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Everything posted by EC1

  1. I think this might be the earliest year I'll be able to get on the ice if this is the case!
  2. I thought that it was going to be a great idea when I first tried it last year. Until it got cold and instead of frozen line being put onto the spool, the ice would get stuck in the line guide and jam things up. Maybe a big round reel would work better, but I don't think you'll see me with a baitcaster on the ice this year. Also, ice is quite capable of scratching up reel finishes as well. Bring out the expensive reels, but make sure you have rod bags and reel covers.
  3. And if she didn't answer casting, she's nexted too! Thanks for sharing bud!
  4. I love fishing jerkbaits the most for smallies. If your jerkbaits suspend, the windier the day, the better. I believe that the windier days has the water stirring up more so that your jerkbait is not the only thing that is loud and crazy. I believe a jerkbait is able to call up fish from distances about 20 feet until the cold really starts setting in. Then, you will need it very much in their face or near bottom. Suspendots/strips are pretty important. Know your jerkbait intimately, how hard you need to rip the bait, what it does on the pause. Find out which of your rods you like best for jerkbaits. I've tried 7' MHM to 6'3MHF, 6'6MXF, 6'6MF. All work except you need to set your drag properly.
  5. Sorry to hear man. Yup, losing a tackle box is basically as bad as losing a cell phone nowadays.
  6. Mike, the camera is not mine, ask youngone and fishindevil, which crank are we talking about? Definitely need to learn how to crank within the next year. I've put it off for way too long.
  7. Had a weekend day up at my buddies cottage up in Bancroft, and was super excited to go up as I've heard from my friends that don't fish very often that they caught quite a few smallmouth on a senko. Myself, on the other hand was excited about using jerkbaits and having fish chase - so that is what I threw the majority of the day. Trying out my new jerkbait 100 from Duo Realis, I can honestly say that Duo is becoming one of my favourite brands in terms of hard baits. The day was windy, and controlling the boat with a trolling motor in the back of the boat became quite a hassle. The problem was, it seemed that the fish bit much better if there was wind compared to it being flat calm. Here's a video of the few jerkbait fish that I was able to catch on camera. The last fish that I lost was easily a 4 pounder - too bad I never got another one that size on camera. At least I was glad that I put the rest of my buddies onto a few fish - mainly on senkos and swimbaits. http://youtu.be/5TyNpQOpggo
  8. WTG with the muskie. Can't believe you got a nice walleye from the dock! Last time I was putting my canoe away there, I heard a few giant fish splashing around in the vicinity - But I would never think you'd get one during the day time.
  9. Today, I went out to scugog taking a buddy out for some frogging action. Brought the canoe, and rigged with a bunch of rods ready to go Lo and behold I bring everything, Minus my tackle bag. Had 4 hooks tied and 4 pieces of plastic in total. Luckily a downtown bass member fishing a tournament was pulling out, and gave me a couple packs of worms. For the rest of the afternoon we beat on a few 1-2lb largies with his worms. Thanks so much to this man with a triton - I owe you a beer some day. Pictures aren't with me and I'll post when I get them. They're nothin special, but my day was saved.
  10. Sounds like great news for everyone! WTG
  11. Good that everything worked out for you! Congrats on 8th!
  12. Wish I was your little bro, loaners are Cumara's. lol. Nice fishing - I need to get out to Kingston and area sometime too. I hear it's been hot hot hot over there!
  13. Very kind offer you got going on - hope you find someone super enthusiastic to go!
  14. Wow. Soft plastics are really doing it for you! My experience with pike are the big hard jerkbaits. Thanks for sharing. I'm going up tomorrow and have something to try now. Hope to see some of the tourney guys slamming fish while I'm in the canoe. Are you fishing it Steve?
  15. Have boat seats? Trolling motor with mount? Perhaps something to mount a fishfinder? The first 2 are now musts for me - and the fishfinder really depends if you're fishing with familiar or new water.
  16. Sucks about the parking ticket, but good to see you got some whities! I've pretty much given up on going out for whities for this year - maybe if I start getting them over the coming winter.
  17. Joey, the white backgrounds would work great in magazine spreads, posters etc. Save em up, if I do ever have a project at school that requires birds - I'll know who I need to contact
  18. Love the phrase, execution is great!
  19. Wow these are fantastic! The green headed ducks are my fave, and would look fantastic in a design application of some sort!
  20. I wouldn't go near the dams in a canoe. You've got the whole lake out there with a lot less safety issues to worry about. IMO it's better to be out in a canoe in whitecaps than it is to be in a canoe in places with a lot of current. You also get to fish the main lake a week earlier. Kawartha weed walleye are also much more fun IMO. If not, jig and grub at rockpiles and boulders if you know where to find those. And yes, go at it this weekend!
  21. i was gonna wait until next year when I get myself a cranking setup since I like the 20" IPT to slow me down. But, I did find out that it has not an instant anti reverse, so that's really throwing me off. No idea how it will be for steelhead though. Good luck
  22. Garry2r's posted an in-depth tutorial for this a year or two ago on this forum. If you find it, read it and you will have a great time fishing it. I've had good luck with the Sizmic toads, and at their price it's wonderful.
  23. Nice fish! Can't wait to fish for some more pike again myself, this spring bite never really happened for me this year.
  24. I don't think I even had a problem feeling the changes in the bottom with a budget rod and lead weight... No thanks to a dollar a drop shot weight then
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