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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. did you tow your fishing boat behind the houseboat? 50 FOW with a 41 inch pike...ahahaha i bet you had a few moments where you were thinking you were going to get spooled. Gotta love pike when you catch em deep, they run and you sometimes think that they will never come back as the drag screams away lol.
  2. unfortunately, not waterproof...for guys like me with screwed up hands, dunking my hands in ice water basically ends my day unless i can miraculously warm them up again somehow. Im excited to see the new design as well, apparently one thing they have added is a touchscreen finger which is awesome. I could see myself picking up a pair for sure.
  3. i have rynauds syndrome...kast steelhead gloves with a hot pack is the only thing that gets me through the fall and winter...without em i literally wouldnt be able to fish. I own 2 pairs for when one inevitably gets damp after a long day of fishing. Your hands will stay dry but the gloves do become saturated much like a gortex jacket. They are the best things that I have found on the market.
  4. ive honestly had better luck with Aikmans...thats just me...had two bad experiences taking my reels to shimano, infact aikmans fixed a reel which shimano failed to fix and charged me for anyways.
  5. im happy that i can finally just have my license on my phone, having my card on me all of the time is a total PITA.
  6. Had the pleasure of fishing with a buddy down in South Carolina with a 21 foot triton with a 250 pro xs powerplant. made it even more interesting when the trees in the lake were passing us 5 feet from the boat at 70mph lol
  7. I don’t even think I’d want to go 80kmh in an aluminum boat.. jesus the difference between 40 mph and 50 is hugely noticeable in my bass boat. I imagine it’d start to feel like when a bass boat starts pushing towards 65 and starts chine walking, but even scarier
  8. I get to play the odd game at mastercard centre (the leafs training facility) and trust me, there’s a huge difference between most local rinks and real NHL ice. I even played a game on the Olympic ice which is where the world junior team trains before they go to Europe...holllllyyyy crap that ice is wide
  9. ahaha that shot with the piece of wood is amazing. Funny bunk you guys are going through a much heavier ordeal than i do with the boys when we head out on a weekend fishing trip, but it seems like too much time in the boat with anyone is enough to ruffle feathers. I couldnt imagine trying to do it while eating fish every day 2 meals a day lol. What a report, glad i got to read it in one sitting. When you described how fly fishing is like a whole other element, that really hit home for me...i dont think its something people understand until they do it.
  10. willy is asking for 8 and I think the leafs want to pay him 6 or bridge him for four and he thinks he can hold out for 7...I say dump him...leafs don’t need one dimensional scoring depth at that high of a price.
  11. Find me a hardcore fisherman that isnt ill be the first to admit that the boys and I are totally effed lol his videos are the best on the Web IMO i Fish with taro murata next weekend...should also be hilarious
  12. Lmao...the sens literally didnt get a single NHL player back in that deal hahaha the season hasnt even started yet This literally might be just the next cog in the wheel of Ottawa's franchise completely folding. If you seriously think a franchise that was on the rocks while making the conference finals with one of the best players in the world playing for it is going to survive a full rebuild...i got some ocean front property in Ottawa to sell you RIP
  13. willy needs to give his damn head a shake... 8 mill per? ya right dude you scored 20 goals playing with AM
  14. I will try to speak with my own perspective and explain my thought process because ive done it both ways in multiple types of boats and i only recently realized that wearing an auto inflatable is the best option. Heres why 1. I started by fishing a tinner, where I realized that standing on my self installed casting deck in a 14 foot tinner is risky to say the least...so i bought an auto inflate because i realized that the safety net of wearing a life jacket in that boat was needed...heck a my best buddy fell out of that boat during a storm in October...not a good scene, no life jacket on either... 2. I then purchased a bass boat and i weighed my options...i had read a lot of the stories about auto inflates no inflating, and i thought...damn I dont trust one of those things to protect me if i were to have an accident while driving 40+MPH in a bass boat. So i started wearing the full 4 buckle vest while under power with the tether...but naturally once i stopped to hop up on the trolling motor the vest came off. Then I went drop shotting in 3 foot chop on G bay...was sketchy...but then i came back to the cottage and read that A board member was missing and i thought...Scott What the hell are you doing...your thought process here is a total joke...I literally was fishing in chop with no life preserver all because i was worried that my auto inflate on some off statistical nightmare wouldnt inflate in the case of emergency. Meanwhile one of our very own around here is missing and its literally because he was doing exactly what I was doing, and that was fishing without some form of PFD... So what have I be doing since? Im back wearing the auto inflatable...to hell with the horror stories. Ill tell you right now the odds of me taking a spill while fishing with no PFD is about 100000000000000000000x higher than the chance of your auto inflate failing specifically while you are under power of your main outboard while driving at speed. Its amazing how short sighted weve become. Obviously if I really wanted to, i could switch between the auto and standard vest...but lets be serious...who can claim that they would be perfect making this switch every time. I think we all need to give our head a shake and realize that slapping on an auto inflatable at the begining of your day and then subsequently forgetting that it is there like I do every time im wearing mine is your safest bet. Unless you want to wear a vest in 30 degree heat, cause i gurantee that will come off in short order. I own a cabellas guidewear and ive woken up from a nap on the couch in the cottage wearing it...ya...they are that comfortable.
  15. if this is political Im sorry but surprise surprise, just another example of the tax man being a complete joke 2 real life examples from the last year my father had shares that he owned in the company that he works for. The CRA decides that last year they were going to reclassify the shares and subsequently an additional amount of taxes would be owned related to the dividend payments that were being issued on an annual basis...no big deal, my father was fully prepared to pay the back taxes that he was required to pay as the CRA had made their decision regarding the classification of the shares. My father immediately pays the CRA the additional tax owed when he gets a letter a month later from the CRA claiming him that they require him to pay 6 years in interest payments immediately on the amounts owed because he failed to pay the appropriate amount of taxes and that if he failed to pay them the interest immediately they were going to press charges...remember the CRA are the ones that decided to change the classification of his shares. second one that i ended up just winning 2 weeks ago I moved from my house in Toronto the vancouver 2 years ago. I then subsequently moved back to toronto and continued working 7 months later. As part of my taxes for that year I claimed my moving expenses and had all of the neccesary documents to back up my claims. Last year a year after i make the claim i recieve a notice via the My CRA webmail application that i signed up for rather than receiving mail documentation (im terrible at losing stuff) in the fall that I owe the CRA all of my moving expenses credit back because i failed to provide the required documentation to back my claim. Confused as hell i contacted them and said, umm how was I supposed to provide you with the documentation that you are requesting if you never asked me for it? they responded well...we did we sent you a letter via mail...well i thought that i signed up to recieve correspondance digitally like how you just contacted me right now...but whatever, ok where did that letter go to? my address in vancouver?...no...we the request for proof for your moving expenses to the address that you moved away from ? The CRA then agrees to send me everything all over again to the correct address, i immediately put everything together including a letter from the CFO a CA at the company that i work for proving that i was never reimbursed any moving expenses...a year passes and i get a notice about 2 months ago saying that they are going to press charges against me for not paying them with interest included. So i call them again and say whats going on i never heard anything related to what i provided you...they request that i submit my dispute online and remind them of the documentation that i submitted...i do that again and i recieve a note a week later saying that my dispute is denied, the same one they asked me to submit because its now been over a year since the original matter began... In the end 2 weeks ago i called again and said what the hell is going on?! and finally someone tells me...oh...i see that everything has been cleared up, we are going to be issuing you a credit for the tax refund that you never got this year because we thought you had outstanding amounts owed to us... ya...thats how straight these guys have it.
  16. dont know kevin but this is still hitting close to home. Im praying for some kind of resolution to this all for the sake of his family and friends. yet another very harsh reminder to us all to be safe out there.
  17. i think it would actually be a valuable comment to make to minkotta...they are actually an incredible company when it comes to customer service and listening to their customer base. Heck when i bought my last product from them, they called me just to see how everything was working! I think thats a great idea grimsby and i bet it could be very simple to figure out for them.
  18. same can be said for Manitoubass as well...i hope both of these guys are just busy with real life and nothing is wrong. any update anyone has would be great to have.
  19. Anglers choice fish venting tool and grimsby that lob largie spot was actually rocky and full of small pads and grass etc but perhaps not enough vegetation
  20. This morning was really good, think we caught 15ish in about 2.5 hours? Got a couple of tankers finally...dunno if it’s just that they sorted themselves out after the weather change? But it was nice to finally hook some big ones again.
  21. I’m not good enough to identify baitish. i figured it out this morning...just had to sort through and sting all the dinks lol found this baitball today and hit a dink...decided to wait them out and sure enough the big less aggressive fish started biting. Had 7 Fish in 7 casts all chowing on this school of bait. grimsby we always seem to be a week or two ahead of the southern lakes. Water temps will easily be in the 60’s by tomorrow
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