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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Ended up finding one on amazon! holy heck guys I’ve been up at my place in pointe au baril the past 3 days Fishing a lot, and absolutely nothing is doing. ive fished between 6 and 55 fow and I can’t seem to catch a fish over 2lbs maybe I just need to be more patient. Im finding schools of bait with smallies on em but the big ones just do not seem interested. Maybe I’m just not used to it being the time of year where dinks will mix in with the big girls if the food is good
  2. anyone know what that needle his is using in that video is called. i am still trying to find a hypodermic needle with a reemer to clean out the chamber.
  3. this is all about as confusing as the whole jackfish, walleye, pickerel, chain pickerel, northern pike lingo crap that goes on lol. If you go around talking about Calico bass these days and you arent talking about anything but Kelp Bass, most people are going to think you are nuts. Theres a whole pile of guys in California that fish Kelp/calico bass and a lot of the tactics are exactly the same as fishing large/smallmouth bass. The water they fish tends to be deeper, so guys use a lot of swimbaits/underspin/jig type gear. Check out the company warbaits and their signature warblade.
  4. Aside from boats living up to the B.O.A.T. acronym lol Charger, Impeller, wiring issues I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am constantly getting better at driving it and it has already had a 6lber caught in it (if only i caught it ), been slimed by a few incidental skis. I wouldnt want any other boat though thats for sure...the cruising speed is 40mph and Aside from the fact that I cant mount rod holders on it for trolling (I have a tinner that I can do this out of if I really want to, and the guy that i basically primarily fish with owns a multispecies) a bass boat is truly the ultimate, casting/fishing boat. I now actually get annoyed fishing my old man's alumacraft because the sides feel so high on the casting decks lol. I am sure my tone will change a bit once november hits and the mercury is -10...then ill be missing the full windshield and big sides lol, but if I am casting during warm whether, give me a bass boat or nothing.
  5. lmao before this it was cars...the thing about cars is that they are just that...a car...now i have the equivalent of a car...a boat...but cars dont also require you to carry 100's of $10-$40 trinkets to use while you are a driving lol
  6. hey guys, well im back...I either am lucky, or I at least kinda know what I am sort of doing, at least for smallies that is...but I have no idea what the largemouth fishing is like on the lake. I tried three things out...and two of 3 worked. On Sunday we headed out and It was a coincidence that we launched the boat 3 minutes from where I figured some decent fishing could be had after analyzing navionics. I figured a drop shop with a megabass hazedong would be a safe bet. Sure enough within 3 minutes, we had a smallie on. We then moved onto a rock point that jutted out into the middle of the lake and sure enough bang, 1, bang double header, bang another one. We were doing pretty damn well. I then noticed that there was a lot of fish busting bait out from where we were so I moved out and started marking a lot of bait and fish in about 40 FOW. But for whatever reason these fish were tight lipped. I tried throwing a variety of baits down to them and nothing seemed to intrigue them. I did have one fish take interest in my buckshot spoon, that fish appeared to be a complete monster on the graph, i was able to get it to chase, but it wouldnt take the hook. Proceeded back to that 23 FOW zone and sure enough started hooking up again. Went a bit shallower, caught a few small ones topwater, then moved back out to 23 fowish and stayed on the dropshots. Any time i came up on a point, we started catching again. Did that for a while until we had worked that shoreline out into the main lake. I then took heeded some advice from Bill and went to my second spot...Found that the maps for the area were totally innacurate and actually dangerous as hell (3 fow where its marked 50 ?) but it wasnt a big deal, i drove a few passes with the side image, marked out what the heck was going on and then started up the autochart live on the bird and made one pass shallow casting out off the drop off, then one pass deep, and one pass right down that 23 FOW sweet spot. Caught more, between 7:30-1 we caught somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 smallies No giants, but plenty of 2lbers maybe a couple 3's such as this 19" fish below notably Lake of bay is gorgeous and seems to be a complete smallmouth factory. My buddy was super happy because he had never caught so many fish so consistently in his entire life. I wish we had caught some monsters, but numbers was going to have to suffice. 1. The fish were coughing up loads of what I assume are baby smelt? They looked exactly like a dish that I ate in Japan that they called "baby fish" ...you eat it with rice and soy sauce 2. Watching wolf packs of bass busting bate around us I threw a topwater right at them and had a blow up in 50 FOW...that was by far the deepest top water blow up ive ever had lol That evening I went into an extremely promising looking area right in baysville, full of stumps and pads. my buddy caught a smallie on a whacky rig...I had one hit that Im pretty sure i knocked the fish off on a stump...but aside from that we had absolutely no action, it blew me away. Perhaps someone can speak to the largie fishing on that lake and whether it is even a thing...anyways we gave up after probably 2 hours or so and went out into the main lake. Went to a spot where the water went from 150 to 10 in about 20 feet...insane. caught some more small ones... All in all i was pretty happy with how it went.
  7. i probably wouldnt be addicted to fishing like I am if it werent for some people on this forum stepping out and lending me a hand and a lot of advice. I do my best to give back when i can with what little knowledge i have lol. Well done terry
  8. Last year this weekend, I had an absolutely incredible day fishing jerkbaits off of deep walls. I’ve had basically 0 luck ever Fishing them in open water deep. ive found bait in the fall and caught them in 25 fow, but I know some guys are going all the way down the 40-50+ i know how to fizz but don’t have a needle at the moment, anyone know where I can get one for my boat the one I’ve used is in my buddies boat.
  9. Bingo, I’ve got a run planned out but perhaps someone knows some of the extra details or is willing to trade spots.
  10. id be searching for somewhere with some lillypads and throwing a wacky rig into them...see what happens at least you know they will be close to shore!
  11. Hey Guys, This is a rare one for me but im a long time contributor here seeking info, Ive been invited to a good friends cottage this weekend with the task of guiding him on his home lake for some smallmouth and possibly largies if I can find what I am looking for. Ive studied the charts so I have some key places in mind, but if anyone has any intel, please feel free to comment here or shoot me a PM. Hopefully some of the good karma and info ive put out to the world on here will pay dividends lol.
  12. thats about all mine didnt do. Fished a tourney...on my way back to weigh in, impeller blows...get towed...go to put my trolling motor in to get back to the ramp...smoked...jump in the lake and swim my boat back to the ramp...take it out...plug it in to charge...bank charger blown. plus what grimsby said Heat, Heat, Traffic, Drought, fires, fires, heat, heat, fishing goes to crap cause water is too hot, heat and more congestion. Send some rain this way!
  13. youd think the trout would be having a heyday... Dont the musky and walleye munch on those things in Erie?
  14. if i were you i would be trying for some capilano coho, both in the river and on the sand banks off of the shore of ambleside park. Seen plenty of people fishing there and obviously up the capilano river.
  15. not trying to be disrespectful, light hearted post, but without obviously turning a post political because its not allowed...i honestly actually do believe that political policy has a pile to do with what goes on when talking about protecting natural resources. Especially in the "current era of US politics"...Lets not discuss that though, we all know the two sides...You know what side im on so you know how i feel. When it comes to protecting our lakes and waterways, im about as much of a tree hugger that a fisherman can be...im not so overboard that i wont fish...but ill do absolutely everything i can to protect our freshwater and im a very very firm believer that we should all do the same. If anything us guys that spend the most time on it should be the biggest stewards for protecting our resource. I read a lot of "things" that disturb me to the core...but ill leave that at that and tell you my personal opinion openly. Theres soooo much more that comes into play aside "catch limits and seasons" when it comes to protecting our fisheries, but they definitely play a big part, along with rules about protecting water quality. For perspective? On Georgian Bay you cant even cut the grass on your shoreline, never mind throw a retaining wall in...those days are gone. You cant take anything out either...you just gotta leave it as it is. Its annoying, but if it means clean water for future generations..then good stuff.
  16. as time goes on one thing keeps becoming more and more apparent to me...Ontario is starting to become/if not already is the best place to catch bass in the entire world. I get it, ya there are some giant fish way way down south...but in terms of consistency, and numbers, im not convinced anywhere in the world has as good of fishing right now. The yanks are doing a hell of a job destroying a bunch of the big name lakes, Guntersville is toast, Kentucky Lake has been invaded, and Okeechobee is being destroyed with fertilizer from plantations... Us "libtards" up here in canada may actually be on to something with our tight fishing and environmental regulations. Our waters are pristine, and the fishing I swear to god just keeps getting better every year. Leave it closed, tighter regs not looser is always the way to go IMO.
  17. I think we can all be guilty of taking a bit more risk than we should on unknown water at times. I mean at the end of the day, who here hasnt hit a rock or something ever? Ill tell you right now, prop companies would be out of business lol The scariest lake I have ever driven on is still lake marion in santee cooper south carolina...some may even call me an idiot for running it like I did, but that lake is marked and the river bed isnt even safe. I saw a local comment on the BBC boards, dont stick to the markers, thats where the stumps are lol...what the hell
  18. every year during the pickerel run in pointe au baril I watch as newbies run the river blind (its uncharted) and are totally unaware of the hidden shoal that resides in the middle of the river that requires you to go 10 feet off shore in order to avoid it. my personal rule, if you have the decency to slow down as you pass me while im fishing and not rock the hell out of my boat, i will yell and stop you before you hit the shoal...if you are a jerk and fly past everyone parked there you are on your own. I havent seen anyone at high speed smoke it yet, but ive definitely watched a lot of people smack their skegs off of it.
  19. I think they are struggling to compete with the knock offs now available everywhere. Their price point wasnt too friendly when you can grab a pair from the dollar store.
  20. man...i want those jalepenos. In my experience ones grown in the garden are like 10 times hotter than the grocery store's...yummm
  21. the area that had the fire received rain the last two days, it wasnt enough to do a ton, but it didnt hurt, especially sunday during the wicked storm that rolled through, they got a very very heavy downpour for a good half an hour. Lets continue to hope for more rain, areas to the south i.e. britt, pointe au baril, skerryvore, shawanaga are still extremely dry...as is the entire area to the north at the french...we need like a week of rain up there to reset. The extreme fire danger may not leave until the fall to be honest.
  22. heres the reef (click on the picture to enlarge)...you need to hug the north shore in order to get around it. You will be able to see the rocks on the north shore, but you wont see the reef. Ive seen a few people float over it now that the water levels are so high again...which is pretty incredible because a few years back it literally stuck out of the water. I wouldnt test it though, be safe stick to the north shoreline as you approach it and once you get past it, go back in the middle of the channel to go where you want to go. Be careful running the shoreline as well, theres some giant deadheads that stick out (my understanding is that they are there from the logging days) you will be able to see them, but if you arent paying attention you will literally run into a rail tie sticking right out of the lake.
  23. WHEn I get back to the city I will mark the rock in the river on a map for you. I’ve got a place up here just to the north of opeechee island. I fish and boat here every weekend so I have no prOblem helping you guys stay safe. Let Me know where you are thinking of boating and I will do my best to let you know the trouble areas don’t bother Fishing near the provincial park it’s overblown and not great. IF you want largemouth find pads in the area. Sturgeon bay and the shawanaga arent charted, the water in them is stained and theres surprises be careful.
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