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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. meh 18 months isnt a long enough total jail time IMO...these animals were quite literally murdered. Theres a reason that animals are available for limited harvest, breaking that code is a violation of nature itself it to me is in the same realm of animal abuse i.e. dog fighting and the like. If we are willing to throw someone in jail for their entire lives and even execute them in some cases for killing people, why would 18 months in jail justify this clowns multiple illegal kills of animals. Glad they hurt their bank account, but at the same time these guys have plenty of money, money made from filming this garbage. The penalty doesnt justify the crime committed. Also i would hope that now that these clowns are felons, their weapons should all be confiscated forevermore
  2. x2 on the prop recommendations, my suzuki 15 is in desperate need of a new prop.
  3. Honest question, you wouldn't have fought in world war 1 or 2 then? neither of these wars occurred on Canadian soil.
  4. nice offer, wish i had my gear! good luck to whoever takes this offer!
  5. I am not one for imposing violence, but the point is that if everyone takes the side that we can allow a place like syria (in the exact same way that afghanistan was) become a terrorist state, you leave a massive deal of political unrest in a region. You dont have to like everything that our allies do, i.e. isreal, the USA, england and even France, but at the end of the day they are our allies, and as such we have a duty to fight along side them when the cause is just. Some of us here obviously believe that the situation in Syria will never escalate further than the tribal skirmishes that have dominated the middle east for thousands of years, however others of us see the idea of a terrorist state as a real threat...please let us not forget the methods used by the natzi's in ww2. No one thought they were a threat until it was far too late. I think in a lot of ways we need to step back and think, what if this happened in downtown Toronto, would we be singing the same tune? Everyone is entitled to their opinion absolutely, but I dont think the debate here is whether or not military action works in neutrilizing threats...the real debate is how real and big that threat is... some here clearly feel that if we leave syria and the middle east alone, those problems will remain there and peace will prevail in our own country, others here clearly feel that the total unrest in war in those countries can very easily spill over to ours. Personally I am not sure what sparked off a bunch of saudis and UAE's and egyptions to go knock down the twin towers on 911, as far as i was aware the United states and nato in general were not conducting any major operations aside from in Iraq at that time...but it happened, with a bunch of people that were trained in afghanistan....get my point? anyways im ranting I love the idea of peace, but i think last friday showed us that these guys are for real and a real threat...its time to act along side our allies, because they hopefully will be there for us when crap inevitably hits the fan here in the next 1000 years. Telling someone else to deal with it and bailing out on your friends typically makes it tough to ask for help when the scenario is reversed.
  6. has everyone forgot that Nathan Cirillo was killed by an islamic extremist right here in Ottawa, and that extremist attempted to enter parliament and open fire. In our luck the idiot was shot before he could kill anyone else? If you think canada is immune to this kinda garbage and the solution is to hide under a rock until it goes away you are an idiot.
  7. this is why you carry a musky rod with 100lb braid... i woulda thrown a cowgirl right into the gas lines on the their outboard.
  8. i wouldnt be standing around during this scrap, bull moose during rut are absolutely psychotic. They will scrap anything that moves, including the swingset that one appears to have stuck in its antlers lol... My pops once nearly got in scrap with one in his pickup!
  9. anyone can catch dink bass absolutely, but we are learning..and I would argue not anyone can get a 20lb bag. but dont get me wrong, I fish everything on the bay except specifically targeting musky. Part of the thing is that everyone on here thinks that G bay basically means moon river. Moon river seems to have the best fishing on the bay, especially for musky. To those questioning the fishery on GBay...its one of the best i have fished, its also one of the most challenging due to size and exposure, its also probably one of the most beautiful making every moment on it that much more worth it.
  10. I have a stradic that has a wonky bail, it sometimes closes it sometimes doesnt. Prior to using this reel i always used the handle to close the bail, but because of the way the stradic does work and sometimes doesnt, ive conditioned myself to always close the bail manually now...the only downfall i find with it is if you are casting bomb casts with spoons or other sub surface heavier lures and your intent is to rip them hard on the surface i.e. a spoon over surface weeds for pike.
  11. he he, dont worry i keep throwin them back to feed the skis when i catch em Honest question, how many pike did you hammer prior to the ski? You guys must have loaded the boat with some decent snakes?
  12. Fantastic idea, im doing this next year. im just gonna throw a big bill in the poppy box and make sure everyone in the office has one. I actually being totally serious when i say that i might have been the only person in my office wearing a poppy yesterday, its pretty sad... Im not even going to get into it, but many of you can probably piece the problem together.
  13. Pete, im going to have to agree with your statement...as painful as it is, the scenario we ran together was much more enjoyable and rewarding (at least for me lol) especially because i was 30 hours deep into the hunt by the time i got one. It might be a bit more painful to catch one instantly and then have narry a nibble for the next 9 hours.
  14. i was having the shakes and sweats
  15. my spidey senses are tingling!
  16. Culture of the game is a hard one to break.
  17. personally id still rather haul in smallies on the bay then fish 60 hours for one ski on the bay...but thats just me. Personally I am still in the mentality that one day while tossing big baits for trophy pike a bigger ski is gonna cross paths with me. Nice catch though! The cleanest skis come outta the bay thats for sure.
  18. ugh...yet another year of disappointment here....I was tasked with turning the lights off in our office space at 11 (the lights are in the hall shared with another company *listen up canada* Cough) so out i went to turn the lights off I hit the switch and the lights go off in our shared hall...everything went smoothly, i went back to my desk to observe 2 minutes of silence, only to have it broken 30 seconds in by employees from the company across the hall yelling "why are the lights off hahahahhahahahahahhaaghahahahhahahahahahah blah blah blah blah" and to turn our lights back on inside our office. Wow.
  19. things so fat it wont even take a cut of pork to make sausage, nice meal you got there
  20. jeez Jose Reyes in rough waters... Seems like that trade outta Toronto did some serious damage to his psyche
  21. Mutually Assured Destruction makes the world go round
  22. its pretty pathetic at work, i hear a lot of folks talk about how the younger generation is not in touch with the true meaning of remembrance day, but to be honest its always the people in their 40's at my work that continue typing away and talking when the lights go off for 2 minutes at 11. Im not sure if its a generational thing, because when i was in school nearly the entire day was devoted to an assembly with a vet present. Unfortunately I have to work (also agree it should be a national day of devotion) but im lucky that I get to watch the jets fly by over city hall in toronto from my desk on the 8th floor. As some others have mentioned, there is even more to the war than the soldiers, many people were stuck doing whatever they could do to survive. my great gradnmother's sister was murdered in cold blood during the german occupation of poland in world war 1. She was 13 years old and watched her little 8 year old sister get shot in the head...just horrific.
  23. find myself going to bass pro simply because the sail in vaughan is in a stupid location. Id much prefer to shop at sail, but taking a 15 minute driving detour on highway 7 crap show isnt worth it. Who came up with putting a store beside the highway nowhere near any local off ramps?
  24. pops has a symmetre, thing is as smooth as butter. Big fan for sure.
  25. ive been wanting to river fish for years and the complete ish show still scares me off. Ive also said that I think fishing licenses should cost 500 dollars a year and be strictly enforced...but ill probably catch even more flack for that one!
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