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Everything posted by hawkeye

  1. 'bout the only good thing about getting older is once past 65 you can forget about the license stuff
  2. Hmmmmmmmm 1972 ish living in Vermont all the hunting and fishing you could want, just married my first mistake. One wife one dog one cat and cheep beer
  3. Man I feel for you. I had to put my 15 year old Main Coon to sleep last week and that about tore me to pieces. Best of luck to you Bob
  4. or man who sling mud loose much ground
  5. What DanC said "I wonder what cavemen did to avoid spreading germs. Nothing, I think. It worked back then and it works today." Probably why they died so young short summary "yuck"
  6. Just goes to show that idiocy knows no national boundries
  7. curses, damn firewall at work. Will havta wait till I get home
  8. My wife treats me like a God, burnt offerings and that sets the alarms off. Roy had it right about the batteries, but I have also heard that these things have a life and you sould replace them every so many years I think it was 8 years, but someone else may know better
  9. These "snow squalls" can do you in. Got home Tuesday around 5PM and 15 cm of snow in the driveway. OK I say not really bad BUT my driveway got plowed at 1PM If these are snow squalls I'd hate to see a snow storm
  10. Loosing weight is an awesome job. I just passed my first anniversary as a type 2 diabetic. Thankfully the blood sugar is well under control and the blood pressure is coming down except yesterday. I visited my Dr and everything was screwy BP was up 145 over something blood sugar was over 6 with no food. I really, I mean REALLY limit my carbs. No more than 20 grams per meal well under 100 per day and I still maintain the same weight (6”0” 220lbs, big frame) I don’t gain weight but I don’t loose it either. Yes I am “desk bound” and I gotta exercise more, fire up the tread mill I really gotta get my act together
  11. fire up the snow blower it ain't gonna get any better, just plan on doing it again tomorrow
  12. Light snow and windy in Keswick, not much accumulation though. Maybe I'm getting old, or wiser but I finally realised that this crappy job will let me work from home. So here I am "working"
  13. Keswick is looking at 20-25cm according to the weather channel but........... the ones I worry about are those that start at 5cm and then we get pounded
  14. Try Stacy at http://www.protacklemuskyshop.com/ Haven't seen him in a few years but he always gave me a good solid 8 hours somewhere around $300 but that might have gone up
  15. hawkeye


    Zehr’s Columbian beans aren’t too bad, but then I grind them fresh myself. Instant is the pits, but sometimes very early any port in a storm will have to do
  16. I hope you have better luck collecting than I did with that 3 million that needed to be transferred from The Imperial Bank Of Nigeria. Mrs Dr Mumbouto seemed like such a nice lady too
  17. and fart jokes to boot..............................
  18. Also Big Al's has a test kit consisting of some strips with pads that allow for fast simple tests of the water quality. So far you've gotten some good advice so I won't add anything except ditto
  19. I'd be very careful renting from Harrys. Those tin cans of his have a very low freeboard, take it from me they swamp easily, and as said in a previous post Simcoe can be dangerous even Cooks Bay. There is a place on the other side of the bay from Keswick that rents boats and from the looks of them they are more sea worthy. Also Harry charges an arm and a leg for four hours, the hours are of his choosing. Just be careful out there
  20. Well worth it IMHO. ditto to what everyone else has said plus you can save some of those classic movies that you love
  21. Like others have said, the lesser of evils. McSquinty lied his donkey off and now he wants another term. No thanks Dalton time to go home. Maybe Tory will make a difference, maybe not, but IMHO he deserves a shot
  22. mostly I don't target, but the lures that I use (tubes, jigs, plastic worms) will work on most species. Sometimes you get more than you bargain for. Look at the center walleye. See the wounds on his back, on the way to the boat he became musky bait
  23. Last Wednesday Lake Cameron outside Fenelon Falls was in the high 60's, 68 I believe. Put my hand in the water and it did feel warm for September Smallies were hitting all day off the weed lines and humps
  24. same results as Rick too
  25. Well misfish looks like your wish is about to be granted. The King City radar shows a whole mess headed East, however looking at the London radar it's mostly clear behind it, but that could change
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