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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Was anyone else hooking up? Some days it's a spoon bite out there, sometimes a shiner bite, etc. I wouldn't feel too bad.
  2. Rodbender is the whisperer of all! Great shots man! I'd like some cooler weather though, those Snowys won't be coming down in this crap!
  3. Bernier will be back, goalies aren't allowed to have slumps in Toronto?
  4. I get 10 personal and 10 sick days per year on top of 4 weeks holidays. Although if I'm not sick, I don't use any of those sick days.
  5. Without Joey in the boat all you'll be doing is releasing shiners! :) Goodluck boys! Wish I could have jumped on this.
  6. I dunno anytime I've got out of a ticket I've always admitted I was going a little fast. Really does depend on the officers mood that day. The worst are the female OPP officers, I've never caught a break from one of them.
  7. There definitely won't be any ice, lol. You could try the Coldwater for steel right in town with the locals (Pray for some rain before you go)
  8. Gotta keep those mice in the attic warm!
  9. Dave, my issues is with teachers banking sick time and getting a fat check after X amount of years. I've got no issues with people that actually use it for what it was meant for (I guess I should have been a little clearer on that)...
  10. Most of these guys are talking about fishing the drifts up in the river.. Fish the bar at the mouth, it's simple and painless. I wouldn't bother trying to fish the runs near ArtPark if you've never done it before or you don't have someone experienced in the boat with you. That river is no place to screw around.
  11. Gallie, LCBO in Barrie off of Mapleview has Gibsons Finest Rare 18yr old. Saw it a few days ago when I was in there getting some Forty Creek.
  12. I think a trip up to Yellowknife is required. Unreal Drew! I've read this a few times and just can't get enough!
  13. So happy for Sparks lastnight, nice to see some emotion! Corporal Komarov just doesn't stop! I hope he doesn't end up injured this year, he's been playing awesome.
  14. You made the right choice picking the coyote over the 5.4.
  15. There's so much trickery when it comes to photography.. If you've got an eye for it, you just laugh at those certain types of pictures... The guys holding the fish 4ft away from their bodies are the best ones though, they look like midgets!
  16. Read this.. http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/outboards/how-many-lbs-thrust-equal-1-hp-24964.html
  17. End of the month, can't be too surprised. But yeah, I'd take that to court for sure. I'd love to listen to the officers excuse especially after the media attention.
  18. At the bottom of one of those emails should be an 'Unsubscribe' link... Click it and you shouldn't receive anymore emails from them.
  19. The 70 year old isn't doing time from what I can gather in the article, his son is.
  20. I'd spend that money on a bowmount trolling motor instead.
  21. I'd ditch the hooded sweatshirt and replace it with something wool. Cotton is bad when you're trying to keep warm.
  22. Putin isn't going to do anything... Wait and see.
  23. I keep telling myself that I'm going to switch over to neos for the winter, but if I'm doing a lot of hiking I'd still run my G3 stockingfoots (Which aren't breathable btw, I dunno who came up with that, lol!) I find if I'm moving around a lot during the day I'm fine... If I'm fishing 1 or 2 holes and I'm spending a lot of time not moving, I just deal with the frozen blocks (aka my feet)
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