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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Parry Sound 30,000 islands cruise is a good one... Honey Harbour has a public boat launch right in town..easy launch, lots of parking available...Im lucky enough to have a place on GB, theres plenty of protected area and its not very far at all. A little bit further, the pointe au baril area is gorgeous, free public boat launch, and some unbelievable boating
  2. can someone even explain how the hell this works?
  3. you taught me about the cheater last year bill
  4. Thank you for the clarification....will be out on Lake O in the next bit and somehow ive become the guide and Ive never fished it without a guide lol
  5. can someone clarify something for me, if you are marking hooks 100 feet down in 400 fow...what depth are you running your lines? are you dragging the lure past them at 100 or are you still running 60?
  6. MR07 Rapala Minnow Rap, Hot Steel i throw on bleeding trebles...im only posting this now because i lost my all time fave this weekend...so sad
  7. well im about 9000 casts deep into my 10000 musky casts...waiting patiently

    1. icedude


      Hang in there bud-worth the wait AKR

  8. i love reading about what lakes used to be like prior to us humans ruining everything. These fishing trips are like shooting fish in a barrel. Imagine when the kawarthas and great lakes were like this. Great report.
  9. this blew my mind Live Target hollow body
  10. gorilla glue expands, when applied, it would ensure that it gets a nice water tight seal.
  11. I need to start using it more on my pop's boat. Only thing ive ever used it for was to find a sunken tree and sure enough it was loaded with smallies and crappies.
  12. As it currently stands Simon, yes to each their own. The law states you dont have to wear one, so go ahead and dont wear one. If that person drowns because of their own negligence then so be it. Doesnt mean that my stance on wearing them wavers. Seatbelts are also the law, do people still choose to not wear them? Absolutely. Do i feel horrible when i found out that someone gets hurt in a car crash because they werent wearing a seatbelt, its sad yes but preventable. I have a friend who died while joy riding drunk with his best friend...tragic indeed, but if i didnt know him id say "well that was preventable" Honestly, who here has never..had...known someone or witnessed someone whos had a close call/actually had a problem...i bet very few of us.
  13. Finally some people that see my side... If someone I know dies from something easily preventable, its sad but I can guarantee you it would be a hefty reminder to always wear a PFD. Once again, to each his own. If you are on a small lake in the middle of summer and you arent wearing a PFD, then whatever, but if you are on on Lake O by yourself...you might just end up like the body of that salmon fisherman they found a week ago. I can tell you right now, the number of us on here that have had close calls or at least know someone who has either died or been close to dying from falling in the lake is probably huge. My uncle has been in a boat where someone fell off and drowned. My dad has fallen off of the boat and was unable to get himself back in by himself. Lew thats why i think the manual inflatables are a little ridiculous. If you are in a boat crash there is a very good chance you will not be able to pull the rip cord yourself, hence wearing auto inflatables. As Garnet mentioned, my cabellas guidewear auto inflate is so comfortable that i go home and lay down on the couch and then realize I am still wearing it.
  14. to be short, no i dont feel bad when people that I do not know die from doing something stupid.
  15. do you guys feel like its a tragedy when someone drinks and drives and kills themself? or doesnt wear a seatbelt and dies from a fender bender? just pointing out how dumb it is. We all do dumb things but when i hear stories of guys out on the lakes not wearing life jackets and falling in and drowing all the time, it makes me think hmm maybe that $150 spent on a good comfortable PFD would be worth the dough? I guess IMO its not much of a tragedy if it can be very very very easily prevented. My uncle is a retired search and rescue technician, hes told me outright, 100% of the people that he was able to rescue floating in water were wearing a life preserver. Ask an OPP officer if they enjoy pulling bodies off the bottom of lakes and informing your next of kin. cant believe im catching flak for stating common sense.
  16. pointing out your opinion is also your belief as well. if you choose to not wear a PFD that is really your decision, however its not much different than arguing against seat belts. People can do whatever they want, im just pointing out the fact that the regulation is clearly not straight forward enough if people are still getting confused. I honestly could care less if more anglers drowned while not wearing PFD's...more fish for the rest of us i say.
  17. as a rule when it comes to top water its all about patience...im slowly getting better at waiting for that perfect moment, most of the time the fish is on entirely on its own prior to me setting the hook. As a rule i dont set the hook until i feel the hit, see the lure go below the water and feel the fish kicking away.
  18. I think you are generalizing the entire population of us who wear inflatable PFD's I wear mine literally every time im fishing now. Honestly you should try them out, they are by far one of the best investments ive ever made when it comes to fishing gear.
  19. uhhh...see the title of the post. Clearly someone got confused. Yes I will agree that thinking that the pfd seats are sufficient is incorrect, however i dont think theres much question if you just make people wear them all the time like a seat belt. Im not perfect myself I cant say that I wear a pfd 100% of the time, but im pretty darn close, im also 27, a very strong swimmer and never drink while boating. I still wear a PFD 100% of the time when the water is 60 degrees or colder. My point is that its pretty hard to wear a foam seat 100% of the time or any other oddity someone may consider as a PFD. To anyone that is willing to complain that life jackets are uncomfortable or something along those lines, get an inflatable PFD, i literally forget im wearing mine every time i have it on.
  20. hey guys im new here, give me your walleye gps co-ordinates please. Its Ontario, there are fish everywhere figure it out or build a relationship with some people around here.
  21. if theres one thing i promise you is that the kids are going to remember that day for the rest of their lives. I still tell my friends about epic trips I had with my old man when i was in my early teens. Thanks for the awesome report.
  22. Lew, i think there is more danger when legislation contains grey areas than when it simply is a hard line law. Im kind of in the camp that if your boat is under 24 feet long, jacket at all times. At least that way its cut and dry.
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