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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. just got word from my local yamaha dealer in Pointe Au Baril that I can get the fuses from Yamaha here in Toronto. Mark Payne from Payne Marine has been more than helpful to me. An absolutely top notch shop.
  2. Praying that I can get the fuses from yamaha for the weekend i wish i could just assume they are standard size but knowing my luck id buy them from canadian tire, head up north and be SOL
  3. awesome, thanks for the input guys. I also posted my predicament on the Bass Boat central forms and the consensus seems to be the fuses under the cowl on the right hand side (fuse 30 and 31) as Ohio pointed out are the issue. I will let everyone know how it goes this weekend.
  4. lol definitely didnt leave it hooked up, disconnected everything and left it that way until i can get back to it to try and fix the boat ill have to take a look, any specific spot the screw is typically located? just down on the actual hydraulic pump?
  5. ...except my buddy jake and i caught 50 walleye last saturday, and my pops and i caught another 20 between 15-24 inches on sunday morning in 2 1/2 hours...thats why im still out there lol all good, i thought it was somewhat strange that the fuse in the motor would effect the console power? but maybe the console is inline after the motor? That way the starting power goes to the motor first??? thats the exact motor...ill have to check those two inline fuses, seems like they are glass fuses rather than plug ins. old boat 98 skeeter with a 98 yamaha
  6. typically found up by the carb? or towards the back at the plugs and head?
  7. Hi Guys, In one of my not so finest moments, I had just finished winterizing the boat, pulled the batteries out and realized...I forgot to put the motor back up so that I could move it into its parking spot for the winter. I am in a rush as daylight was fading today and I did something very stupid. I went to reconnect to the battery to put the motor up so that I could move the boat and of course in my haste and stupidity i put the damn wires on the wrong polarity...spark flash and woop dee doo I blew something... Went to my breaker panel, its all nicely labeled but all of the fuses there were great. My boat literally has no power at all now. turn the ignition key and nothing happens, the console doesn't turn on, just straight dead. My guess??? is that there is a mainline fuse on the way to the breaker panel, however when i looked at the wires i couldnt see one. Boat is a 98 skeeter, yamaha engine, so the wiring is nothing fancy, is it typical to have a fuse before the breaker panel? If so would i expect it to be at the console at the breaker panel, or is in the back (i tried to follow the line in the engine bay but it eventually went into some loom that i expect just heads up to the ignition and breaker panel at the front. Perhaps theres a fuse at the actual ignition? Wouldnt be a huge issue but now my boat is dang sitting in the middle of the damn driveway and of course winter has decided to start way too early up north forcing me into winterizing way earlier than expected...what a crap show. Any insight anyone can give is greatly appreciated.
  8. Direct from the government rules related to snowmobiling. i didn’t even realize it was law. We have definitely been known to boot down the lake slowly to our hut on the sled without a helmet. I guess I’ll have to reconsider from now on. Helmets Drivers and passengers must always wear a snowmobile helmet that meets the standards approved for motorcycle helmets, with the chin strap securely fastened. Everyone who rides on a cutter, sled or similar device towed by a snowmobile must also wear a helmet
  9. thats mind blowing to me, i figured the salmon fishery was all but dead up in my neck of the woods. My mind would be even more blown catching it in the actual pickerel river rather than out on the open water.
  10. the wind we have had this fall is nuts...not to mention the fact that it has rained I think 98% of the days since september...all good after the drought we had this summer, but thinking back to previous years, we always had that stretch sometime in october or november where it was pleasant to be in the boat, and it hasnt been since september. Its a weird limbo...I think im starting to accept that the boat has to go away next weekend before the big snowfalls come...If thats the case, after next weekend, bring on the cold, lets bust out the flashers and short rods.
  11. man, too clean!!!! that reel handle combo is ridiculous.
  12. see now y'all got me thinking about the cracked epoxy on a guide on one of my loomis rods.
  13. lol leafs twitter already saying they should fire babcock and hire quenville SMDH Is Montreal the only other hockey market this is this insufferable? ahaha Leafs sit 5th overall 2nd in the east and have improved every year under babcock including setting a franchise record for points last year and this year got off to one of the hottest starts in their entire history...but ya the coach sucks cause he plays nikita zaitsev over martin marincin
  14. water temps? our bass fishery is almost toast for the year water temps down to 43 this weekend. crazy enough weve found some resident bass where we pickerel fish, but all of my typical main lake stuff is dead as a door nail they are done for the year. Ive been reading a few articles about bass in the fall and winter and how very very specific areas become the wintering holes and on some lakes you literally will find the entire population of bass in one spot. Sounds like you found where the bass are posting up for the winter. Even more interesting the article said that if you move these bass off of their winter holes for a tournament or whatever, they basically have a higher than 50% mortality rate because they cant get back on their own again and dont have the energy to survive the winter. Crazy!
  15. what i find kind of embarrasing is that...ok i get it, they are human, but laughing about not caring when you make millions of dollars a year playing friggin hockey is a joke. Although that just goes to show how the coaching is failing its job. Babcock makes it very very clear, if you want to play hockey for him its a privilege, and a job, you put your boots on and get to work. Thats exactly why i think you see a lot of guys not play even though you may hear the leafs twitterverse up in arms about certain guys not playing. We have no insight into their professionalism off of the ice or in the room. Want a crazy example of this? look how nazem kadri turned his career around under babcock. Theres a difference between being critical of your coaching staff and literally mocking it.
  16. Ottawa players caught mocking coaches and own penalty killing abilities. Also admitting to not listening and paying attention in practice https://ottawacitizen.com/sports/hockey/nhl/ottawa-senators/candid-camera-ottawa-senators-players-caught-on-video-joking-about-team-badmouthing-coach/wcm/d1b7eeb8-9d42-4e4a-ba22-9ae2e2ea5d66
  17. killer offer i hope you ended up catching due to the good karma
  18. this was a big discussion on the bass boat central forums and multiple actual mechanics came forward to say that owners of outboards that did not fog the engines had brought in blown motors that died due to corrosion in the fuel and ignition systems. For the $8 cost of foggin spray and the $30 for some new plugs come spring...bring it on. Im gonna baby my 98 yamaha until its dying breath...Ethanol free gas, periodic seafoam, full winterization, high end oil and plugs...lets see how long she goes. Shes been babied her whole life and will continue to be, if it means that my motor still turns over at below 0 with ease 20 years on with minimal smoke, im gonna keeo doing what im doing.
  19. man...the finish on those rods got me like looks tighter than my damn winston 5wt too friggin clean
  20. remember guys up until 2 games ago johnny was splitting time with our other number 1 franchise centre...hes still in the top 20 in scoring in the entire league, and you can guarantee a lot of those 20 will cool off as the season grinds on and i have 100% faith that johnny will keep scoring at the same rate he has his entire career, and hes on a good team is its pretty safe to assume he will score 75+ points this year.
  21. awesome tips, i like the plumbing antifreeze down the floor idea too just to incase theres a tiny pocket of moisture in the floor somewhere.
  22. whats everyones take on emptying and then cracking open your storage compartments? Im a little concerned that leaving them open just invites vermin in to make a house...but then at the same time...wide open maybe does make sense?
  23. big ol head on that thing...nice
  24. can we all agree, fishing for anything is better than working? if i had to choose between fishing rock bass and working...i know what im picking Thread closed lol
  25. I have no time for an idiot like that guy that purposely tries to injure other players by giving them traumatic brain injuries. I wish you would have suggest a guy like big buff. Or even better although he just retired, jerome iginla Did tough guys save Paul Kariya, Eric Lindros, Bobby Orr, Sidney Crosby from either having career ending or close there to it injuries from dirty hits? Nope not even close...Its a common thing to run good players with a goon or not it doesnt deter anyone. How do you think a rat like brad marchand has survived so long in the league, hes played against plenty of teams over his career with plenty of big tough guys, it hasnt stopped him from being a dirt bag for a second. I dont want anyone to think that I dont like hitting and hockey fights...who doesnt, I just totally disagree with the argument that a goon that cant skate or score wins hockey games. If you have a guy that can do both...now you are talking. Big powerful guys with skill and D men that can get the puck out of your zone win hockey games. Being an idiot and taking penalties/punching people in staged fights doesn't do a thing.
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