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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. thats another thing...the right boat will not last. Ive bought two boats now and Ive seen a total of 3 including the two boats I bought in all of my searching for boats. When you are ready to buy, you will know when you have hit the right deal. The due dilligence is the test drive, leak check and compression test. From there if its priced right, bring your money with you because if it is, it wont last.
  2. Hthm is 1000% correct, do not buy a used boat without a budget to work and fix the problems that you will inherit. It’s a normal reality, boats break…a lot lol they are a life of tinkering if over 7 years old effectively. If that’s not your thing then go new.
  3. Clean the carb, and clean up all of the ports. re-do the gaskets on it, check the reeds consider replacing them. run seafoam heavily through it. check the cylinder compression, if it’s low you may have a bad ring/gouged wall and are losing compression. My assumption is that your carb is just gunked up. But I’m a little concerned that it runs really fine once it’s warm…that can mean that once things are warm and expanded they seal up nice. Aka when it’s cold you don’t have enough compression to keep the motor running. Don’t ever run gas with ethanol in it ever again.
  4. Yup, sounds like you want an aluminum tiller. Save you some $ towing around too
  5. Those house interest rates spike, you are going to see a pile of rona boats on the market with guys that aren’t so fond of the payment owed now that their wives aren’t letting them go boating more than 1 weekend a summer. the used market is certainly dipping without a doubt
  6. Basically every single aspect of an aluminum boat wins over a glass boat except for perhaps the most important aspect, and that’s ride quality. Ask yourself this, owning a glass boat is like a sacrifice, if you are willing to wash the boat after every use and ceramic coat it every year and baby it? As my boss said yesterday when I was talking about how much I baby my boat, “you obviously don’t have 3 kids!” no matter how solid the hull, I’ve fished in those ultimate heavy duty aluminum boats everything from a lund tyee, kingfishers and alumacrafts, right down to the entry level smokercraft, and StarCraft and the middle range crestliner etc and you will just never ever get honestly anywhere near the ride of a glass boat. and then each glass boat will ride differently than the other, ask a bass guy about the ride difference between a ranger and a skeeter, or even crazier a nitro and a champion or gambler. The hull designs on glass boats matter a lot, with each company somewhat owning their own hull design, it’s not a standard “Deep V shape one size fits all solution” personally I’m thinking you will want to try and take a ride in a variety of aluminum boats and feel the difference between their hulls because it’s noticeable by brand. Then go take a ride in a glass boat, you may or may not fall in love. i wouldn’t worry too much about this “put a hole in a glass boat” thing unless you fish a hell of a lot of lakes without any charts in them? I’ve been boating 15 years now and have yet to hit a rock with my boat. I also drive with a big graph in front of my face at all times. To my it’s the only truly safe way to navigate on the water.
  7. I have a Garmin force, and the number of times I have used the remote in 2 years is exactly 0
  8. If you want to catch bass throw a whacky rig basically in any sparse weeds in 7-15 fow in southern Ontario and you are going to catch bass
  9. I watch the boat market very closely. I think the idea of new boat prices dropping is a pipe dream. Until supply chain issues clear the prices will remain high. however what we are seeing right now this spring…I can’t stress enough this is within the past three months, there is a pause of sorts occurring in the used boat market. Not that boats that are priced “fairly” ( I say that word very lightly ) but boats that aren’t asking astronomical prices are finally in a price freeze of sorts. guys that ask for that top covid dollar for their boats are not getting it. Which is all fine and dandy because the a “good price” right now is still astronomically high. Especially for used boats from the first decade of the 2000’s they are nearly selling for their new prices still if only slightly less. heck I got an incredible deal in the fall (still haven’t found an equivalent boat as cheap since November watching the market) and I still only paid $8 k less than the new price for it and it’s an 06!
  10. It’s the only way for him these days haha, even when he’s in my boat I catch him far too often sitting dragging his bait around.
  11. Then certainly don’t go without a foot pedal
  12. Totally dependent on how you like to fish. If you fish from the front of the boat and cast a lot you will want a foot pedal for sure. If you like to just vertically fish or troll from the back of the boat like my old man and sharp shoot remote is just fine.
  13. Looks like some kind of temperature sensor
  14. a cooler for your frozen meals and a cooler for whatever else. The meal cooler only gets opened once a day and stays in the shade. pack your food tightly with ice to reduce air. It can be tough to keep your food frozen for long enough. Dont rely on fish to eat...You certainly will end up with some act of god that prevents you from having food. Rope, mosquito coils for the evening as the sun sets surround your campfire where you hand out with them and you will be comfortable during the most brutal time of the day.
  15. ive always said the fish fly hatch is the end of the spring fishing bonanza. Its usually ok though because bass opens in a few weeks.
  16. jeeeez, dont even need to launch the boat.
  17. how do you determine the weight of a 184 lbs fish, im assuming rapala digital scale? 🤣 seriously unreal though. What an experience.
  18. they arent burnt off, the second wave is on now. Im down in the GTA and just got swarmed on my front lawn and its hot out. God bless canada, 7 months of the cold trying to kill us, it finally gets warm enough to survive outside all day without devine intervention and the bugs come down and try to carry us away lol....at least our fishing is good.
  19. i forgot about nip's whacky bass season. Catching them off of the dock? They are geared up and ready to go. That full moon mid june is going to be a firecracker with the cold spring weve had. Water temps were far too low up north to get things going on the last full moon.
  20. kayaks especially, all you need is public land like a park of some sort, not even a launch. Simple simple.
  21. if you are looking to avoid boat traffic, leave the kawarthas entirely and head north. Theres a public boat launch near emily park. Go out on a Tuesday morning early and you should be able to easily avoid any crowds. Bass doesnt open anywhere for a few more weeks. Check the regs where you plan to fish for bass. Staggered opening weeks depending on what lake you fish.
  22. i mentioned this earlier in the thread, and ill bump it again, you high speed polish that top coat (make sure to move the polisher quickly or it burns the gel coat! ask me how i know 😁) You will literally be blown away with the results. The previous owner probably thought the boat was showing its wear, he didnt realize that for $100 he could make the boat look brand new again. Want proof? Heres two pictures from my annual report thread after I did it on my 98 skeeter
  23. i keep a very close eye on the boat market Flex. Treat the motor and hull as two separate things. His pricing is probably in the correct ballpark for a quality boat if it is indeed an 06 115hp. You cant go by the "well i paid 22k for a boat in 2010" logic. The pricing has gone completely out of whack because of covid. A perfect example, Imagine you could buy a brand new 20 foot glass boat, with a trolling motor, electronics and a 200 horsepower engine on it for $27,000...youd buy it right now without question, well in the year 2006 you could. Thats how out of whack pricing is. My boat is literally selling right now for more than the new retail price from 2006. 2 things you 1000% need to do before buying the boat, 1. Take it for a test drive, a 115 on a 16 foot aluminum the thing should be powerful as all hell, in fact is that even a legal amount of power for that boat? Im a bit concerned that the motor is actually rated for more power than the hull is legally allowed to have. As such you wont be able to get insurance. Check the stamp. During your test drive keep an eye on the bilge area. Is the boat filling with water? Your hull may have a blown rivet. 2. Walk away immediately if the seller is not open to you compression testing the motor (google how to do this its very straight forward) and second of all, get him to start the motor from cold. Lots of motors will run once they've been got running. Finally, you want my personal opinion? My best friend ditched their 04 smoker craft 2 years ago because the thing blew its rivets. That boat was the worst riding boat I have ever ridden in. Second of all, a 15 year old evinrude...There arent literal memes all over the internet about rolling the dice buying used evinrudes without reason. We also just had another board member post an entire thread about the fact that he could not get parts to fix the hydraulics on his 15? year old evinrude. Finally Evinrude shut down for a reason... Im sure this post is going to absolutely bug the heck out of someone here thats driving a smoker with a rude on it, so be it. As i said to the guy with the evinrude, and trust me on this one having bought two used boats in the past 5 years, boats and specifically 15-20 year old used boats are a money pit and a total PITA, at minimum if things are going to go wrong, you at least want to be able to get parts to fix the problems. Knock on wood, at minimum you hope that your used motor you buy wont blow any time soon, the rest is just maintenance.
  24. It will be interesting to see how far tampa goes. It will be telling of how well the leafs actually played. of note, tampa does not make major mistakes. There’s no kerfoot no look drop passes in their repertoire.
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