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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Please dont ask GCD for gear porn. You eyes wont handle what he will post.
  2. Done!!! Dave has a kool site as well.
  3. Very nice Bronzebacks there Benny!!!!!
  4. Thats a real pointer. Great deal on that one. Have to be carefull on some of them. Mine all say the same on the bottom. Some older ones say Pointer but hard to find. Yours is a real one. Rattles are in the right place.
  5. I buy from them on a regular basis. Great guys to deal with. You will find however that alot of the stuff is getting cheaper to buy here. Blake @ Fishing World has aalot of the hard to find stuff, sometimes cheaper. I buy from Tackle Warehouse all the time. They do have a ton of hard to find stuff.
  6. Basserone is probally out doin a shore lunch if ya get my drift..............................
  7. If you bought from this gut. You got ripped. He has been popping up every so often under different names. They are fakes. I have reported him several times as well as a few guys from the Tackletour site.
  8. No cost to share anything here. Free of charge anytime. My Dad's in the same boat. He has the same problems. We just go to lakes that we dont have to many big waves. Works out great. Even do a shore lunch. I dont get to see him much as he lives far away but its a treat when I do.
  9. Very nice collection but im more interested in the Pork Tenderloin
  10. My condolences to your family . Always sad when one goes so sudden. My family sends their thought and prayers out to yours.
  11. Bigger bass are still deep. Temps are still low
  12. Look for other quotes. That is very high. I am famailar with the costs of renovating and this is entirely out of the normal costa. No difference from here to Ottawa
  13. Going to Sparrow tomorrow, was wondering how is the bite there.
  14. Most of the time 20lbs wont even get you into the money on that body of water. This was just a Wildcard event anyways.
  15. Total Marine Services in Scarborough. they have done all the work on my boat and have done a great job. Eugene has worked on my boat with that old timer service. Ask for Eugene or Oolie. Very good prices as well. Little secret of mine. fast turnaround.
  16. Awesome report man, I live right close to there. I fish it often for everything with good success. You might even get the odd Brookie if you are lucky.
  17. Mine is self explanitory. I love to chase big Bronzebacks.
  18. mbac31


  19. mbac31


    $2.50 a month. What the Hell. I pay $10 from Bell.
  20. JPD, There is a reason why that reel is still going for $140 -160 us on Ebay. I still fish with 4 of them. They are a fantastic reel. I love my Curado B series reels. The new green ones are not standing up. I spend around 150 days on the water and burn some higher end reels out also. I burned 2 Steez reels out last season. Strickly a finesse reel imo, not geared to much for heavy apps. Same as the Core, to much of a finesse reel. Wont stand the long run, just the way the gears are set up. Swap out the gears for a JDM set and you have an entirely different reel. I cant wait for Icast to see whats unveiled. 100 series in Shimano perhaps, need that void filled. USDM market copy of Alberdan, I have this reel. Not to bad but a tad over estimated. Graet marketing though. Enough. I can talk for hours about reels and mods. PS JPD, Japan tackle has a mod you would like for the Pearl Chronarch. Avil spool and a Bassart handle with Calais rubber. Sweet setup.
  21. mbac31


    First off Maureen, I was not complaining about the different shows. I for one actually do Saltwater fishing alot each year. I watch them all but was wondering why I'm paying for endless re runs. I actually record each series of shows, Lately I come home to watch them and get endless re runs. I subscribed to it thinking most stuff was current. Guess you are having a bad dad from that answer. I was asking a simple question. Read my post without putting extra words in there that are not. Thanks Some great ideas on here. JPD, why not tell or suggest to them to do shows like How its made( Pertaining to the fishing industry). More in studio style shows would be great. How about more in studio shows that explain stuff to anglers. Lowrance or Humminbird detailing how to use electronics would be a slam dunk I would think. Tackle Craft ?
  22. mbac31


    I know this post will probally get pulled. Not bashing them just wondering? I was just wondering whats the deal with WFN. I paid for a fishing channel but lately it seems to be running out of ideas. Re runs, Movies etc. Most of the better shows are Canadain. I dont want to see endless re runs or 2007/2008 reruns of FLW. Infomercials are on there alot lately. Is it just me ?
  23. I think I know which service dealer you speak of and I would not let them touch my reels again. I jut do mine myself. I have been tuning and adding "Bling" to my reels for a # of years now. I have polished the gears even on most Daiwas now. You wont find smoother than Daiwa but JDM Shimano's seem to be more smoother than USDM reels. I have the New Scorpion XT reels and even though they are basically the same reel they are better. This is the second season for the Curado Reels and they arnt standing up very good thus far. I'm not inpressed at all.
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