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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Have you seen the price of lumber 😅
  2. i have a concern about jack stands...I personally spend the winter working inside the boat doing wiring etc. Wouldn't jackstands be very susceptible to tipping if I am moving around inside of the boat?
  3. I use a Turkey baster to pump plumbing antifreeze through my livewell and dump some so that my bilge can suck up some as well. spray fogging oil in the spark plug holes and blip the motor over to send it through the exhaust ports. lower end oil change and prior to the end of the year I ensure that I’m running 100% ethanol free gas at all times with stabilizer in it. top all of my fluids to the brim and then disconnect the batteries except for the charger. I then charge everything once a month through the winter. i keep myself sane by making projects for myself to give myself some boat therapy time. This year I’m going to do the water pump, and reconfigure the terminal ends of my electronics to put in a system of more accessible fuses and a total cut off for my electronics so that any time the boats in the garage nothing will be live on the batteries. last winter I swapped the vst filter, fuel filter and water separator. And totally rewired the electronics on the boat. Those garage sessions can sometimes be as therapeutic as fishing itself. of course I ice fish. But it’s still not the same as working on the boat.
  4. Some guys like to spray a little oil right in the spark plug holes just to ensure that everywhere has a nice thin layer of oil to stop corrosion. personally what’s far more important is to ensure that you have no ethanol in your system at all. The damage it does corroding and eating gaskets after long storage is ridiculous.
  5. Absolutely not, the reason we bought the alumacraft was because we wanted that top of the line kind of quality at a lower price point, plus the ability to easily run a yamaha…that’s what we went with and it’s been bulletproof. the 2xb hull is right there with the best aluminum hull ride qualities I have experienced. That includes lund tyee and north river. I think my old man has one other complaint actually, the port side storage compartment on the Gunnal tends to take on a little bit of water when it rains. They didn’t do a good job at diverting water from getting into it. In the same light, I’ve never had a boat that’s kept compartments bone dry when you put them out in the rain. I typically end up having to open up my compartments to dry out the boat after a hard rain anyways. the issue here is that the boat cover that he has doesn’t perfectly cover that storage compartment and therefore he gets some water in it. I think if you leave any boat out in the rain full time the compartments are going to get wet. maybe someone wants to counter me on this one? But I’m on my third fishing boat a skeeter, and now a stratos and the alumacraft and they have all been the same as far as I’m concerned. I think sometimes that’s related to the level of humidity that builds in them when they are left shut. The areas of carpet that Are squeezed together in the compartment areas stays wet unless you open them.
  6. Can’t speak to them now but my family owns a 2015 trophy 185 and it’s been nearly flawless. only complaint thus far has been that one of the side storage areas covering came unglued/stapled but it was easily repaired. Ours has a yamaha 150 so obviously in that regard it’s been flawless. after riding around in some lunds I can honestly say there used to be literally no distinguishing differences between the quality and ride of the boats. I don’t have any faith in BRP’s marine division, the last set of rude motors were a joke.
  7. Turns out one of them is a convicted wife abuser. Sounds like he’s going to be spending a few years behind bars
  8. This is the number one reason to splurge and go AGM they handle deep discharge much better. For guy that like to put long days in especially in bad weather, there’s an expectation of deep discharge on the batteries. you should always plug the boat back in ASAP
  9. Like all dogs…the owners are to blame the point is that pit bulls attract a certain type of owner
  10. Lol i worked for a local pick your own farm…they loaded up the trucks for the farmers market every weekend…none of the produce was grown on the farm lol.


    apparently hundreds of thousands of dollars all time plus a boat....yeesh
  12. That’s what’s neat about fishing. Being in a bass club this year you see guys throwing the exact same lures as you but in so many different ways. For example, if I’m vertical like I’m ice fishing then I don’t want to use the vibrato at all, I’d much rather throw a lipless crank or even a paddle tail.
  13. Would I blow your mind if I told you that during open water season, literally the only lure I use to catch lake trout is a vibrato. I’ve switched it up and nothing catches them as consistently as one. I’ve dialed in a little presentation with them in conjunction with panoptix that I absolutely smash laketrout on them in the spring and it works every day until they finally move out to the deeper parts of the lake in their later spring/summer pattern. and once again when they start staging up in September they eat them just like they did in the spring.
  14. I had a battery that was “bad” I would turn over the boat and my electronics would all cut out due to the voltage drop. I refilled them and put them on a smart charger and sure enough I ended up getting 2 more years out of it. There is still hope. If you do end up buying a charger, I’ve had incredible luck with the noco genius line. Never had a single issue with one in over 5 years.
  15. Used to catch ‘em froggin in the pads a lot. When you get a big one you think you’ve caught your PB largemouth
  16. as always an incredible fish with an even better story to accompany them. Thanks for the write up once again.
  17. man, for a guy with 39 posts to your credit, you sure have a way of going about things. Lets not let this thread get locked as well.
  18. Exactly my question…you are either encouraging the behaviour? Or are being sarcastic, which unfortunately does not translate over plain text. may want to clarify with an emoji? Or leave it as is if you want it interpreted the same way I did.
  19. Are you saying that when you catch them you kill them?
  20. not sure it matters anyways, none of us except the richest men in the world will be able to afford a pickup truck by the time my current ram dies in 2030. By that point Diesel will most likely be $5 a litre and trucks will cost $500,000
  21. good practice for duck season indeed. My take on the cull is there has to be some form of use for the birds, the problem might be that we end up with a lot of rotting birds from guys that shoot and just leave them. Which then brings about disease and other issues. Kudos to you for being a good steward and actually following the rules. Guys calling ducks and shooting at them out of season shouldnt be hard to figure out, its not like shotgun shots are quiet. The problem is that there may not be enough CO's to keep this kinda garbage from happening, just as it always is.
  22. One of the things I have gotten to do in my career is engage with multiple of the automotive manufacturers in Canada along with many of Canada's largest companies i.e. Loblaws, Coke, Walmart etc. Lets just say, seeing how they operate at Ford Corporate was enough to ensure that I never buy one of their vehicles.
  23. This reminds me so much of the issues I had with my Dodge Ram and the Egr cooler leaking raw exhaust directly into the cab of my truck, me subsequently bringing the truck in 5 separate times under warranty for them to not fix the issue while I continued to get poisoned…until I ran out of warranty and took my truck to my local diese mechanic who immediately identified the problem and sent me back to the dealership to have the recall work on the EGR cooler completed. my case has massive law suit written all over it, but it’s effectively impossible to take to court.
  24. sounds like misfish ended up grabbing it. If its still for sale it will indeed run the universal sonar but youd need the "adapter plug" i see them for $40 at sail. Not sure if it will fit the old 9 units still though? I think they went from a female plug to a male? But I could be wrong.
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