals in a tree outside our bedroom window every morning at the crack of dawn and they are pretty loud.
  20. At least all the road-kill will get cleaned up.
  21. Do what you're told. And make sure you're smiling when you eat your crushed potato chips.
  22. A psychic beaver? Then,.... shouldn't he be cutting down palm trees?
  23. That's pretty cool. But.........why would a beaver carve a statue of a nuclear bomb mushroom cloud?
  24. I've got a dozen or so old rods and reels that I've picked up over the years. This is the only one that has a box. One of my favorites. The only ID is on the bottom. Just says LAWRENCE and Made in USA.
  25. " tutti frutti flavoured giant corn and matching method balls" ?? Are we still talking fishing? Nice fish. I'll be out there chasing the carp around soon enough. My goal is to catch one on my fly rod this year.
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