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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. My friend has been home sick the last few days and seems to be all doped up on flu medication. This is what he sends me at 3 in the morning. I fI attempted to bend like that they would have to call the ambulance to untie me for sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNR74UCidBI...player_embedded
  2. I ended up finding some crappie/Perch on Balsam. No pike. Left because of the Walleye. Couldnt keep them away. Watch out for that lake though. Some very hidden weak spots all around there. Mitchell lake side is still unsafe with the current.
  3. Nice Truck. Like the color
  4. Sac religious that you use those fine hand forged Japanese chisels on that stuff. You need a nice mortise attachment for that drill. Nice work Curious as to why they didnt use LVL's there with caps or are these getting finished after?
  5. Slowpoke, I'm a woodworker by Trade. Try out the Delta X5 Tools. They have a 6" Professional jointer with a great warranty also the controls are at chest level for easy operating, only found on higher end more expensive industrial ones.. I have all the X5 tools for my home shop. I have used many but have found these to be very stable, defect and trouble free. They have a 15" roller Planer that has not given me a lick of trouble at all in the last 4 years. I use them basically every day. As for hand tools, you will get what you pay for. I buy my bits from Dimar Canada. I have found them to be better then Freud,Millwauke,Bosch, and they are Canadian. I have a Commerical account at Le Valley as I find them to be the best for handtools. Email me if you want. I can pretty much give you a Review on most items as thats what I work at for a Living
  6. Awesome Brian.
  7. You will pay just under $30. Fedex handeling fe as we sometimes.
  8. Happy New Year to all OFNers as well. Hope 2010 brings a fish filled one.
  9. Thats to funny, I wish I could. But Toronto is a small zoo all on its own without having livestock. I raise them on a farm up north with a friend. We bring all our fish and rabbits,ducks from my parents house each year. Dad brings a frezer with him on a truck. We started doing this a few years back and found it to be way cheaper and the meats are awesome. We now have 4 people in on it so it cuts the cost down each year. There are alot of Farmers willing to do so for you for a cost but will not butcher the meat. We dont buy much stuff in the grocery store.
  10. I just recently made a friend aware that his coffee habits were costly. Dont seem like much when you do it every day but when you add them all together, well he just about took a stroke. I make a thermos every morning and bring it for my guys as well. Make my own lunch and very rarely eat out. Raise my own beef and chickens as well. Grew up doing this as well as preserving veggies each season. Cuts down on costs and also gets rid of all those contaminents in grocery store food.
  11. What are you talking about. Did you not notice that OFC made a new law stating, No shirt No service kinda policy. Dawg had to go shopping.
  12. Maybe he has another video on how to change a broken prop. Lol
  13. Thats correct Dan. Sparrow lake launch(Lauderdale ) I beleive will take a conneption fit if doing power loading. Good point.
  14. Most places in the US allow you to place brush piles in lakes. Works great for fish. It attracts them every time. I look for guys placing trees on the ice each year and mark with GPS to find them in spring. They will always produce for me.
  15. Nice lookin bait's
  16. These engines are loud no matter what. I have the 8.1 ltr Turbo and it sounds like a bunch of little people are trying to beat their way out with hammers when its cold. Takes me from Toronto to Barrie before this dam tank warms up at all. Great motors. I would not be friendly to them at all for this. North american dealers are going the way of the dodo bird real soon. Customer service is at an all time low.
  17. Stock levels were low. Seems like they have sold alot of stuff. I'm sure Blake has more in the back. Seems to be the only store this year that has as advertised items actually in stock. Good on them. Good on OFC guys supporting local.
  18. Hey, Its not frozen. I had my boat in there today. You will find basically all species along the wall and just outside the break. Mind you they have to be in Season. Some nice trout and salmon along there sometimes.
  19. Missing home this year as well. My Mom and Dad are here which is good. I got a Painting done by my cousin of two little lads robbing an apple tree for Xmas though. Brings back memories. Will miss the mummering and house parties this year for sure. I will try and post it later if at all possible.
  20. I'm going to look into it next week if possible. Yeah I've been wanting to do something like this for a while. We tend to forget that some little ones out there have need just for someone to hang out with and do whatever. Me and my wife travel to Newfoundland each year for fishing and other related activities and the cottage of course up north. Would be nice to share some of that with others. I'm sure I can learn from kids as well. Lol. They seem to be smarter than me these days. Lol.
  21. Thats Fishingworlds service for sure.
  22. Thats awesom Harrison. Send me the info. I live on the Pickering Toronto/Scarborough border. Would be very interested in talking with that person.
  23. I have been wanting to do this for a while now and was wondering if anyone here is actually a Big Brother or Sister. Just wanted some feedback on what to expect. You can PM me if you want or email me.
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