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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I'd leave things as is, especially if everything is running fine.
  2. Why make them wait? Because someone who hasn't escaped a war zone has to wait 4-6 weeks? I realize a lot of people think these refugees are going to be nothing but a drain on the system (Like we already don't have enough of that in this province), but seriously let's give them all the help they can get.
  3. People wait for a lot of things, I'm still not to sure what that has to do with these current refugees getting health cards.
  4. Since when is the government holding back healthcards to citizens of this country?
  5. They were not handed Healthcards and Drivers licences on the spot. The only thing they were given were Social Insurance Cards. We'll blame old age on this 'oopsie' :)
  6. There are probably more white trash people on welfare in this province then anyone else.
  7. You betcha.. Lots of benefits of using brain power
  8. Your grand children need to get an education and not rely on falling back to working on an assembly line. That might seem a bit harsh, but it's a reality. The days of finishing high school and signing up at GM/Stelco/Dana etc are over (And have been for a while)
  9. StudioTax. Been using it for the past 3-4 years, never an issue, 100% completely free.
  10. This reminds me of a Foo Fighters video
  11. I'd walk right by that, lol! Great pic man!
  12. There is a Lake Nipigon PP, but it has zero visitor facilities and isn't operating.. Not like your typical PP.
  13. All this is before the bridge if you're heading west, lol.
  14. So you're double NAT'ing all the traffic that's running through the N600? (Rogers modem give an IP to the N600, N600 gives an IP to all it's clients) You need this cleaned up, it sounds like a mess.
  15. If you don't have access to the other router, I think you're stuck with the 5g adapter. I'm guessing both those routers are competing with each other on the 2.4ghz band, which is resulting in your awful speeds.
  16. Why are you running 2 routers in the first place? You should be placing the Rogers router in gateway mode and only running DHCP/NAT from a single router. I'm guessing that's the source of your issues.
  17. He's not in an apartment though, I doubt interference is his issue. It's just a slow router, lol.
  18. It only makes a huge difference if everyone is trying to compete on the same channel. You've got 13 different channels in the 2.4ghz band you can play with. The band itself makes zero difference in speed (A speed increase is usually noticed because of less traffic, not because throughput is somehow better).. If the OP is on Rogers he needs to put his modem into gateway mode (So it's not acting as a router, only as internet access) and let his own router do the work. He can pick up a Asus N66u for $144CAD, that's a no brainer upgrade... Personally I'd go bigger (AC1900, or AC3200) but you've gotta pay to play.
  19. It shouldn't matter if you're on the 2.4ghz band or the 5ghz band. I'm guessing your issue here is the router, not your laptop. Get a decent router like a Asus AC68U. It will make a big difference.
  20. I don't think Babs has any plans to get rid of Leo.
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